The Course confirming the idea that man, in his broadest sense, must be placed at the centre of the project. The concepts of accessibility and availability will be integrated into those ones concerning comfort, safety and multisensory.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The Course deals with the study of architectonic barriers and design and technological solutions able to overcome them, in order to guarantee for all the people the accessibility to settings, facilities and furniture.
The town and transport system’s planning, the new and existing building’s design must provide for all that solutions able to allow a free berries spaces, promoting orientation and both settings and hazardous situations recognition, at the same time.
Therefore, confirming the idea that man, in his broadest sense, must be placed at the centre of the project, the concepts of accessibility and availability will be integrated into those ones concerning comfort, safety and multisensory.

Core Documentation

Argentin, I.; Clemente, M.; Empler, T. [2004]. Eliminazione barriere architettoniche. Progettare per un’utenza ampliata, DEI, Roma.

Reference Bibliography

Accolla, A. [2009]. Design for all. Il progetto per l'individuo reale, Franco Angeli editore, Milano. Ornati, A. [2000]. Architettura e barriere: storia e fatti delle barriere architettoniche in Italia e all’estero, Franco Angeli editore, Milano. Prestinenza Puglisi, L. [2005]. Le barriere architettoniche, DEI, Roma.

Type of delivery of the course

In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. Specifically, the Course is made up of lessons, demonstrations of professionals with different skills and practices.


The Course’s attendance is subjected almost to 80% of the attendees.

Type of evaluation

In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. Specifically, the exam will be done through a planning practice and an individual interview.