The aim of the course is to analyze some major questions of contemporary Italian literature within the framework of major foreign literatures. The study will be carried out in a comparative perspective, essential for the literature of the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries, when the exchange between different cultures became more intense and the models and poetics elaborated abroad often had profound influence on Italian authors . The student will deepen a genre, a theme, a poetic, the story of the reception of an author or a cultural institution.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Three adulterous women: Emma, Anna, Teresa
The course will offer an in-depth reading of three nineteenth-century masterpieces.

Core Documentation

--Gustave Flaubert, M.me Bovary
--Leo Tolstoj, Anna Karenina
--Federico De Roberto, L’illusione

--Gabriele Pedullà, “Uzeda! La politica spiegata da Federico De Roberto”, introduction to Federico De Roberto, L’imperio, Garzanti, 2019
--Vladimir Nabokov, “Anna Karenina”, in Vladimir Nabokov, Lezioni di letteratura russa, Adelphi
--Isaiah Berlin, “La volpe e il riccio”, e “Tolstoj e l’Illuminismo”, in Isaiah Berlin, La volpe e il riccio, Adelphi
--Eric Auerbach, Mimesis, Einaudi (chapters XVIII e XIX)

--Albert Thibaudet, “M.me Bovary” e “Lo stile di Flaubert”
--Jean-Pierre Richard, “La creazione della forma in Flaubert”
--Jean Starobinski, “La scala delle temperature”
--György Lukács, “Narrare o descrivere?”

--Eric Auerbach, Mimesis, Einaudi (INTEGRAL)
--René Girard, Menzogna romantica e verità romanzesca, Bompiani

Reference Bibliography

Other bibliographical references (and related materials) will be provided by the teacher during the course.

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures with active student participation. Lesson 1: Introduction Lesson 2: Gustave Flaubert, M.me Bovary (I.1-9); Eric Auerbach, Mimesis, chapters XVIII-XIX Lesson 3: Gustave Flaubert, M.me Bovary (II.1-8); Albert Thibaudet, "M.me Bovary" Lesson 4: Gustave Flaubert, M.me Bovary (II.9-15); Albert Thibaudet, "Flaubert's style" Lesson 5: Gustave Flaubert, M.me Bovary (III.1-5); Jean-Pierre Richard, "The creation of form" Lesson 6: Gustave Flaubert, M.me Bovary (III.6-11); Jean Starobinski, "The temperature scale" Lesson 7: Lev Tolstoy, Anna Karenina (part I); Isaiah Berlin, "The fox and the hedgehog" Lesson 8: Lev Tolstoy, Anna Karenina (parts II-III) Lesson 9: Lev Tolstoy, Anna Karenina (part IV); György Lukács, "Narrate or describe?" Lesson 10: Lev Tolstoy, Anna Karenina (parts V-VI) Lesson 11: Lev Tolstoy, Anna Karenina (part VII); Isaiah Berlin, "Tolstoy and the Enlightenment" Lesson 12: Lev Tolstoy, Anna Karenina (part VIII); Vladimir Nabokov, "Anna Karenina" Lesson 13: Federico De Roberto, Illusion (part I); Gabriele Pedullà, "Uzeda!" (Par. 1-2) Lesson 14: Federico De Roberto, Illusion (part II); Gabriele Pedullà, "Uzeda!" (Par. 3-4-5) Lesson 15: Federico De Roberto, Illusion (part III); Gabriele Pedullà, "Uzeda!" (Par. 6-7-8)


Attendance is mandatory but not mandatory.

Type of evaluation

L’esame è orale. I criteri ai quali si farà riferimento per la valutazione dell’esame orale sono i seguenti: Conoscenza dei contenuti / Chiarezza espositiva / Capacità di sintesi e di analisi / Padronanza linguistica e uso di un linguaggio adeguato / Capacità di giudizio critico.