To deepen, in preparation of the laboratory project, building elements, materials and construction techniques, with particular regard to the inclusion of the building in the environment and urban landscape.


teacher profile | teaching materials


The aim of the course is to provide all the appropriate tools for students to manage design relations between materials, building elements, working techniques, requirements and regulations involved since the concept design.
All that fully aware of the strong link between typological-stylish features and technological-architectural ones of the building conceived as a whole of interrelated and organized parts, according to a systemic and performance design approach.

Core Documentation

AA.VV. [Varie]. Grandi Atlanti dell’Architettura, UTET, Milano.

Agrawal, R. [2019]. Costruire. Le storie nascoste dentro le architetture, BollatiBollingeri Editore, Torino.
Bertoldini, M.; Zanelli, A. (a cura di) [2003]. Tecnica, progetto e scienze umane, Libreria CLUP, Milano.
De Santis, M.; Losasso, M.; Pinto, M. R. (a cura di) [2008]. L’invenzione del futuro, Genesi Gruppo editoriale, Città di Castello.
Sennett, R. [2008]. L’uomo artigiano, Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore, Milano.

Reference Bibliography

AA.VV. [1995]. Manuale di progettazione edilizia, Hoepli, Milano. Arbizzani, E. [2008]. Tecnologia dei sistemi edilizi. Progetto e costruzione, Maggioli editore, Ravenna. Nervi, P. L. [1965]. Costruire correttamente, Hoepli Edizioni, Milano. Silver, P.; McLean, W. [2008]. Introduction to architectural technology, Laurence King Publishing, London (UK).

Type of delivery of the course

In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. Specifically, the exam will be done through a planning practice and an individual interview.


The course will be held in person, with compulsory attendance.

Type of evaluation

In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. Specifically, the exam will be done through a planning practice and an individual interview.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The Architectural Technology module deals with the study of the relationship that is established between the building and the environment in its components of air, water, solar radiation, natural component and deepens the design of the main elements of the technological system of a building (structure, attack on the ground, opaque and transparent casing, horizontal and vertical).

These topics will be developed and deepened through lectures, seminars in small groups, reviews on the project and will focus on the study of examples and good practices, the comparison and the motivated choice of alternative technological solutions, the detailed representation of the most significant elements of the project.

Core Documentation

Allen E., I fondamenti del costruire, Milano 1997
Arbizzani E., Tecnologia dei sistemi edilizi. Progetto e costruzione, Rimini 2011
Deplazes A., Constructing Architecture: Materials, Processes, Structures, Birkhäuser Basel 2006
The Plan
Costruire in Laterizio

Reference Bibliography

Marrone P., Morabito G., La tecnologia che serve agli architetti. Come si costruisce oggi e (forse si costruirà) domani,Firenze 2008 Marrone P., Morabito G., La tecnologia che serve agli architetti 2. L’attacco a terra, Firenze 2010 Marrone P., Morabito G., La tecnologia che serve agli architetti 3. La struttura, Firenze 2011 Marrone P., Morabito G., La tecnologia che serve agli architetti 4. L’involucro, Firenze 2014 Marrone P., Morabito G., La tecnologia che serve agli architetti 4. La copertura, Firenze 2016 Manuali di Progettazione edilizia, Milano, 1995 e la serie Grande Atlante dell’Architettura, Utet.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be held in person, with compulsory attendance. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will be applied: teaching will be managed remotely through the use of the ZOOM platform and any other IT media for sharing material, such as ONEDRIVE. The teaching activity includes: - Lectures to all, through the ZOOM platform - Small group seminars for thematic reviews - Revisions to individual groups on the project Students will attend lectures and collective and individual reviews that will be held during the course


The course will be held in person, with compulsory attendance.

Type of evaluation

The evaluation will be carried out on the graphic material produced for the exam and on the oral comparison which will be done on this material. In particular, we require: TABLE A1 with: Detail plan of typical accommodation, scale 1:50 Detail section on the sky-earth envelope, scale 1:50 Excerpt of corresponding detail elevation, scale 1:50 The material produced must be adequately detailed and consistent with a technological representation. BOOK A4 with: Exemplification of the composition Matt Vertical Lock type, with all the layers Calculation of transmittance and thermal displacement Summary of the technical data sheets of the products used for the type Vertical Matt Closure.

teacher profile | teaching materials


At the beginning few lessons will represent the principle of the technological design. Then work with the student in the classroom will follow.
Time by time there will be meeting with the others professors involved in the course with the aim to comment the students' design solution in order to reach a common choice on architecture, materials. technics, feasibility and economics.

Core Documentation

Bellingeri, Tonelli, Strategie per l'alta efficienza energetica in clima mediterraneo, 2016

Reference Bibliography

Bellingeri, Tonelli, Strategie per l'alta efficienza energetica in clima mediterraneo, 2016

Type of delivery of the course

If the COVID-19 pandemic will continue, we will follow the procedure determined by the law and in particular: lessons and ongoing evaluations will be run online, trough TEAMS platform. If the normal situation will be, the course will be organized trough visits to the project area, lessons and work in the classroom.


Attendance at the course is mandatory for 75%

Type of evaluation

If the COVID-19 pandemic will continue, we will follow the procedure determined by the law and in particular: evaluations will be run online, trough TEAMS platform. If the normal situation will be back, exams will take place in the classroom. Exams will evaluate a digital presentation and the printed design solutions on A1 format.