Degree course:LEGAL SERVICES A.A. 2023/2024

ADMINISTRATIVE JUSTICE - 20101121First yearSecond semester7IUS/10ITA
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW I - 20101093Third yearSecond semester9IUS/10ITA
ADR Law - 20110608First yearSecond semester7IUS/15ITA
AGRICULTURAL LAW - 20101040First yearSecond semester7IUS/03ITA
ANGLO AMERICAN COMPANY LAW - 20110248First yearFirst semester7IUS/04ENG
Activities: - 20110768First yearSecond semester3IUS/19ITA
Activities: Accidents at Work - 20110760First yearFirst semester1IUS/07ITA
Activities: Argumentative Writing Exercises - 20110652First yearFirst semester3IUS/20ITA
Activities: Citizenship and the Constitutional Law - 20110767First yearSecond semester3IUS/08ITA
Activities: Drafting of deeds and opinions – CRIMINAL PROCESS LAW section Acts - 20110654First yearSecond semester1IUS/16ITA
Activities: Drafting of opinions - 20110754First yearFirst semester1IUS/10ITA
Activities: Drafting of public contract - 20110753First yearFirst semester1IUS/10ITA
Activities: Freedom in the Roman world - 20110657First yearSecond semester1IUS/18ITA
Activities: Legal Clinic on Crime Victims - 20110749First yearFirst semester1IUS/16ITA
Activities: Legal Clinic on Criminal Mediation - 20110658First yearSecond semester2IUS/16ITA
Activities: Legal Clinic on “Family Mediation” - 20110659First yearSecond semester2IUS/01ITA
Activities: Legal Minimum Wage and Sufficient Pay - 20110761First yearFirst semester1IUS/07ITA
Activities: One belt one road initiative: legal issues - 20110751First yearFirst semester1IUS/21ITA
Activities: Principles and rules on public procurement - 20110750First yearFirst semester1IUS/10ITA
Activities: Reading the classics: Elena Gianini Belotti, Dalla parte delle bambine (1973) - 20110745First yearFirst semester3IUS/20ITA
Activities: Religious Freedom in Europe (CdE- UE) - 20110746First yearFirst semester2IUS/11ITA
Activities: Safety on the sea - 20110664First yearFirst semester1IUS/08ITA
Activities: Simulate the process: the judgment of constitutionality - 20110755First yearFirst semester2IUS/08ITA
Activities: The Allocation of Risk in Carriage-By-Sea Contracts - 20110669First yearSecond semester1IUS/18ITA
Activities: The Balance of State Powers: Crisis and Outlooks - 20110752First yearFirst semester1IUS/08ITA
Activities: The Criminal Law Evolutions between Legislator and Judge - 20110747First yearFirst semester1IUS/17ITA
Activities: The European dimension of history of commercial law - 20110663First yearFirst semester2IUS/19ITA
Activities: The Imputation of the Crime of Negligent Mission between Theory and Practice - 20110748First yearFirst semester1IUS/17ITA
Activities: Work Via Digital Platform - 20110762First yearSecond semester1IUS/07ITA
Activities: Work Via Digital Platform - 20110762First yearFirst semester1IUS/07ITA
Activity: Concurrence between contractual and civil liability and interpretatio prudentium - 20110770First yearSecond semester3IUS/18ITA
Activity: Constitutional Judgement (Simulation) - 20110769First yearSecond semester2IUS/08ITA
Activity: Ecology of Religions - 20110774First yearSecond semester2IUS/11ITA
Activity: Intercultural Use of Law - 20110772First yearSecond semester2IUS/11ITA
Activity: Legal clinic on bioethics and biolaw - 20110778First yearSecond semester3IUS/20ITA
Activity: New technologies and democracy: the challenges of digital constitutionalism - 20110771First yearSecond semester1IUS/21ITA
Activity: Vatican Law and International Relations - 20110780First yearSecond semester2IUS/11ITA
Activity: “Class Exercises and Practical Activities on Legal Writing” - 20110570First yearSecond semester1IUS/01ITA
Activity: “One Health” health protection beyond national and disciplinary borders - 20110765First yearSecond semester3IUS/10ITA
Advanced International Arbitration (Vis Moot) - 20110693First yearFirst semester7IUS/13ITA
Advanced International Law (Moot Court Competition)  - 20110596First yearFirst semester7IUS/13ENG
Attività: Criminal and prison issue - 20110260First yearFirst semester3IUS/20ITA
Attività: Cyber security - 20110230First yearFirst semester1IUS/09ITA
