The course intends to provide students with a holistic vision and overview of the history of the shaping and design of the garden and open spaces in Europe from the perspective of an analysis of the artistic, technical and scientific context according to the programmatic and cognitive principles as set out in the 1981 Florence Charter, European Routes of Historic Gardens (both the Italian and the ICOMOS-IFLA maps); the fundamentals of historiography and European scientific literature on the history of gardens and landscaping from the beginning of the 20th century; the principle methodological elements for the description and study of a garden or open space design project and its main components; the tools that permit a historical study of a given site, an essential and preliminary activity for the elaboration of any landscape design project. From this viewpoint the course aims to sensitize the student to the role that sources play, and, more in general, the role played by historical disciplines in not only the study of the achievements of the past but also for the comprehension of the contemporary project.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course will focus on the history of knowledge and practices in garden and open spaces design in Europe from the Renaissance to the 21st century. By mobilizing the analytical methodology of historical science applied to the elaboration of landscaping projects, each lesson will treat a specific period in the evolution of the shape of designed gardens and urban open spaces using diverse and varied source typologies (archival documents, historical maps and iconography, design projects, treatises on the art of the garden, odeporic literature, descriptions, novels etc.). As an integral part of this chronological itinerary, analysis will initially be oriented to the study of the cultural, political and social context in which the gardens serve simultaneously as both testament and representation.
Thereafter specific aspects of the elaboration of projects and the compositional rules will be examined in greater depth: how topography is treated, structural design as a whole, the layout of routes and pathways and the organization of circulation, water management, water distribution techniques (hydraulic networks, water scenography and water games, water level management etc.); the choice of vegetal cover (‘couverts et découverts’) paying particular attention to the evolution of botanical sciences and ecological processes. Such analysis will be conducted by examining the case studies chosen as most representative and preferably, whenever possible, Italian sites so as to be able to integrate practical exercises (first hand observation, descriptions, fieldwork and analysis in situ etc.) to establish a constant dialogue between compositional principles of the gardens of the past and the contemporary design project. In that way the course will focus on the historical evolution of the profession of landscape architect in different countries in Europe as much as from the perspective of a progressive definition of both the main theoretical and practical tools as in relation to other professions specialising in design on all spatial scales (painters, architects, urban planners, engineers and so on).

Core Documentation

AUDOUY Michel, SANTINI Chiara (a cura di), Paysages. L’héritage de Le Nôtre, Actes Sud/ENSP, Arles/Versailles, 2021.

ALLAIN Yves-Marie, CHRISTIANY Janine, L’art des jardins en Europe. De l’évolution des idées et de savoir-faire, Citadelles & Mazenod, Paris, 2006.
AZZI VISENTINI Margherita (a cura di), L'arte dei giardini. Scritti teorici e pratici dal XIV al XIX secolo, 2 vol., Il Polifilo, Milano, 2000.
BARIDON Michel, Les jardins : paysagistes, jardiniers, poètes, R. Laffont, Paris, 1998.
CAMPITELLI Alberta, Ville e giardini d'Italia. Percorsi nel tempo e nei luoghi tra natura e artificio, Jaca Book, Milano, 2019.
CAZZATO Vincenzo, Atlante del giardino italiano, 1750-1940, 2 vol., Istituto poligrafico dello Stato, Roma, 2009.
CONAN Michel, Dictionnaire historique de l’art des jardins, Hazan, Paris, 2000.
GIUSTI Maria Adriana, Restauro dei giardini. Teorie e storia, Firenze, Alinea, 2004.
JAKOB Michael (dir.), Des Jardins et des livres, Méris Presses-Fondation Bodmer, 2018.
LE DANTEC J. P., Le Sauvage et le régulier. Art des jardins et paysagisme en France au XXème siècle, Le Moniteur, Paris, 2019 (nouvelle éd.).
LE DANTEC J. P., Poétique des jardins, ENSP-Actes Sud, Versailles-Arles, 2011.
MOSSER Monique, TEYSSOT Georges (a cura di), L'architettura dei giardini d'Occidente : dal Rinascimento al Novecento, Electa, Milano, 1999.
PANZINI Franco, Progettare la natura : architettura del paesaggio e dei giardini dalle origini all'epoca contemporanea, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2005.
SANTINI Chiara, Adolphe Alphand et la construction du paysage de Paris, Hermann Éditeurs, Paris, 2021
SANTINI Chiara, Il giardino di Versailles. Natura, artificio, modello, Olschki, Firenze, 2007.
TOSCO Carlo, Storia dei giardini : dalla Bibbia al giardino all'italiana, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2018.
VERCELLONI Marcello, VERCELLONI Virgilio, L'invenzione del giardino occidentale, Jaca Book, Milano, 2009.

Reference Bibliography

AUDOUY Michel, LE DANTEC Jean-Pierre, NUSSAUME Yann, SANTINI Chiara (a cura di), Le Grand Pari(s) d’Alphand: création et transmission d’un paysage urbain, Éditions de La Villette, Paris, 2018. AZZI VISENTINI Margherita, Paesaggi di villa. Architettura e giardini nel Veneto, Marsilio, Venezia, 2015. AZZI VISENTINI Margherita, Topiaria : architetture e sculture vegetali nel giardino occidentale dall'antichità a oggi, Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, Treviso, 2004. AZZI VISENTINI Margherita, La villa in Italia : Quattrocento e Cinquecento, Milano, Electa, 1997. BALTRUSAITIS Jurgis, « Jardins et pays d’illusion » (1957), in Baltrušaitis Jurgis, Aberrations. Les perspectives dépravées, Flammarion, Paris, 1995, p. 199-269. BÉNETIÈRE Marie-Hélène (a cura di), Jardin, vocabulaire typologique et technique, dir. par M. Chatenet, M. Mosser Ed. du Patrimoine, Paris, 2000. BOUCHENOT-DECHIN Patricia, FARHAT Georges (a cura di), Le Nôtre en perspectives, Paris, Hazan-Château de Versailles, 2013. CACCIA-GHERARDINI Susanna, GIUSTI Maria Adriana, SANTINI Chiara (a cura di), Giardini Storici. Esperienza, ricerca, prospettive a 40 anni dalle Carte di Firenze, numero speciale e monografico di “Restauro Archeologico”, 2 vol., Firenze University Press, 2021. CAMPITELLI Alberta, Gli horti dei papi : i giardini vaticani dal Medioevo al Novecento, Jaca book- Libreria editrice vaticana, Milano-Città del Vaticano, 2021. CAMPITELLI Alberta, CREMONA Alessandro, Atlante storico delle ville e giardini di Roma, Jaca Book, Milano, 2012. CAVAGNERO Paolo, GIUSTI Maria Adriana, REVELLI Roberto, Scienza idraulica e restauro dei giardini, Torino, Celid, 2019. CAZZATO Vincenzo, CORNAGLIA Paolo (a cura di.), Viaggio nei giardini d'Europa : da Le Notre a Henry James, Venaria Reale, Edizioni La Venaria Reale, 2019. CAZZATO Vincenzo, FAGIOLO Marcello, GIUSTI Maria Adriana (a cura di), Atlante delle grotte e dei ninfei in Italia, 2 vol., Milano, Electa, 2001-2002. CAZZATO Vincenzo, La memoria, il tempo, la storia del giardino italiano tra 800 e 900, Istituto poligrafico dello Stato, Roma, 1999. CAZZATO Vincenzo, FAGIOLO Marcello, GIUSTI Maria Adriana (a cura di), Lo specchio del Paradiso. Giardino e teatro dall'antico al Novecento, Silvana, Milano 1997. CAZZATO Vincenzo, FAGIOLO Marcello, GIUSTI Maria Adriana (a cura di), Teatri di verzura. La scena del giardino dal barocco al Novecento, Firenze, Edifir, 1995. CERBONI BAIARDI Anna (a cura di), I giardini del duca : luoghi di delizia dai Montefeltro ai Della Rovere, Silvana Editoriale, Milano, 2018. CONAN Michel, Baroque garden cultures : emulation, sublimation, subversion, D.C., Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, 2005. CORNAGLIA Paolo, Il giardino francese alla corte di Torino (1650-1773. Da André Le Nôtre a Michel Benard, Firenze, Olschki, 2021. GIUSTI Maria Adriana, Ville : lucchesi, d’Italia, del mondo, Lucca, Pacini Fazzi, 2016 GIUSTI Maria Adriana, Ville lucchesi : le delizie della campagna, PubliEd, Lucca, 2015 GUERCI Gabriella, PELLISSETTI Laura, SCAZZOSI Lionella (a cura di), Oltre il giardino. Le architetture vegetali e il paesaggio, Firenze, Olschki, 2003. Le Nôtre, un inconnu illustre ?, atti convegno, Ed. du Patrimoine, Paris, 2003. MOSSER Monique, TITO ROJO Josè, ZANON Simonetta (a cura di), Giardini storici, verità e finzione : letture critiche dei modelli storici nel paesaggio dei secoli XX e XXI, Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, Treviso, 2021. MATHIS Charles-François, Pépy Émilie-Anne, La ville végétale. Une histoire de la nature en milieu urbain (France, XVIIe-XXIe siècle), Champ Vallon, Seyssel, 2016 (éd. inglese : Greening the City: Nature in French Towns from the 17th Century, White Horse Press, 2020). MOSSER Monique, BRUNON Hervé, L’imaginaire des grottes dans les jardins européens, Hazan, Paris, 2014. PANZINI Franco, Per i piaceri del popolo. L'evoluzione del giardino pubblico in Europa dalle origini al XX secolo, Zanichelli, Bologna, 1993. RACINE Michel, Créateurs de jardins et de paysages en France de la Renaissance au XXIe siècle, 2 vol., École nationale supérieure du paysage de Versailles-Actes Sud, Versailles-Arles, 2002. RIBOUILLAULT Denis, Rome et ses jardins. Paysage et pouvoir au XVIe siècle, CTHS-INHA, Paris, 2013. RUGGLES Fairchild D., Islamic Gardens and Landscapes, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2008. SALAMAGNE Alain, GAUGAIN Lucie, LIEVAUX Pascal (a cura di), La Fabrique du jardin à la Renaissance, Tours, Presses universitaires François Rabelais, 2019. STEENBERGEN C., REH W., Architecture and landscape: the design experiment of the great european gardens and landscapes, Prestel, Bâle, 2003. TAGLIOLINI Alessandro, Storia del giardino italiano. Gli artisti, l'invenzione, le forme dall'antichità al XIX secolo, La casa Usher, Firenze, 1991.

Type of delivery of the course

This course will be carried out in theoretical lessons as well as practical exercises to introduce the student to the reading of archival documents and other iconographic devices including maps, technical drawings, design plans and projects, plantation plans, plan-masse, prints, publicity posters etc.), design materials for projects and their diffusion. Visits to historical gardens in the Rome area are also planned.

Type of evaluation

Exams will be oral with a focus on a discussion/ presentation of one of the texts included in the course reference bibliography and the subjects covered during lessons.