Acquisition, through design experience, of the technical knowledge useful for understanding and documenting the peculiarities of architectural bodies and environmental contexts of historical and artistic interest.


teacher profile | teaching materials


The course aim is to teach students the basic elements of architectural restoration, as applied to a historic Roman structure situated in a complex historic-architectural context.
The didactic approach has been applied and perfected over a number of years. The objectives are divided in two parts:
a) To develop knowledge and familiarity with traditional Roman architectural language and techniques in pre-modern construction arts as a basis for rational and active conservation of historic structures;
b) To prepare students for the aspects of a future career in architectural restoration which will regularly call on them to make rapid decisions concerning the fabric of historic buildings, without being able to draw on significant finances or resort to long or complex analyses.
In keeping with the teaching context, the study structure selected will be one of architectural-historical significance (but not a major designated monument), with past inappropriate alterations, situated in a low-visibility location and in current use as residences.

Core Documentation

The didactic materials provided to the students include measured drawings of the case study structure in .dwg or .jpg format and general and subject-specific bibliographies.
The basic reference text is Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Roma, edited by F. Giovanetti, Edizioni DEI, Rome 1997.

Reference Bibliography

General texts P. Marconi, Materia e significato. La questione del restauro architettonico, Bari (Laterza) 1999. P. Marconi, Il recupero della bellezza, Milano (Skira) 2005 M. Zampilli, Introduzione alla conoscenza dell’edilizia pre-moderna ed al suo restauro; in: F. Geremia, M. Zampilli, Casali della campagna romana. Esperienze di ricerca per la didattica, Roma (Aracne) 2013. Recovery manuals and codes of practice F. Giovanetti (a cura di), Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Roma, Roma (DEI), 1989. F. Giovanetti (a cura di), Manuale del Recupero di Città di castello, Roma (DEI), 1992 F. Giovanetti (a cura di), Manuale del recupero del Comune di Roma II edizione, Roma (DEI) 1997. F. Giovanetti (a cura di), Manuale del Recupero del Centro Storico di Palermo, Palermo (Flaccovio) 1997. A. Giuffrè (a cura di), Sicurezza e conservazione dei centri storici. Il caso Ortigia, Bari (Laterza) 1993. Historical typological analysis G. Caniggia, Strutture dello spazio antropico, Firenze (Alinea) 1972. G. Caniggia, G.L. Maffei, Composizione architettonica e tipologia edilizia. 1. Lettura dell’edilizia di base, Venezia (Marsilio) 1979. L. Bascià, P. Carlotti, G. L. Maffei, La casa romana nella storia della città dalle origini all'Ottocento, Alinea Editore, Firenze 1997. M. Zampilli, Analisi dei processi formativi dei tessuti urbani: note di metodo, in “Ricerche di Storia dell’arte” n. 112/2014, Centri storici del Mediterraneo architetture, migrazioni, permanenze, a cura di M. Zampilli.

Type of delivery of the course

The structure selected for the case planning studies will be a pre-modern residential building in the historic centre of Rome or a major residence (manor house, casale) of the agricultural regions near Rome (the Campagna Romana). Documentation relative to the structure will be provided at the course outset. Course instructors and teaching assistants will guide an appropriate series of survey visits for single students and small groups (maximum 3 individuals). The students will be responsible for preparation of a Project for Reuse, including the following components: a) Sets of overall measured and analytical drawings showing the most significant construction phases; b) Drawings and demonstrated comprehension of the pre-modern construction techniques for walls, horizontal structural elements, roofs, exterior and interior finishes; c) A project for architectural-functional reorganisation and compatible reuse of the historic Roman building, taking an approach of consolidative formation/transformation; d) Structural plans suited to achievement of the project, including the application of pre-modern construction traditions as identified during the documentation phase of the study. In the event that the COVID/19 emergency continues, the inspections may be reduced or eliminated and replaced by graphic and photographic material provided by the course.

Type of evaluation

Students organized in groups will show and discuss the work done during the laboratory with the teaching staff. In the event that the health emergency continues, the examination will take place remotely but with the same criteria as the one in attendance. In this case it is necessary to send the teachers a pdf copy of the work at least a week before. In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The project of conservation requires diverse phases which are correlated to each other, such as: the metric and geometrical surveys made through photo maps, historical analyses, stratigraphies of materials, structures and the diagnosis of the conservation project. The course aims to give the student the basic tools to realise the entire project. This will be undertaken through theoretical classes and practical exercises. At the end of the course the student will be expected to be able to recognise the diverse materials needed both to define the correct architectural interventions and the most compatible ones. The course aims to sensitise the students to the maintenance and protection of the old materials of the buildings, limiting invasive changes until they become absolutely necessary. For that reason the lessons will go deeper into some of the essential concepts of the culture of restoration: authenticity, stratification, limits, compatibility and the wrong use of materials.

