To deepen, in preparation of the laboratory project, building elements, materials and construction techniques, with particular regard to the inclusion of the building in the environment and urban landscape.


teacher profile | teaching materials


The aim of the course is to make the student think about the design of a building in its urban and architectural dimension; about the coherence between form, functional program, typology and structure.
The course is developed in theoretical lessons and exercises. The final exercise concerns the design of a residential building with attached services, within an empty area of a dense urban fabric. The building will thus have to be conceived as a part of the city, as an element capable of completing the urban landscape and relating to public space. At the same time it will have to answer, in its articulation and internal organization, the necessities of private life, the theme of the housing.

Core Documentation

AAVV, Rapporti tra la morfologia urbana e la tipologia edilizia. Venezia 1966
C. Aymonino, Il significato della città, Bari 1976
L. Benevolo, La cattura dell’infinito, 1991
G. Caniggia, G. Maffei, Lettura dell’edilizia di base, Firenze 1979
I. Cerdà., Teoria generale dell’urbanistica, Jaka Book, 1985
G. Cullen, Il paesaggio Urbano,1976
S. Giedion, Spazio Tempo ed Architettura, 1975
V. Gregotti , Territorio dell’architettura., Milano 1966
W. Gropius, Per un’architettura totale,1962- 2007
L.Hilberseimer, L’architettura della grande città, Milano 1998
H. Hertzberger, Space and Architecture. Lesson in architecture. Rotterdam 2010
S. Holl, la rivincita della periferia, in Domus 876, 2004
Le Corbusier, La casa degli uomini, Milano 1985
K. Lynch, l’Immagine della città, Marsilio 1964
K. Lynch, Progettare la città, la qualità della forma urbana. Milano 1990
Mies van der Rohe, Le parole e le cose, 2010
C. Martì Aris, La Manzana en la ciudad contemporanea, in Urbanismo n.31, COAM 2001
C.M. Arìs, Le variazioni dell’identità, 2012
L. Munford, La città nella storia. Milano 1991
R. Krier, Lo spazio della città, Stuttgart 1975
R. Koolhaas, Delirius New York, Electa 1978
H. Kolloff, Costruzione urbana contro alloggio, in Lotus n.94, 1997.
G. Samonà, La casa popolare degli anni ’30. Marsilio 1972
B. Secchi, La città del ventesimo secolo 2006
B. Secchi, Le forme della città contemporanea, Ferrara 2008
C. Sitte, L’arte di Costruire la Città, Milano1982
G. Pagano, Architettura e città durante il fascismo, Milano 2008
A. Rossi, L’architettura della città, Marsilio 1966
C. Rowe, Collage city, Il Saggiatore, 1981
O. M. Ungers, Morphologie, City Metaphors. Colonia, 1982
R. Venturi, D. Scott Brown, Learning from Las Vegas

