Landscape of the contemporary city. Policies, techniques and visual studies

Link identifier #identifier__184314-1Link identifier #identifier__71567-2
Object of study and research of the Doctorate in Landscapes of the Contemporary City is the city, understood as a set of material and social relationships, spatial shapes and communication-media forms. The PhD aims to produce advanced studies and research on the reading of urban and territorial phenomena and on the design of architecture and landscape for the contemporary city, on the development and interpretation of the devices of vision, imagination and related representations, starting from cinema and in the current declinations of technical reproducibility. Its aim is to train researchers who can decode and understand the spaces of the city in their most current manifestations; prefigure scenarios and processes of transformation; intervene operatively in the living transformations that affect cities and landscapes. In particular, the Doctorate trains researchers and builds skill in the following areas, both theoretical and applicative, also through forms of research-action: - planning and evaluation of territorial policies, plans and programs; - architectural and landscape design and construction of urban space; - technological innovation for the design of architecture and urban regeneration; - analysis and development of cinematographic, media and spectacular productions; - analysis and development of content for new generation networks


Curriculum Architetture dei paesaggi urbani
codice CURR923
Curriculum Cinema e cultura visuale
codice CURR924