20710496 - GENERAL LINGUISTICS LM (module A)

General Linguistics A LM
The teaching of General Linguistics A LM (Module "Pragmatica") is part of the training activities that characterize the Master's Degree Course in Modern Languages ​​for International Communication and, specifically, between the transversal and fundamental activities aimed at deepen the knowledge and skills in the field of linguistic pragmatics with particular reference to Italian and study languages. The course aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the specific knowledge and methodological and analytical skills specific to the specific sector, with consolidation of those already acquired during the three-year cycle of studies. The "Pragmatica" module deals in particular with the analysis of the relationships between text and context; the illocutività; the theory of linguistic acts; the principle of cooperation, conversational maxims, implications; the theory of relevance; the presuppositions; the information structure of the statement. Expected learning outcomes: students will be able to analyze the relationships between text and context; they will have in-depth knowledge on the unreliability, on the theory of linguistic acts, on conversational maxims, on the theory of relevance, on the information structure of the sentence.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710496 LINGUISTICA GENERALE A LM in Lingue moderne per la comunicazione internazionale LM-38 LOMBARDI VALLAURI EDOARDO


- Speech Acts theory. Locution, illocution, perlocution.
- The Cooperation Principle and the theory of conversational implicatures. Relevance theory.
- The linguistic and extralinguistic context. Ambiguity.
- The context. Deixis and Anaphora.
- Face and Politeness.
- Culture and Language. Linguistics, anthropology, ethnography.
- Linguistic presuppositions: existence presupposition, truth presupposition.
- Pragmatic presuppositions: felicity condicions.
- Information Structure of the Utterance: Given and New, Theme and Rheme, Fore- and Background.
- Strategies of persuasion: the language of advertising and propaganda.

Core Documentation

- Cecilia Andorno, Che cos'è la pragmatica linguistica. Roma, Carocci, 2005.
- Lombardi Vallauri, E. La struttura informativa. Forma e funzione negli enunciati linguistici, Roma, Carocci, 2009.
- Lombardi Vallauri, E. La ingua disonesta. Bologna, il Mulino, 2019.

Type of delivery of the course




Type of evaluation

Online oral exams; video conference on Microsoft Teams.