Attività: Fashion law - 20110193First yearSecond semester1IUS/04ITA
Attività: Intermediazione finanziaria - 20110232First yearFirst semester1SECS-P/11ITA
Attività: Legal profiles of protection and enhancement of cultural heritage - 20110562First yearSecond semester1IUS/18ITA
Attività: On «roma, mater legum» and artists: the roman law through painters’ eyes - 20110452First yearFirst semester3IUS/18ITA
Attività: Redazione di atti e pareri – DIRITTO PENALE sez. Pareri - 20110644First yearFirst semester2IUS/17ITA
Attività: Storia delle scienze forensi - 20110238First yearSecond semester3IUS/19ITA
Attività: The contract in law courts - 20110328First yearSecond semester3IUS/01ITA
Attività: Topics and issues of transport law from a public law perspective - 20110677First yearSecond semester1IUS/10ITA
First yearSecond semester
Banking and insurance law IIFirst yearSecond semester7IUS/05ITA
Bioethics and biolaw - 20110050First yearSecond semester7IUS/20ITA
Business crisis law and bankruptcy procedures - 20110609First yearSecond semester7IUS/04ITA
Business, environment and sustainability - 20110687First yearFirst semester7IUS/04ITA
CANONICAL LAW - 20101005First yearFirst semester7IUS/11ITA
CIVIL PROCEDURE I - 20101107Third yearSecond semester10IUS/15ITA
COMMERCIAL LAW I - 20101017Third yearFirst semester10IUS/04ITA
COMPARATIVE LEGAL SYSTEMS - 20101002First yearSecond semester9IUS/02ITA
COMPARATIVE LEGAL SYSTEMS - 20110206First yearSecond semester6IUS/02ITA
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - 20110202First yearFirst semester9IUS/08ITA
CORPORATE AND INVESTMENT BANKING - 21201542First yearFirst semester7SECS-P/11ENG
CRIMINAL COMMERCIAL LAW - 20101056First yearFirst semester7IUS/17ITA
CRIMINAL LAW - 20101141Third yearFirst semester10IUS/17ITA
Chinese Law - 20110684First yearFirst semester7IUS/10ENG
Commercial and financial contract law - 20110683First yearSecond semester7IUS/04ITA
Commercial and financial contract law - 20110683First yearFirst semester7IUS/04ITA
Comparative Competition Law - 20110476First yearFirst semester7IUS/02ENG
Comparative Constitutional Law and Digital Democracy - 20110482First yearSecond semester7IUS/21ENG
Comparative Law of Digital Markets - 20110472First yearSecond semester7IUS/02ENG
Comparative administrative law - 20110003First yearSecond semester7IUS/10ENG
Comparative public law of information technologies - 20110349First yearFirst semester7IUS/21ITA
Competitive Strategies in Financial Services - 21201721First yearFirst semester7SECS-P/11ITA
Constitutional rights and freedoms - 20110044First yearFirst semester7IUS/08ITA
Criminal law and film - 20110064First yearSecond semester2IUS/17ITA
DIRITTO E LEGISLAZIONE ANTIMAFIA - 20110145First yearSecond semester7IUS/17ITA
DOMESTIC ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES - 21210153First yearFirst semester7SECS-P/07ITA
Diritti fondamentali, Costituzione e intelligenza artificiale - 20110572First yearFirst semester7IUS/08ITA
Diritto Penale Europeo - 20110046First yearFirst semester7IUS/17ITA
Diritto del mercato del lavoro - 20110290Second yearSecond semester7IUS/07ITA
Diritto della banca e degli intermediari finanziari - 20110505First yearSecond semester7IUS/05ITA
Diritto della previdenza sociale - 20110287Third yearSecond semester7IUS/07ITA
Diritto e legislazione antimafia - 20110223First yearSecond semester7IUS/17ITA
Diritto penale del lavoro - 20110291Third yearFirst semester7IUS/17ITA
Diritto processuale del lavoro - 20110292Third yearSecond semester9IUS/15ITA
Diritto processuale tributario - 20110321First yearSecond semester7IUS/12ITA
Diritto sindacale - 20110288Third yearFirst semester7IUS/07ITA
Diritto, religioni, territorio - 20110219First yearSecond semester7IUS/11ITA
ECCLESIASTICAL LAW - 20101004First yearFirst semester7IUS/11ITA
ECONOMIC POLITICS - 20101065First yearSecond semester7SECS-P/02ITA
ENVIRONMENTAL LAW - 20101144First yearFirst semester7IUS/10ITA
EU Financial Law: Institutional Framework - 20110477First yearSecond semester7IUS/05ENG
EUROPEAN UNION LAW - 20101477Second yearSecond semester9IUS/14ITA
Economia Aziendale - 20110301First yearFirst semester9SECS-P/07ITA
