Political Studies

Link identifier #identifier__190122-1Link identifier #identifier__46167-2
The PhD in Political Studies offers a range of doctoral courses in the area of the social sciences (economics; history; cultural studies; law; sociology; political science). The PhD has three different Curricula (“Government and Institutions”, “Gender Studies”, and “European and International Studies”) which welcome the application of international students. To encourage their application, the Curriculum of “European and International Studies” reserves 1 position with a full fellowship to foreign students with a foreign degree. The Doctoral Program offers a variety of courses training students for a wide range of professional arenas. Doctoral students will also have a chance to participate in research projects run by the Department of Political Studies. The PhD Programs of the Curriculum of European and International Studies count roughly 20 doctoral candidates. About 6 defend their dissertations each year. Students are taught and supervised by a faculty of 35 university professors and lecturers, mostly coming from the research community of the Department of Political Studies. The close links between the PhD program and the Department enable young scholars to participate in such activities of the academic community as research groups/contracts, publications and academic reports. All courses are based on a markedly interdisciplinary approach, with cross-disciplinary seminars and study groups complementing the more specific focus of each program. They are also based on a strong international approach, with some foreign scholars among the professors and a wide range of international visiting professors, the opportunity to do research abroad, and the integration of students into the international community of scholars through lectures, colloquia and international research projects. A number of foreign professors are also invited to sit on PhD committees for the final defense of the dissertations. The PhD program also invites external academics and representatives of the private sector to take part in various activities. Every year, we welcome many visiting professors to teach, take part in various activities and deliver lectures: among them, in the last few years, we have had the pleasure to have Frédéric Bozo (Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle), Antoine Compagnon (Collège de France), Matthew Evangelista (Cornell), Francis J. Gavin (MIT), David Holloway (Stanford), Annick Jaulin (Sorbonne), Marc Lazar (SciencesPo), Melvyn Leffler (Virginia), Carme Molinero (Università Autonoma di Barcellona), Christian Ostermann (Woodrow Wilson Center), Nell Painter (Princeton), Ronald Pruessen (University of Toronto), Matias Spektor (Getulio Vargas Foundation), Jeremy Suri (University of Texas at Austin), Irwin Wall (CaliforniaIrvine), Nicolas Werth (Institut pour l’histoire du temps présent), Vladislav Zubok (LSE). Our students have also benefited from exchange programs and research collaboration projects with the following partner Universities and Research Centres in Italy and abroad: -Centro de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales - Madrid -CRIE (Centro di ricerca sulle Istituzioni Europee) presso l’Istituto Universitario Suor Orsola Benincasa - Napoli -Friedrich SchillerUniversität - Jena -SciencesPo - Paris -Scuola Superiore dell'Amministrazione dell'Interno - Roma -The National Security Archives - Washington -Universidad de Valencia -Universidad Rey Juan Carlos – Madrid -Universitat Autònoma – Barcelona -Universidad Carlos III -Madrid -Universidad de Castellon -University of Cluj-Napoca -University of Craiova -University of Groningen (Department of Political Sciences) -Universidad de Sevilla (Departemento de Metafisica y Corientes Actuales de la Filosofia, Etica y Filosofia Politica) -Universität Bremen (Department of Political Sciences) -Université Charles De Gaulle Lille III -Université Montpellier III Paul Valery (Département de Philosophie) -Université Nancy -Université Nantes -Université Paris I Sorbona (Ecole doctorale en Sciences Politiques /Ecole Doctorale en Philosophie) -Université Paris III -Université Paris XIII (Département d'Histoire) -University of Leiden (Department of Public Administration) -Woodrow Wilson Center for International Studies. The PhD in Political Studies has joined the "European Crossdisciplinary Doctoral College of the Social and Human Sciences" (SHS), a European web of Doctorates and Doctoral Schools which has the goal of developing exchanges among students, promoting best practices in tutoring research, increasing collaboration in multidisciplinary research community. Besides Roma Tre University, the SHS has the following members: Université Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle Oxford Brookes University Helsinki University Tampere University Eötvös Loránd University - Budapest Central European University – Budapest Institute for International Studies - Corvinus University – Budapest Jagellonian University - Cracow Charles University – Prague Institute for History and Political Science – Bucarest University University of Babe-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca University of Matej Bel.


Curriculum Governo e istituzioni
codice CURR1082
Curriculum Studi di genere
codice CURR1083
Curriculum Studi europei ed internazionali
codice CURR1084