Classical Philology I
The course aims to provide students with elements of Classical Philology and the most important
research tools for critical studies of Classics. The student will acquire basic knowledge of history of
philology, textual criticism and tradition of Greek and Latin classical texts

Classical Philology II
The course aims to provide students with a thorough comprehension of issues concerning
transmission and critics of Classics through analysis of manuscript tradition and philological
reading of selected classical texts.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20702449 FILOLOGIA CLASSICA L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 N0 D'ALESSANDRO PAOLO


Title of the course: From Servius to Niccolò Perotti: the rediscovery of the classical metrics in the humanistic age
The monographic course investigates transversal topics in Greek and Latin literature, proposing itself as a laboratory for analysis, interpretation and criticism of texts.

Core Documentation

- Paolo Chiesa, Elementi di critica testuale, Seconda edizione, Bologna, Pàtron, 2012 e successive ristampe (ISBN 9788855531733);
- Marii Servii Honorati Centimeter, Introduzione, testo critico e note a cura di Martina Elice, Hildesheim, Weidmann, 2013 (ISBN 9783615004076);
- Fotocopies provided during the lessons

Type of delivery of the course

6 cfu, 36 hours, semester I

Type of evaluation

Oral exam