The course of Complements on design of timber structures involves the participation of experts in timber structures.
The main focus is the acquisition of basic knowledge about the mechanical behavior of timber used as construction material and of the main elements and structural systems made with it. Basic tools for evaluation of the structural safety and design criteria for structural elements, aimed to simplified constructions design. To this aim is required the development of a simple design of a timber foot bridge.
The main focus is the acquisition of basic knowledge about the mechanical behavior of timber used as construction material and of the main elements and structural systems made with it. Basic tools for evaluation of the structural safety and design criteria for structural elements, aimed to simplified constructions design. To this aim is required the development of a simple design of a timber foot bridge.
teacher profile teaching materials
• Wood and derived products for structural use.
• Structural types. Multi-storey buildings with a wooden structure, structural behavior and design criteria. Sustainability and short supply chain. Examples of realizations.
• Sizing and verification (SLU and SLE) of structural elements and unions.
• Resistance to fire and earthquake. Scientific research on wooden buildings: experimental tests and experiences carried out.
• Wooden structures on masonry buildings: consolidation and structural adjustments.
2. Powerpoint slides of lectures
1. Decreto del Ministero Infrastrutture e Trasporti 17/01/2018 “Aggiornamento delle Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni”
2. UNI EN 1995-1-1 Eurocodice 5: Design of timber structures.
3. Linee Guida RELUIS per la progettazione, l’esecuzione ed il controllo delle strutture di legno, 2014.
4. CNR-DT 206 R1/2018 - Istruzioni per la Progettazione, l'Esecuzione ed il Controllo delle Strutture di Legno
5. Appunti per le Costruzioni in legno: normativa, progettazione e buone pratiche di cantiere. A cura dell’Ufficio Tecnico Assolegno. Federlegno Arredo, 2018.
• Physical and mechanical properties of wood, defects and classification methods, anisotropy and wood-water relationships, durability, biodegradation and preservation. Inspection and diagnosis on existing buildings.• Wood and derived products for structural use.
• Structural types. Multi-storey buildings with a wooden structure, structural behavior and design criteria. Sustainability and short supply chain. Examples of realizations.
• Sizing and verification (SLU and SLE) of structural elements and unions.
• Resistance to fire and earthquake. Scientific research on wooden buildings: experimental tests and experiences carried out.
• Wooden structures on masonry buildings: consolidation and structural adjustments.
Core Documentation
1. Linee guida per l’edilizia in legno in Toscana – AA.VV. Regione Toscana 2009.2. Powerpoint slides of lectures
1. Decreto del Ministero Infrastrutture e Trasporti 17/01/2018 “Aggiornamento delle Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni”
2. UNI EN 1995-1-1 Eurocodice 5: Design of timber structures.
3. Linee Guida RELUIS per la progettazione, l’esecuzione ed il controllo delle strutture di legno, 2014.
4. CNR-DT 206 R1/2018 - Istruzioni per la Progettazione, l'Esecuzione ed il Controllo delle Strutture di Legno
5. Appunti per le Costruzioni in legno: normativa, progettazione e buone pratiche di cantiere. A cura dell’Ufficio Tecnico Assolegno. Federlegno Arredo, 2018.
Type of delivery of the course
The course takes place through lectures carried out through the use of computer supports (slides presentations) and by revisions with the teacher on the topic of the chosen design exercise, which is generally the preliminary structural designof a residential or school building of 1 or multiple floors and can be carried out either individually or in groups. The exercises are important in order to informally verify the level of learning process during the lectures. A final didactic visit to a construction site or production facility is also planned. Attendance is mandatory for at least 75% of lectures. In addition to the traditional methods, remote learning is provided through lectures on Microsoft Teams which are also recorded, reviews of the exercises by means of Teams or Skype and direct communications with students through Moodle, where there is a link to a One Drive folder containing the all didactic material of the course (reference textbooks, normatives and standards and pdf slides of lectures).Type of evaluation
Oral exam The oral exam consists in the evaluation of the exercise carried out during the course (for which the minimum required papers are structural plants and sections of the building on a scale of 1: 100-1: 50 with indication of the floor spans and of the structural elements resistant to vertical and horizontal actions, 2-3 detailed construction details defined during revisions at 1: 10-1: 20 scale, calculation report of 1-2 constructive elements defined during revisions) and 4-5 questions about the project carried out and about the topics covered during the lectures to assess the level of learning of the general basic and specific concepts related to the different construction systems in relation to the design of timber structures. The exercise/project is carried out in at least 3-4 successive revisions during the course and the oral exam has a duration of 20-25 minutes. Besides the traditional exam carried out in presence, an oral exam at a distance through a web connection by means of Microsoft Teams is foreseen. In this case the exam will consists in the evaluation of the exercise carried out during the course (with the same methods used for the exame in presence except the fact that the drawings will be paged and showed through a pdf file) and 4-5 questions about the project carried out and about the topics covered during the lectures to assess the level of learning of the general basic and specific concepts related to the different construction systems in relation to the design of timber structures. The exercise/project is carried out in at least 3-4 successive revisions during the course and the oral exam has a duration of 25-30 minutes.