Reference Bibliography

Berlino, La nuova ricostruzione IBA, 1976-1978, di R. Capezzuto, Milano 1987 Vienna Rossa, La politica residenziale nella Vienna Socialista 1919-1933, a cura di M.Tafuri Milano 1980 Architettura domestica in Gran Bretagna 1890 1939, a cura di Donatella Calabi, Milano 1982 Olanda 1870-1940, Citta, Casa, Architettura, a cura di Maristella Casciato e altri, Milano 1980 Il Razionalismo e l’architettura italiana durante il fascismo, a cura di Luciano Patetta e altri, Milano 1976 Werkbund, Germania, Austria, Svizzera a cura di L. Burckardt, Milano 1976 Riflessioni sulla fenomenologia dell’abitare I. Abalos, Il buon abitare, 2009 G. Bachelard, La poetica dello spazio, Roma 1957 j. Pallasmaa, La mano che pensa, 2014 N. Schulz, Genius loci, 1982 M. Vitta, Dell’Abitare, corpi, oggetti, spazi, immagini. Torino 2008 Su Roma Immagini di Roma, di L. Quaroni, Bari 1975 Leonardo Benevolo, Roma dal 1879 al 1990, Bari 1992 L'Architettura di Roma capitale 1870-1970. di G. Accasto, F.Vanna, R. Nicolini, Roma 1971 Guida ai quartieri romani INA Casa, a cura di M. Guccione e altri, Roma 2002 Roma, Guida all’architettura moderna 1909-2011, di Piero Ostilio Rossi, Bari 2012 Manualistica ed altro M. Ridolfi, Manuale dell’ Architetto, a cura del CNR, 1953 P. Carbonara, Architettura Pratica Vol. 1 Composizione degli edifici. La casa di abitazione. Gli edifici di abitazione collettiva, Utet 1954 E. Chermayeff, C. Alexander, Spazio di relazione e spazio privato. Milano 1968 L. Dall’Olio, D. Mandolesi, La residenza Collettiva, Roma, Mancosu, 2014 M. Farina, Spazi e figure dell’abitare. Il progetto della residenziale contemporaneo in Olanda, 2014 A.Fernandez Per, J. Arpa., Density Projects. 36 New Concepts for Collective Housing, a+t ediciones, 2008 O. Heckmann, F. Schneider, Floor plan manual housing, Basel, Birkhauser, 2012 H. Hertzberger, Space and Architecture. Lesson in architecture. Rotterdam 2010 B. Melotto, O. S. Pierini, Housing primer: le forme della residenza nella città contemporane, Maggioli, 2012 F. Menegatti , Milano verde, 2017 E. Neufert, Enciclopedia pratica per progettare e costruire, Hoepli 2013 Alexander Klein, Lo studio delle piante e la progettazione degli spazi minimi. Scritti e progetti dal 1960 al 1957. Mazzotta 1977 L. Quaroni, Progettare un edificio. Roma 1977 L. Reale, La residenza collettiva, Roma 2015 L. Reale, Densità, città, residenza. Roma 2008 A. Saggio, Louis Sauer The Architect of Low-rise High-density Housing, 2014 L. Zevi, Il Nuovissimo Manuale dell’Architetto, Roma, Mancosu, 2012 “2G” n.35/05, Burkhalter Sumi, Obra Reciente “Area”, Housing, n.68, 2003 “Arquitectura viva”, Vivienda europea, n.56, 2000 “Arquitectura Z”, Densimetria, n.2, 2003 “Arquitectura Z”, Ciudad expuesta, n.7-8, 2007 “A+T”, Density/Densidad, nn.19 e 20, 2002, nn. 21 e 22, 2003 “Edilizia Popolare”, I contratti di un quartiere, n.261-262, 1999 “Lotus international”,AA.VV.; L’isolato urbano, n.19, 1978 “Lotus international”,AA.VV.; Il quartiere come forma urbana, n.36, 1982 “Lotus international”,AA.VV.;La ricerca contemporanea nell’abitazione, n.94, 1997 “Lotus international”,AA.VV; Densità/Infill/Assemblage, n.117, 2003 “Lotus international”,AA.VV; Urban housing I, n.147, 2011 “Lotus international”,AA.VV; Urban housing II, n.148, 2011 “Area”, Berlino, n.66, 2003 “Area”, IBA, Social housing, n.74, 2004 “Casabella”, Social housing, n.774, 2009 “a+t”, A.Fernandez Per, J. Arpa.,density, data, diagrams, dwellings, a+t ediciones, 2007 “a+t”, A.Fernandez Per, J. Arpa., Density Projects. 36 New Concepts for Collective Housing , a+t ediciones, 2008 “a+t”, A.Fernandez Per, J. Arpa., density, housing, construction, a+t ediciones, 2009

Type of delivery of the course

What the laboratory requires • The shape of the place: Studies on the morphology of the place: the shape of the earth and settlement and typological principles. The visual orientation, the sun exposure and the tectonic structure of the intervention. • The layout in the context of the neighborhood: What set-up? Tall and with concentrated volumes? low and with distributed volumes? or by integrating the qualities previously described? Functional diagrams: compositional diagrams; distribution schemes; dimensional schemes; modular schemes; typological, volumetric and formal schemes. The travel system; the system of public open spaces, semi-public and private spaces; the green and mobility system. Plan of the neighborhood scale (ratio 1: 1000); Plani-volumetry (ratio 1: 500); Profiles. Model of the contextualized intervention (rapp. 1: 500), and overall views. • The architecture of the residential complex: The form of living: The typological and distributive conception of the intervention. Tectonics and construction principles. The organism and its functioning. Plans, sections and elevations. (ratio 1: 200 and excerpts 1: 100) Model of the intervention (rapp1: 200), and overall views. • Accommodation: The organization of living. 1:50 scale housing plans. The internal spatiality and the relationship with the outside. • The construction: Constructive and technological analysis of the intervention. Excerpt of plan, section and elevation in scale 1:50. In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented.


Attendance at the course is mandatory for 75%

Type of evaluation

The evaluation of the exam consists in the average of the performances among the different disciplines integrated in the Design Laboratory (Economic evaluation and Technology). The development of the following contents is essential: 1: relationship with the place: the planimetric organism; 2: relationship between building typology and morphology of the residential district; 3: quality of housing spatial organization; 4: relationship between architectural conception and constructive conception. In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The architectural design laboratory 3, located at the end of the three-year degree course, will focus on the design of a medium-sized building with a predominantly residential function, integrated with spaces for commerce and other services, in an empty area of the consolidated urban zone of the city of Rome. The project will be confronted with an articulated urban landscape and will have to evaluate all the aspects related to the insertion of an architectural organism within an existing context. We must consider, as main themes of reasoning: the evaluation of the settlement principle and the typological, morphological and spatial characteristics of the organism in relation to those present in the context in which it is inserted, the relationship with the public space and with the infrastructure system present in the immediate vicinity. At the same time the building will have to give answers to the theme of living, proposing housing solutions that are the result of an updated thought on new ways of life and new housing needs. The project will be developed on a scale that will allow both a definition of the technological and structural characteristics of the organism and an economic evaluation of a parametric type.