Core Documentation

C. Feiffer, “La conservazione delle superfici intonacate; il metodo e le tecniche”, Milano, Skira, 1997.
C. Feiffer, "Il progetto di conservazione", Milano, Angeli, 1989
C. Feiffer,, “pensieriparoleopereomissioni”, Milano, De Lettera wp, 201
During the year, for each theme, you will be provided detailed bibliography.

Reference Bibliography

C. Feiffer, “La conservazione delle superfici intonacate; il metodo e le tecniche”, Milano, Skira, 1997. C. Feiffer, "Il progetto di conservazione", Milano, Angeli, 1989 C. Feiffer,, “pensieriparoleopereomissioni”, Milano, De Lettera wp, 201 During the year, for each theme, you will be provided detailed bibliography.

Type of delivery of the course

Attendance on the course is mandatory and failure to attend at least 90% of classes means that you will not be allowed to complete the final exam. In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. The course takes place with lessons on the topics of knowledge and design and practical design exercise on a specific case


Attendance at the course is mandatory for 75%

Type of evaluation

Those students that choose the first option of exam (the group project) need to have the topic approved by October, so that by February they can conclude the whole project of conservation. The reviews of the project will be part of the exam and so marked as such. Moreover, during the reviews the student will also be examined about the program discussed during the course since those are the cultural bases to understand the basic project of conservation. Those students that choose the exam based on the bibliography and the course will be individually examined. During November there will be the first written exam on the given bibliography, on the course and on the practical exercises of the project. Those who fail to pass this first part will not be allowed to complete the final exam.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course aims to teach students the basic elements of architectural restoration of an element of the Roman historical building fabric in a context with strong historical-architectural stratification.
Students will be offered a case study suitable to represent the historical stratification of the building fabric of the center of Rome and offer the opportunity to decline the analysis from different points of view.
Based on the documentation provided by the course and bibliographic and archival research to be conducted under the guidance of the teaching staff, students, individually or in groups of up to three people, are called to conduct a cognitive/design process including different disciplinary aspects.
Critical-historical analysis - Preliminary activity indispensable to the design is the knowledge of the architectural complex, this consists of three phases: reconstruction of the historical phases of the area on the basis of comparative reading of historical cartography and archival documents; reconstruction of the most significant historical phases in plan and axonometry; "critical" relief with the mapping of materials and "signs" of historical stratifications.
Philological restoration project - The design project will have to provide typological, architectural and functional reorganization on the basis of the consolidated transformation phenomena of Roman historical urban fabric for the purpose of reuse aimed at a compatible destination.
Structural adjustment, with the use of techniques belonging to the pre-modern construction tradition detected in the case of study and compared with those documented by the Manual of Recovery of the City of Rome.

Core Documentation

A.P. Frutaz, Le piante di Roma, Istituto di Studi Romani, Roma 1962.
F. Giovanetti (a cura di), Manuale del recupero del Comune di Roma, Roma (DEI) 1997.
F. Doglioni, Stratigrafia e restauro – Tra conoscenza e conservazione dell’architettura, Trieste ED. LINT, 1997.
P. Marconi, Materia e significato. La questione del restauro architettonico, Bari (Laterza) 1999.
F. Geremia, M. Zampilli, Casali della campagna romana. Esperienze di ricerca per la didattica, Aracne editrice Roma, 2013.

Reference Bibliography

G.Cangi, Manuale del recupero strutturale e antisismico, Roma (DEI) 2012 D. Esposito, Tecniche costruttive murarie medievali: murature "a tufelli" in area romana, L'Erma di Bretschneider, Roma 1998. R. Marta, Tecnica costruttiva a Roma nel Medioevo, Kappa Editore, Roma 1998. P. Marconi, Il recupero della bellezza, Milano (Skira) 2005

Type of delivery of the course

Il corso si svolge attraverso lezioni ex-cattedra e attività di revisione delle esercitazioni progettuali. Nel caso di un prolungamento dell’emergenza sanitaria da COVID-19 saranno recepite tutte le disposizioni che regolino le modalità di svolgimento delle attività didattiche e della valutazione degli studenti. in questa eventualità, al fine di impartire la didattica in modalità a distanza, si utilizzerà la piattaforma Microsoft Teams.


attendance is 75% compulsory

Type of evaluation

The exam will be based on the evaluation of the project developed during the course, the ongoing evaluations made and an oral exam. In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19 the exams will be held in remote mode, via audio-video conference with the use of the software Microsoft Teams. The graphics, which will be discussed during the exam will be uploaded by the students on the same platform two days before the exam.