Economia aziendale - 20110289Second yearFirst semester7SECS-P/07ITA
Economia aziendale - 20110289First yearFirst semester7SECS-P/07ITA
Economia monetaria - 20110502First yearSecond semester7SECS-P/01ITA
Economic Analysis of International Commercial Contracts - 20110486First yearSecond semester7IUS/01ENG
Economics of Digital Competition and Innovation - 20110466First yearFirst semester7SECS-P/01ITA
English language (certificate) - 20110338Second yearSecond semester4ENG
English language (certificate) - 20110338First yearSecond semester4ENG
European Private International Law - 20110479First yearSecond semester7IUS/13ENG
European Union Transport Law   - 20110591First yearSecond semester7IUS/02ENG
European and Comparative Data Law - 20110473First yearSecond semester7IUS/02ENG
FINAL EXAM - 20101176Third yearSecond semester9ITA
FINANCIAL MARKET LAW - 21201485First yearFirst semester7IUS/05ITA
FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS - 21201494First yearSecond semester7SECS-S/06ITA
FINANCIAL REPORTING - 21210114First yearFirst semester7SECS-P/07ITA
FINANCIAL SERVICES STRATEGIES - 21210101First yearFirst semester7SECS-P/11ENG
Final exam - 20110293Third yearSecond semester5ITA
Financial valuation and risk management - 21201733First yearSecond semester7SECS-S/06ITA
French language (certificate) - 20110339Second yearSecond semester4FRA
French language (certificate) - 20110339First yearSecond semester4FRA
GENERAL MATHEMATICS - 21210239First yearFirst semester7SECS-S/06ITA
GENERAL THEORY OF THE LAW - 20101053First yearSecond semester7IUS/20ITA
German language (certificate) - 20110342Second yearSecond semester4DEU
German language (certificate) - 20110342First yearSecond semester4DEU
HEALTH LAW - 20101316First yearSecond semester7IUS/10ITA
HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND MODERN JUSTICE - 20101384First yearSecond semester7IUS/19ITA
HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL AND MODERN LAW - 20110207First yearSecond semester6IUS/19ITA
HISTORY OF MEDIOEVAL AND MODERN LAW - 20101271Second yearFirst semester6IUS/19ITA
HISTORY OF MODERN CODIFICATIONS - 20101124First yearSecond semester7IUS/19ITA
IFRS AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION - 21210155First yearSecond semester7SECS-P/07ITA
INDUSTRIAL LAW - 20101038First yearFirst semester7IUS/04ITA
INSTITUTIONS OF PRIVATE LAW - 20101383First yearSecond semester10IUS/01ITA
INSTITUTIONS OF PRIVATE LAW - 20110205First yearSecond semester9IUS/01ITA
INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW - 20101173First yearSecond semester7IUS/17ITA
INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW - 21201422First yearFirst semester7IUS/13ITA
INTERPRETATION OF SOURCES OF ROMAN LAW - 20101006First yearSecond semester7IUS/18ITA
IUS COMMUNE - 20101034First yearFirst semester7IUS/19ITA
Informatica giuridica e logica giuridica (aspetti applicativi) - 20110006Second yearFirst semester5INF/01ITA
Informatica giuridica e logica giuridica (aspetti applicativi) - 20110006First yearFirst semester5INF/01ITA
Institutions of Roman law - 20110360First yearFirst semester6IUS/18ITA
Institutions of Roman law - 20110682First yearFirst semester6IUS/18ITA
Insurance and Pensione Funds - 21201735First yearSecond semester7SECS-S/06ITA
Integration CFUs – 'Tax Law' - 20101415First yearSecond semester2IUS/12ITA
Integration CFUs – Science of Finances - 20101414First yearSecond semester2SECS-P/03ITA
International Human Rights Law - 20110592First yearSecond semester7IUS/13ENG
International Protection of Human Rights(Legal Clinic) - 20110487First yearSecond semester7IUS/13ENG
International and European human rights law - 20110459First yearFirst semester7IUS/13ITA
International Arbitration  - 20110590First yearSecond semester7IUS/13ENG
International Humanitarian Law (Legal Clinic) - 20110595First yearFirst semester7IUS/13ENG
Introduction to comparative legal systems(Introduzione ai sistemi giuridici comparati) - 20110097First yearSecond semester7IUS/02ENG
Istituzioni di diritto pubblico/Diritto costituzionale - 20110005First yearFirst semester10IUS/08ITA
