teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21201522 DIRITTO INDUSTRIALE in Economia e Management LM-77 SPAGNUOLO DOMENICO


The subject of the course is the study of competition law, both in terms of unfair competition and antitrust law.
The unfair competition examine the civil code (art. 2598 ss), the historical evolution and the international conventions (CUP).
The antitrust regulations proceeds mainly on the basis of the UE provisions.
A further topic of study is the trade mark.

Core Documentation

Vanzetti-Di Cataldo, Manuale di Diritto Industriale, Giuffrè
- da p. 3 a p. 148: Concorrenza sleale
- da p. 149 a p. 372: Segni distintivi
- da p. 579 a p. 672: Diritto antitrust

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lessons with illustration of cases.

Type of evaluation

oral examination