
Link identifier #identifier__175428-1Link identifier #identifier__4330-2
The Department of Economics runs a PhD programme in Economics (XXX Cycle). The programme involves further educational training aimed at scientific research. It is multi-disciplinary and is organised along the following curricula: Environment, Development and International Relations, Political Economy and Productive Systems and Public Policy. Admission to the PhD and completion of the study programme will lead to the attainment of the title of Doctor of Research. The PhD entails teaching at an advanced level, the aim of which is to train students in the field of theoretical economics, political economy, economics and environmental and development policy, also through acquisition of the relevant statistic and quantitative methodologies. The programme will enable students to choose between a variety of interdisciplinary issues. Throughout the academic course of study, students will be strongly encouraged to take part in cultural exchanges and international contacts with study periods abroad, visiting professorships, courses, seminars and workshops organised in collaboration with other universities both in Europe and the United States.


Curriculum Economia politica
codice CURR813
Curriculum Ambiente, sviluppo e relazioni internazionali
codice CURR814
Curriculum Sistemi produttivi e politiche pubbliche
codice CURR815