Knowledge of fundamentals of heat transfer, thermodynamics, acoustics and lighting, necessary to control environmental variables and thermal and environmental comfort, and mechanical equipments design.
Deepening of environmental and energy control of building components in the project developed in the Architecture ConstructionLaboratory.


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Physical quantities and units of measurement: fundamental and derived units of measurement. Dimensional analysis.
System of units of measurement. The international system of units.
- Definition of Heat, Thermal Capacity and specific Heat
- Principle of heat conservation
- Fundamental laws of heat exchange, Combined exchange mechanisms
thermal (convection and radiation conduction), Analogy between thermal flow and flow
- Fundamentals of heat transfer by conduction,
- the law and the Fourier postulate of internal conduct.
Permanent one-dimensional conduction. The case
of the flat wall, of the composite structure
- Fundamentals of heat exchange by radiation. Thermal radiation of the body
black, Plank's law, Wien's law. .
- Fundamentals of heat transmission by convection. The coefficient of
heat transfer by convection. Energy transport mechanism e
fluid dynamics, fundamental concepts of the boundary layer. Free and Forced Convection.
- Dimensional analysis (outline)
- Transmittance

Temperature concept. Thermodynamic system. First Principle of Thermodynamics
for closed and open systems. Stationary and non-stationary regimes. Enthalpy. Capacity
thermal and specific heat. Second Principle of Thermodynamics. Temperature
thermodynamics. Thermal machine, refrigerator, heat pump.
- Thermodynamics of moist air (Psychrometry)
Mixture of air and water vapor: title, hygrometric degree, enthalpy, etc.
Psychrometric chart. Main thermodynamic transformations of air mixtures
-Thermodynamics applied to the building
The thermodynamic "building" system and the main parameters that define it. The concept
of a thermodynamic system intended as a building-plant system. The concept of requirement

Definition of sound. Frequency, period, wavelength. Sound pressure, Intensity
sound; Sound power. Levels in decibels. Decibel operations. Elements of psychophysical acoustics,
average normal audiogram, weighting curves, decibel A. Calculation of the reverberation time of a room. Sound absorbing materials.
Soundproofing power and Acoustic insulation of rooms.

Main photometric quantities. The importance of natural and artificial lighting in
design for the purpose of visual well-being and energy saving. The average light factor
daytime. Total flow method

Core Documentation

Italo Barducci, "Heat transmission", Esa Editrice
Yunus A. Çengel, “Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer”, McGraw-Hill
Italo Barducci, "Termodinamica applicata", Esa Editrice
Italo Barducci, "Acustica applicata", Esa Editrice
Alfredo Badagliacca "Fondamenti di Fisica Tecnica", Edizioni Ingegneria 2000

Reference Bibliography

Giuliano Dall’O “Architettura e impianti”, CittàStudi Badagliacca, A., Heat transission basis, Aracne, Roma, 1997 http://lft.unich.it/laboratorio-fisica-tecnica/images/pdf/lezioni/corso%20di%20fis%20tec_1.pdf http://www.lift.uniroma3.it/didattica.html https://architettura.el.uniroma3.it/mod/folder/view.php?id=409

Type of delivery of the course

The course includes a series of lectures by the lecturer in which the topics covered by the course program and a series of recurring exercises to check the level of general learning. In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will apply: the teaching method takes place remotely through the use of a series of platforms that allow the transfer of teaching materials and the monitoring of the students' learning status. The moodle platform, teams, the uploading of audio and video lessons through one drive and the email are the tools used.


Attendance at the course is mandatory for 75%

Type of evaluation

The exam includes a written test in the classroom and subsequently if the exam is passed, the oral exam is scheduled. In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. In particular, the following procedures will apply: distance oral interview on the teams platform as required by article 1 of the rector's decree of 5 May to respect the restrictions imposed by the covid emergency situation

teacher profile | teaching materials


Overall Heat Transfer

Light ources
Artificial lighting – Total flux method
Natural lighting – Daylight factor

Acoustical quantities, sound waves, sound propagation.
Open field sound propagation
Enclosed spaces acoustics
Acoustic transmission reduction/soundproofing

Fundamentals of thermodymics
Open thermodynamic systems
Thermodynamic cycles
Fundamentals of psycrometrics
Thermal comfort and air treatments

Core Documentation

Y. Cengel, Termodinamica e Trasmissione del calore, IV edizione, con Acustica e Illuminotecnica, Mc Graw Hill
M. Felli, Lezioni di Fisica Tecnica 2 (civile e ambientale) - Trasmissione del calore, acustica, illuminotecnica. Ed. Morlacchi
Supplementary material will be provided on the Moodle platform, at https://architecture.el.uniroma3.it

Reference Bibliography

G. Cesini, G. Latini, F. Palonara, Fisica Tecnica, Cittàstudi Ed. I. Barducci,Trasmissione del calore, Ed. Masson L. De Santoli, G. Moncada Lo Giudice, Lezioni di Fisica Tecnica, vol. 1, 2,3. Y. Cengel, G. Dall'O, L. Sarto, Fisica tecnica ambientale, Mc Graw Hill G. Cammarata, Trasmissione del calore - Acustica applicata, disponibili online https://www.giulianocammarata.it/

Type of delivery of the course

The teaching activity includes lectures and application exercises. In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. In particular, the teaching activity will be carried out remotely, with lessons carried out via the Teams or Zoom platform.


Compulsory attendance for at least 75% of lessons

Type of evaluation

Students will take a written test, consisting in carrying out and solving some exercises, and an oral test. Passing the written test (with at least 'almost sufficient' mark) is required to access the oral test. If the health emergency from COVID-19 will endure, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. In particular, according to Rectoral guidelines, the exam will be held at distance. It will consist in an oral interview; students may also be asked to solve exercises, or to answer multiple-choice questions/open ended questions/ quizzes, etc. which can be sent / shared via a web platform (Moodle, Teams or Zoom).