Judicial protection of migrants' rights - 20110692First yearFirst semester7IUS/15ITA
LABOUR LAW - 20101033Second yearSecond semester10IUS/07ITA
LABOUR LAW - 20101033First yearSecond semester10IUS/07ITA
LABOUR LAW II - 20101036First yearSecond semester7IUS/07ITA
LEGAL CLINIC - 20101479First yearSecond semester7IUS/02ITA
LEGAL CLINIC - 20101479First yearFirst semester7IUS/02ITA
LEGAL CLINIC: RIGHTS OF CHILDREN - 20101445First yearSecond semester7IUS/01ITA
Laboratory on bibliographical research and scientific writing - 20110067First yearSecond semester2IUS/19ITA
Law and Economics of Social Welfare - 20101448First yearSecond semester7IUS/07ITA
Law and the Humanities - 20110588First yearFirst semester7IUS/19ENG
Law and Gender   - 20110594First yearSecond semester7IUS/20ENG
Law of International Organizations  - 20110593First yearFirst semester7IUS/13ENG
Legal Clinic European law Perspectives on Innovation Challenges - EPIC Jean Monnet Module - 20110603First yearSecond semester7IUS/01ITA
Legal Clinic on Civil Mediation - 20110688First yearSecond semester7IUS/15ITA
Legal Clinic on Migration and Asylum - 20110485First yearFirst semester7IUS/20ENG
ORDINAMENTO GIUDIZIARIO - 20110146First yearSecond semester7IUS/09ITA
PARLIAMENTARY LAW - 20101030First yearSecond semester7IUS/08ITA
PENITENTIARY LAW - 20110137First yearSecond semester7IUS/16ITA
PHILOSOPHY OF THE LAW - 20101007First yearFirst semester10IUS/20ITA
PHILOSOPHY OF THE LAW - 20110204First yearFirst semester9IUS/20ITA
PNRR AND PUBLIC SPENDING - 20110764First yearFirst semester1IUS/09ITA
POLITICAL ECONOMY - 20101278First yearSecond semester9SECS-P/01ITA
PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW - 20101122First yearFirst semester7IUS/13ITA
PROCEDURAL CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - 20101274First yearFirst semester7IUS/08ITA
PUBLIC FINANCE - 20101018First yearSecond semester7SECS-P/03ITA
PUBLIC LAW OF ECONOMICS - 20101029First yearSecond semester7IUS/05ITA
PUBLIC ROMAN LAW - 20101131First yearSecond semester7IUS/18ITA
Portuguese language (certificate) - 20110340Second yearSecond semester4POR
Portuguese language (certificate) - 20110340First yearSecond semester4POR
Prison law clinic - 20110686First yearSecond semester7IUS/08ITA
Prisoners’ rights and Constitution - 20110685First yearFirst semester7IUS/08ITA
Procedura penale delle società - 20110286Third yearFirst semester7IUS/16ITA
Protezione dei dati personali e tutela dei diritti fondamentali-Clinica legale privacy - 20110048First yearSecond semester7IUS/09ITA
REGIONAL CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - 20101052First yearFirst semester7IUS/08ITA
SOCIOLOGY OF THE LAW - 20101023First yearSecond semester7IUS/20ITA
STATISTICS - 21210113First yearSecond semester7SECS-S/01ITA
Security and right to personal data protection - 20110675First yearSecond semester7IUS/09ITA
Security law and legislation - 20110681First yearFirst semester7IUS/08ITA
Sicurezza e mantenimento della pace - 20110220First yearSecond semester7IUS/13ITA
Spanish language (certificate) - 20110341Second yearSecond semester4SPA
Spanish language (certificate) - 20110341First yearSecond semester4SPA
Sports law - 20101478First yearFirst semester7IUS/01ITA
Studying the Legal Landscape of Cyberspace - 20110849First yearFirst semester2IUS/02ITA
TAX LAW - 20101035First yearSecond semester7IUS/12ITA
TAX LAW - 20110294Second yearSecond semester9IUS/12ITA
Taxation, Economic Inequalities and Social Justice - 20110468First yearSecond semester7SECS-P/03ENG
Teoria generale del reato - 20110350First yearFirst semester7IUS/17ITA
The Culture of Proof and the Criminal Trial - 20101484First yearSecond semester2IUS/16ITA
The Culture of Proof and the Criminal Trial - 20101484First yearFirst semester2IUS/16ITA
Tourism law - 20110105First yearFirst semester7IUS/01ITA
Tutela giurisdizionale dei dati personali - 20110222First yearFirst semester7IUS/15ITA
URBAN LAW - 20110138First yearFirst semester7IUS/10ITA
WELFARE, SOCIAL RIGHTS AND TERRITORY - 22910225First yearSecond semester7IUS/09ITA
WELFARE, SOCIAL RIGHTS AND TERRITORY - 22910225First yearFirst semester7IUS/09ITA