Core Documentation

L. Zevi, Il Nuovissimo Manuale dell’Architetto, Roma, Mancosu, 2012
P. O. Rossi, Roma, Guida all’architettura moderna 1909-2011, Bari 2012
M. Guccione (a cura di), Guida ai quartieri romani INA Casa, Roma 2002
L. Benevolo, Roma dal 1879 al 1990, Bari 1992
M. Tafuri (a cura di), Vienna Rossa, La politica residenziale nella Vienna Socialista 1919-1933, Milano 1980
M. Casciato (a cura di), Olanda 1870-1940, Citta, Casa, Architettura, Milano 1980
C. M. Arìs, Le variazioni dell’identità, 2012
I. Abalos, Il buon abitare, Milano 2009
L. Dall’Olio, D. Mandolesi, La residenza Collettiva, Roma 2014
M. Farina, Spazi e figure dell’abitare. Il progetto della residenza contemporanea in Olanda, 2014
L. Reale, La residenza collettiva, Roma 2015
Altri testi e numeri monografici di riviste saranno indicati dal docente durante le lezioni.
Other texts and monographic issues of magazines will be indicated by the teacher during the lessons.

Type of delivery of the course

The planned project will be carried out mainly in the classroom. Should the corona virus emergency persist, the Laboratory will use the Moodle platform at: https://architettura.el.uniroma3.it/course/search.php?q=Laboratorio+di+progettazione+architettonica&areaids=core_course-course for communications and the loading of programs, materials and lessons and the Zoom Meeting platform for lessons. The project activity will be divided into five phases, with related activities: - Analytical phase: site inspection, analysis of the context with particular with regard to: size of the area, altimetry and exposure, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the surrounding building fabric, particularly significant emergencies, vehicular, pedestrian and cycle paths and its possible needs and transformations, presence or absence of primary public services, presence of areas greens and public meeting spaces, detection of any deficiencies and needs to be compensated with the project.- Instrumental phase: realization of the basic drawings necessary for the project: sections of the area, 3d, models of the project area including the built-up area surrounding.


Attendance at the course is mandatory for 75%

Type of evaluation

Oral exam and project evaluation. The exam will take place in presence or remotely on the Zooms portal if the restrictions due to Covid-19 persist. In this second case, the student must deliver the graphic designs of the project proposal 24 hours before the exam, in high resolution PDF format, via we transfer (or similar) to the following e-mail addresses: lorenzo.dallolio@uniroma3.it ; alessandro.desimone89@gmail.com; falvio.graviglia@hotmail.it; sererubino@gmail.com. The project will be accompanied by a 1: 500 model that will be assessed through photographic images inserted in the tables and via webcam. The student will be called to describe the characteristics of the project, from its basic philosophy, to the detailed solutions. The requested documents will be specified during the final phase of the Laboratory. In principle, the project must be represented in order to describe the insertion of the intervention within the city (1: 2000; 1: 500), the type-morphological system adopted (1: 200), the housing solutions adopted (1:50) and the technological and material solutions developed (1:20).

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course aims to design a building with a complex program starting from the demolition of an existing building according to the most current methods of transforming the consolidated urban fabrics of our cities.

The student is asked to develop a project strategy taking into account the innumerable restrictions and limits that come from the immediate urban context.

During the development of the project, the student will also have to deal with constructive technological and project evaluation issues. For this purpose, a 1:50 scale study of the building's cross section will be required, in order to deepen the design aspects related to the choices of technological detail.

Core Documentation

Depending on the chosen project site, reference texts will be provided.

Reference Bibliography

During the laboratory, reference case studies will be provided in relation to the topics covered during the lessons and during the project reviews.

Type of delivery of the course

The Laboratory is structured according to a cycle of lectures whose objective is to provide a basic knowledge of the laboratory's design theme and to deepen the aspects related to the architectural project to be developed. Subsequently, the work of drafting the project will proceed according to a series of progress states agreed from time to time and verified in subsequent revisions. The Laboratory will proceed by work phases: at the end of each block of the development phase, a general review of all aspects of the project is organized, to verify the progress of the work and compliance with the required requirements. Students will carry out part of the work autonomously and part during laboratory hours, with revisions on request. The activity will mainly revise the projects AND refine its various aspects, according to a set of two-dimensional and three-dimensional designs aimed at illustrating the various aspects and details of the project. In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented.


The lessons according to the general epidemiological situation will take place in the traditional way, remotely or in a mixed way.

Type of evaluation

The final evaluation of the project will be based on the one hand on the progress of the reviews supported by the student during the course of the laboratory and on the effectiveness of the final presentation of the exam; on the other, it will be based on the ability to integrate the construction and assessment aspects of the project into the project proposal. In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented.