To Achieve mastery of basic drawing instrumentation as a language for knowledge, communication, and the design process of the architecture. Mastering the representation techniques at various scales, the standardization and the grafical conventions.


teacher profile | teaching materials


The course consists of 6 Drawing credits and 2 credits of Digital representation, which will be closely integrated.

Considering the situation in which it operates, it is useful to emphasize that the course has changed its organization compared to what was prepared. The initial programming, in fact, included two areas:
1. 1. Drawing from True and Relief at Palazzo Spada in Rome, with in situ campaigns and subsequent classroom work.
2. 2. Drawing for the architectural project with theoretical lessons and laboratory experiences

The program, therefore, has been adapted not only to distance learning, but also to all the restrictions that are issued day by day. Therefore students are not asked to supply themselves with particular materials and tools, but to adapt to what they find at home, white sheets, notebooks, pens, pencils, markers …………………………………………… ...... ..

All the sections indicated below will be accompanied by the theory that will allow the acquisition of the fundamentals of the design discipline and the achievement of the course objectives, to be verified during the examination.

General issues
1. The direct survey drawing. Methodologies and graphic constructions
2. The drawing for the architectural project: from the concept to the codified technical drawing
3. The drawing of the Masters
4. Graphical analysis of architectural values
5. Drawing between art and science: ancient drawing, tools, representation theory
6. Perception and visual communication
Specific topics
In order to develop the themes indicated above, the following topics will be covered:

1. Measurement theory (book chapter)
2. The theoretical foundations of the survey. Direct architectural survey. Eidotypes and procedures (for the plan and elevation of a family environment) (book chapter)
3. The design of the building elements (stairs, fixtures). (food storage)
4. Symbolic representation. Graphic codes and their use. (chap. book)
5. Dimensioning systems for survey and project graphs. (pantry and book chapter)
6. The architectural project drawing: types of works, methods and graphic process of elaboration. (chap. book)
7. Graphic analysis for knowledge of the architectural work. To be applied to the theme provided by the teacher. (food storage)
8. Perception and visual communication. The elements of representation. Point, line, surface, structures, textures and formal laws and graphic composition. (chap. and pantry)
9. The design of the Masters: the values ​​of design between rule and graphic artifice. (chap. book and handouts)
10. The design of classical orders. Five easy pieces by R. Migliari (magazine extract)
11. The design of the ancient between art and science. The art of drawing at Palazzo Spada. Borromini's solid perspective: design and construction. Closing lesson. (book and essay in volume)

Core Documentation

Bibliografia (Corso e modulo)

1. Canciani, Marco. I disegni di Progetto. Costruzioni tipi e analisi. Roma: Città Studi, 2009
2. Architectural Graphic Standards / Student edition /Hedges ; link al catalogo SBA di Ateneo
3. Cervellini, Franco, Partenope, Renato (a cura di). Franco Purini. Una Lezione sul disegno. Roma: Gangemi editore
4. Docci, Mario, Maestri, Diego. Manuale di rilevamento architettonico e urbano. Roma: Laterza, 1994
5. Docci, Maestri, Chiavoni, Emanuela. Saper disegnare l’architettura. Roma: Laterza, 2017
6. De Carlo, Laura e Paris, Leonardo. Le linee curve per l'architettura e il design. Roma: Franco Angeli, 2019
7. De Fiore, Gaspare. Corso di disegno. Roma: Fabbri editore, 1983
8. Farroni, Laura. L'arte del disegno a Palazzo Spada. Roma: De Luca editori d'arte. 2019
9. https://www.academia.edu/4746450/Disegno_come_Modello_Drawing_as_Model_

10. Fasolo, Vincenzo. L’analisi grafica dei valori architettonici. Roma

11. Migliari, Riccardo. Il disegno degli ordini

Reference Bibliography

Archivi di disegni online Accademia di San Luca https://www.accademiasanluca.eu/it Centro studi Giorgio Muratore https://archiwatch.it/cartoline-purini/ FFMAAM Fondo Francesco Moschini A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna http://ffmaam.it/collezione.php http://ffmaam.it/collezione/franco-purini#franco-purini Archivio disegni Giovanni Michelucci http://db.michelucci.it/archivi/disegni/?opera=NC02&project=on&check=on MAXXI http://www.maxxi.art/centro-archivi/ http://inventari.fondazionemaxxi.it/AriannaWeb/main.htm;jsessionid=31E5D901C611A7B4AA5D5D5BF563D980#553085_archivio Archivi degli architetti http://www.architetti.san.beniculturali.it/web/architetti/portale/portale

Type of delivery of the course

Moodle platform of the architecture drawing course channel A (https://architecture.el.uniroma3.it/course) for course enrollment, teacher communication, on-going directions, and teaching materials online teaching lessons live on the TEAM platform as per the official calendar (the connection must take place 10 minutes before) exercises on the specific topics addressed (online laboratory, with screen sharing of the teacher and students), case study analysis (online and individual work) ftp site of the teacher for teaching materials and delivery of exercises access to the platform is to be assigned (team group name DRAWING OF CHANNEL_ARCHITECTURE A)


The frequency is mandatory for 75% of the lessons.

Type of evaluation

exercises admired in itinere on the specific topics covered in the lessons collected into a logbook pdf, final graphic tables relating to: technical drawing for the architectural project, drawing for the communication of the architectural project, final oral test remote mode: exams on the Teams platform, following delivery of digital and analog drawings on Onedrive (pdf) (ongoing exercises and final digital tables). The delivery of the documents is expected one week before the date of the round. Oral exam on the topics of the course and on the assigned texts.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Drawing proposes itself as a quest for an individual aesthetics, one which is subjective, which is one’s own and in some sense unique; and hence a conquest of one’s own autonomy, of one’s own freedom of expression. Graphic operations have, as a matter of fact, the quality of indissolubly marrying execution techniques, understood as manual operability, and abstract thought. From this marriage flows the exceptional condition of drawing as concerning all of the arts, and in some way as well, the multidisciplinarity of its teachings which run through all of the professional training or university degrees in the creative disciplines. Drawing should be understood, in keeping with its most ancient academic traditions, as a project metalanguage (shared amongst the arts), namely how to know that which concerns the figurative dimension - and hence communicative (representative) of architectonic construction. Learning how to draw contributes, in the didactic process, to the formation of a precise figurative culture of architecture and is inescapably situated between design and history. This course proposes to deepen, to experiment with techniques of representation, aimed at the knowledge, reading, direct surveying, analysis, and conception of architecture. One shall not be able to draw flawlessly in the little time at our disposal; the practice of drawing and the learning of this is an absorbing and constant effort which one must do on one’s own and which should accompany us throughout our entire life; the course shall however seek to lay the groundwork which shall allow you to understand and strengthen your own expressive modalities through drawing: and to apply the various techniques, thanks to the direct and practical indications given during the supervised practice sessions, by means of the study, observation and the redrawing of the emblematic cases of both classical as well ascontemporary architecture and art. Through these practice sessions, the definition of your own graphic expressivity shall be furthered, thus helping you to grasp how crucial drawing is in order to express your own ideas as well as for the project. Studying texts dedicated to the masters of architecture, from
Palladio to Aldo Rossi, from Leonardo to Le Corbusier, our running from sketches to the more aseptic computerized renderings, is a kind of knowledge, which is absolutely indispensable for the architect in order to carry out the precise rendering of his or her own ideas. That architecture is learnt and communicated by drawing architectures is for all intents and purposes obvious, but not at the same time the consciousness of drawing as the expression of the mind and soul. The first part of the course shall therefore deepen knowledge of free hand drawing, a procedure which alludes to the past but which has also has illustrious contemporary admirers, and a particular space shall be dedicated to drawing from reality, to the sketches, to prospective drawing and on-sight relief. In the second part we shall experiment with the various techniques of contemporary representation and not, as a complex exercise in the interpretation of reality, we shall pass from ink to pencil, from charcoal crayon to watercolours, from sanguines to pantones on supports which differ from time to time. Every lesson shall be preceded by practice sessions conducted in the classroom or outside in the presence of a teacher who shall provide practical clarifications on the execution. Intermediate verifications will take place and attendance in the lessons and in the practice tasks is required.

Core Documentation

- R. Arnheim, arte e percezione visiva, milano 1965
- Licisco Magagnato-Paola Marini (a cura di), Andrea Palladio. I quattro libri dell’architettura, Il polifilo, Milano 1980
- M. De Simone, Disegno, rilievo, progetto. Il disegno delle idee, il progetto delle cose, Roma 1990
- F. Moschini e G. Neri, Dal progetto. Scritti teorici di Franco Purini 1966-1991, Roma 1992
- G. Anceschi, L’oggetto della raffigurazione, Milano 1992
- E. E. Viollet Le Duc, Storia di un disegnatore, Venezia 1992
- aa.vv., Teorie e metodi del disegno, città-studi, Milano 1994.
- aa.vv., Il disegno come idea, Roma 1996
- G. De Fiore, Storia del disegno, Milano 1997
- M. Docci e D. Maestri; Scienza del disegno, Torino 2000
- aa.vv., Il disegno dell' architettura fra tradizione e innovazione, Roma 2002
- Anna Sgrosso, Rinascimento e barocco, in De Rosa-Sgrosso-Giordano, La geometria nell’immagine. Storia dei metodi di rappresentazione, utet, Torino 2002
- M.G. Cianci, La rappresentazione del paesaggio. strumenti e procedure per l' analisi e la rappresentazione del paesaggio, firenze 2008-i materiali (immagini, schemi, riferimenti e approfondimenti tematici).
sito web: 100disegni.blogspot.com

Reference Bibliography

- R. Arnheim, arte e percezione visiva, milano 1965 - Licisco Magagnato-Paola Marini (a cura di), Andrea Palladio. I quattro libri dell’architettura, Il polifilo, Milano 1980 - M. De Simone, Disegno, rilievo, progetto. Il disegno delle idee, il progetto delle cose, Roma 1990 - F. Moschini e G. Neri, Dal progetto. Scritti teorici di Franco Purini 1966-1991, Roma 1992 - G. Anceschi, L’oggetto della raffigurazione, Milano 1992 - E. E. Viollet Le Duc, Storia di un disegnatore, Venezia 1992 - aa.vv., Teorie e metodi del disegno, città-studi, Milano 1994. - aa.vv., Il disegno come idea, Roma 1996 - G. De Fiore, Storia del disegno, Milano 1997 - M. Docci e D. Maestri; Scienza del disegno, Torino 2000 - aa.vv., Il disegno dell' architettura fra tradizione e innovazione, Roma 2002 - Anna Sgrosso, Rinascimento e barocco, in De Rosa-Sgrosso-Giordano, La geometria nell’immagine. Storia dei metodi di rappresentazione, utet, Torino 2002 - M.G. Cianci, La rappresentazione del paesaggio. strumenti e procedure per l' analisi e la rappresentazione del paesaggio, firenze 2008-i materiali (immagini, schemi, riferimenti e approfondimenti tematici) usati dal docente a supporto delle comunicazioni saranno messi a disposizione per l'eventuale riproduzione durante il corso che si svolgerà nel primo semestre e durante il quale saranno fornite indicazioni bibliografiche specifiche. sito web: 100disegni.blogspot.com

Type of delivery of the course

The course aims to deepen and to experiment with the techniques of representation aimed at knowledge, reading, direct survey, analysis, architecture design. Through these exercises, the definition of one's own graphic expressiveness will be favored, thus helping to understand how drawing is essential for expressing one's own ideas and for the project. It will include: frontal lessons, exercises, fieldwork and group work. The course is divided into phases: ANALYSIS AND REPRESENTATION OF THE ARCHITECTURAL PROJECT ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY KNOWLEDGE OF CLASSICAL ARCHITECTURE VISIONS AND ARCHITECTURAL REPRESENTATIONS


The attendance is mandatory at 75%

Type of evaluation

The evaluation will take place electronically on the TEAMS platform. Students must upload the exam papers (of the course and of the module) on the platform indicated by the teacher one week before the exam session. The same works will be shared on screen during the oral exam. The final exam takes place through the elaboration of four hand-made graphic extempore lasting 8 hours each, to be carried out in two days in the classroom. Furthermore, the creation of two digital works and a written-graphic notebook is required. Deliveries and evaluations are expected during the year. All exam sheets from previous years are available on the course website: 100disegni.blogspot.it and on the facebook page Disegno dell'Architettura. The final exam takes consist in a discussion regarding the sheets presented and the theoretical contents of the course. Required documents: ANALYSIS AND REPRESENTATION OF THE ARCHITECTURAL PROJECT: EXTEMPORE 1 - in the classroom KNOWLEDGE OF CLASSICAL ARCHITECTURE: EXTEMPORE 2 - in the classroom A LESSON ON DRAWING: EXTEMPORE 3 o 4 - in the classroom THE DIGITAL REPRESENTATION OF THE PROJECT: TABLE 5 - CAD THE ARCHITECTURE MANIFESTO: TABLE 6 – RENDER