Mario Pinzari is Full Professor of Engineering and Excavation Safety at the Engineering Department of Roma Tre University. At the same University, he was President of the Rector’s High Consultancy Committee for Safety, Rector’s Delegate to Security Policies, Member of the Board of Trustees, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Coordinator of the PhD in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.
He graduated in Mining Engineering in 1973 from the Faculty of Engineering of Sapienza University of Rome where he taught Quarries and Environmental Recovery. In 1990, he undertook the position of Full Professor at the Polytechnic University of Turin where he taught Special Technologies for Mining, Management of Extractive Companies, Mineral art , Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection of Extractive Industries. In 1996, he joined Roma Tre University’s faculty of Engineering where he taught Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection as well as Quarries and Environmental Recovery.
He is the author of 157 publications and the main topics of his research are: Spatial Planning of Extractive Activities; Cultivation and Production Management of Quarries and Mines; Impact and Environmental Protection; Occupational Health and Safety.
He was a member of the Comité Exploitation a Ciel Ouvert of the European Commission – Santè Publique et Securitè du Travail in Luxembourg, where he was involved in harmonizing safety regulations in quarries; he participated in EEC safety campaigns in the quarries of Rapolano (Siena) and in the Extractive Industry of Valtellina (Sondrio). He was Resident Engineer /Building site supervisor at the mineral water bottling plant “Egeria” of the Acqua Santa Company of Rome.
He was a member of the Regional Commission for Extractive Activities of the Lazio region. He received the ASSODIAM Gold Award and the ACIMM Gold Award for research.
On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he was Resident Engineer /Building site supervisor for the opening of the quarry and the construction of the Granite Processing Plant in the province of Cordoba (Argentina).
He was involved in the preliminary study of the Regional Plans of Quarrying Activities of the Lazio Region and of Sardinia. He compiled the Provincial Plan of the Extractive Territorial Areas 2 and 3 of Brescia and the Plans of the Marble Basin of Botticino.
As of November 30th 2017, he is Vice-Rector to health and safety protection policies at Roma Tre University.