Degree course:MATHEMATICS A.A. 2023/2024

AC310 - Complex analysis - 20410407Third yearSecond semester9MAT/03ITA
AL110-ALGEBRA 1 - 20410386First yearFirst semester9MAT/02ITA
AL210 - ALGEBRA 2 - 20402075Second yearFirst semester9MAT/02ITA
AL310 - ELEMENTS OF ADVANCED ALGEBRA - 20410408Third yearSecond semester9MAT/02ITA
AM110 - MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 1 - 20410405First yearFirst semester9MAT/05ITA
AM120 - MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 2 - 20410388First yearSecond semester9MAT/05ITA
AM210 - MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 3 - 20402076Second yearFirst semester9MAT/05ITA
AM220 - MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 4 - 20410586Second yearSecond semester9MAT/05ITA
AN410 - NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 1 - 20410413Third yearFirst semester9MAT/08ITA
CP210 - Introduction to Probability - 20410338Second yearSecond semester9MAT/06ITA
CP410 - Theory of Probability - 20410414Third yearFirst semester9MAT/06ITA
ELECTIVE CFU (SELECTED BY THE STUDENT) - 20410611Third yearSecond semester6ITA
ELECTIVE CFU (SELECTED BY THE STUDENT) - 20410611Third yearFirst semester6ITA
ELECTIVE CFU (SELECTED BY THE STUDENT) N.2 - 20410612Third yearSecond semester6ITA
ELECTIVE CFU (SELECTED BY THE STUDENT) N.2 - 20410612Third yearFirst semester6ITA
ENGLISH LANGUAGE - PASS/FAIL CERTIFICATE - 20202021First yearFirst semester3ITA
FINAL EXAM - 20410466Third yearSecond semester11ITA
FM210 - Analytical Mechanics - 20410339Second yearSecond semester9MAT/07ITA
FM310 - Equations of Mathematical Physics - 20410410Third yearFirst semester9MAT/07ITA
FS110 - Physics 1 - 20410406First yearSecond semester9FIS/01ITA
FS220- Physics 2 - 20402082Third yearFirst semester9FIS/01ITA
FS230 - Elements of contemporary theoretical physics - 20410561Third yearSecond semester3FIS/02ITA
FS240 - Principles of condensed matter - 20410562Third yearSecond semester3FIS/03ITA
FS250 - Principles of earth and environment physics - 20410563Third yearSecond semester3MultiploITA
FS260 - Philosophy of science - 20410751Third yearFirst semester3M-FIL/02ITA
FS290 - L'Agenda 2030 delle Nazioni Unite per lo sviluppo sostenibile: le implicazioni per le scienze matematiche e fisiche - 20410591Third yearSecond semester3FIS/06ITA
FS410 - DIDACTICS OF PHYSICS WORKSHOP - 20410448Third yearSecond semester6FIS/08ITA
FS420 - QUANTUM MECHANICS - 20410436Third yearFirst semester6FIS/02ITA
FS430- Theory of Relativity - 20410437Third yearFirst semester6FIS/02ITA
FS440 - Data Acquisition and Experimental Control - 20410435Third yearSecond semester6FIS/04ITA
FS450 - Elements of Statistical Mechanics - 20410434Third yearSecond semester6FIS/02ITA
FS460 - Dydactics of Physics - 20410461Third yearSecond semester6FIS/08ITA
FS470 - Principles of astrophysics - 20410566Third yearSecond semester6FIS/05ITA
FS490 - Educational & Outreach - Science communication - 20410570Third yearFirst semester6FIS/08ITA
GE110 - Geometry and linear algebra 1 - 20410335First yearSecond semester9MAT/03ITA
GE210 - Geometry and linear algebra 2 - 20410340Second yearFirst semester9MAT/03ITA
GE220 - Topology - 20410341Second yearSecond semester9MAT/03ITA
GE310 - ELEMENTS OF ADVANCED GEOMETRY - 20410411Third yearFirst semester9MAT/03ITA
IN110 - Algorithms and Data Structure - 20410336First yearFirst semester9INF/01ITA
IN400 - MODULE A - PYTHON programming - 20410587Third yearFirst semester3INF/01ITA
IN400 - MODULE B - MATLAB programming - 20410588Third yearFirst semester3INF/01ITA
Third yearFirst semester
MODULE A - PYTHON programmingThird yearFirst semester3INF/01ITA
MODULE B - MATLAB programmingThird yearFirst semester3INF/01ITA
IN420 - Information Theory - 20410442Third yearSecond semester9INF/01ITA
IN480 - PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING - 20410426Third yearFirst semester9INF/01ITA
IN490 - PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES - 20410427Third yearFirst semester9INF/01ITA
LM400 - INTRODUZIONE ALLA LOGICA - 20410592Third yearSecond semester6M-FIL/02ITA
SCIENTIFIC ENGLISH - 20402131Third yearSecond semester1ITA
SCIENTIFIC ENGLISH - 20402131Third yearFirst semester1ITA