The course proposes an overview of the architecture of the past, providing tools to analyze and understand the historical reasons and assess its quality. To this end, students are asked to examine the architectures selected focusing on the reasons of their construction in a specific time and place, what were the objectives of the client, the builder and the architect, how and why certain techniques and specific materials have been chosen, what relationship these buildings have with the architectures of the past and those contemporary to them, considering how these aspects are related to each other, reconstructing the design process, when it is sufficiently documented. In the first year the chosen buildings are the ones deemed most significant, including during the time span from the classical age extended to the sixteenth century.


teacher profile | teaching materials


In 2022-2023 the course proposes an examination of the history of ancient, medieval and Renaissance architecture with particular reference to the Mediterranean and European areas.
The course is chronological, from the most ancient architecture to the architecture of the early modern age, and will include some thematic and seminar lessons, focusing on specific aspects, which may also be treated from a diachronic perspective.

PART I. COMPARED ANTIQUITIES: Architectural orders and origin of the temple; Greece and the East. From the Parthenon to the Dydimaion; ancient building techniques; the Etruscans; Roman architecture: tempio and foro; theatres and amphitheatres; domus, villa, palace.
PART II. CULTURES AND CONNECTIONS. FROM THE DECLINE OF ROME TO THE BIRTH OF EUROPE: Rome, Milan, Constantinople, Ravenna; Longobards and Carolingians in Europe; "Proto-Romanesque" and "Romanesque" in Italy and Europe; Monastic orders; Gothic in Europe and Italy.
PART III. ARCHITECTURE IN THE HUMANISTIC AND RENAISSANCE AGES: Filippo Brunelleschi; Leon Battista Alberti; Rome in the 15th century; Vitruvius and Vitruvianism; the courts in Italy: Ferrara and Urbino; Florence and Giuliano da Sangallo; Alfonso of Aragon and Naples; Bramante in Milan and Rome; Raphael and his workshop; Michelangelo in Florence and Rome; From Rome to other centres: Giulio Romano in Rome and Mantua, Jacopo Sansovino in Rome and Venice; Andrea Palladio.

Core Documentation

Ancient and medieval european architecture:
 G. Cricco, F.P. Di Teodoro, Itinerario nell’arte (versione gialla), vol.1: Dalla Preistoria all’arte romana, vol.2: Dall’arte paleocristiana a Giotto, 3a edizione (o altra edizione), Bologna, Zanichelli, 2010
Medieval and early modern architecture:
 A. Naser Eslami, M.R. Nobile, Storia dell’architettura in Italia. Tra Mediterraneo e Europa (VII-XVIII secolo), Milano 2022 (disponibili in edizione cartacea o digitale)

Reference Bibliography

Sources  M. Letizia Gualandi, L’antichità classica, Roma 2014  Francesco Stella, Il testo dell’immagine. Fonti letterarie per lo studio dell’arte medievale, Firenze 2021  Émilie Passignat, Il Cinquecento. Le fonti per la storia dell’arte, Roma 2017 Architectural orders:  C. Thoenes, Ordini architettonici rinascita o invenzione (parte prima), in Roma e l’antico nell’arte e nella cultura del Cinquecento, a cura di M. Fagiolo, Roma 1985, pp. 261-271 Architectural treatises:  P.N. Pagliara, Vitruvio da testo a canone, in Memorie dell’antico nell’arte italiana, vol. Dalla tradizione all’archeologia, Torino 1986, pp. 5-85 Si consiglia a studentesse e studenti di consultare per le ricerche bibliografiche i seguenti cataloghi:  Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo https://sba.uniroma3.it/  Catalogo del Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale https://opac.sbn.it/opacsbn/opac/iccu/free.jsp  Jstor https://www.jstor.org/ Digital sources:  Trattati di architettura: http://architectura.cesr.univ-tours.fr/Traite/liste.asp  Opere d’arte: Web Gallery of Art https://www.wga.hu/  Disegni del Gabinetto dei Disegni e delle Stampe, Gallerie Uffizi, Firenze https://euploos.uffizi.it/index.php  Biblioteca digitalizzata dell’Institut national d’histoire de l’art INHA Paris https://bibliotheque-numerique.inha.fr/  Fonti bibliografiche digitali Universitäts-bibliothek Heidelberg https://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/  Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani https://www.treccani.it/biografie/

Type of delivery of the course

The course includes ex cathedra lectures and on-site lessons. The programme is divided into three modules, subdivided chronologically. The first (Part I) is dedicated to ancient architecture, the second (Part II) to late antique and medieval architecture, the third (Part III) to 15th and 16th century architecture (see programme). Seminars and conferences dedicated to transdisciplinary themes will be organised and will be announced during the course. Students will receive the iconographic materials used for the lectures, which will also constitute a further guide to the topics covered. NOTICES Notices regarding teaching activities, including any changes in the timetable, and teaching materials will be published in the appropriate section of the departmental website and in the course Teams channel.


Attendance is compulsory, for a minimum of 75% of the lessons, both for the frontal teaching activities and for the seminar activities.

Type of evaluation

The final evaluation is determined by three factors. 1. Final oral examination, focusing on the topics discussed in the course and the contents of the bibliography (see below GRADE). 2. Discussion of the individual study of Promenades dans Rome. Stories of architecture from ancient times to the Renaissance. At the beginning of the course students will receive a list of the topics planned for the academic year 2022-2023 and a vademecum containing information on how to carry out the individual study and the bibliography. 3. During the course of the semester, an intermediate written test (optional) focusing on the programme of the history of ancient and late ancient architecture is scheduled to take place approximately at the beginning of November. The test will be marked 30/30. The procedure and the schedule will be communicated at the beginning of the lessons. Those who pass the intermediate examination (mark higher than 18/30) will be allowed to discuss during the final examination only the part of the programme excluded from the examination. The mark obtained in the intermediate test (if higher than 18/30) will be averaged with the mark obtained during the final oral interview (see below GRADE). Students who do not take the intermediate test or do not pass it with a positive assessment may still take the final oral examination and will also be questioned on the contents of the programme covered by the intermediate test not passed or not taken (or both). FINAL EXAMINATION The oral exam will begin with questions on the exercise Promenades dans Rome. Histories of architecture from antiquity to the Renaissance carried out by the candidate, which will have been previously handed in to the lecturer according to the format communicated at the beginning of the course. The exam will continue with further questions on the programme. Preparation of the exercise is compulsory for the final examination and is required of all students (i.e. both those who have taken/successfully taken the intermediate examination and those who have not). Failure to prepare for the individual exercise will make it impossible to sit the exam. The duration of the final interview is approximately 20 minutes. DISTRIBUTION OF THE GRADE - Grading distribution: knowledge of the course programme 40%; individual study 30%; intermediate test 30%. - Knowledge of the main buildings and architects illustrated during the course is a prerequisite for an adequate assessment. - The use of specific vocabulary and good critical ability will contribute to a fully positive evaluation. - The marks from the mid-term tests will be valid until the last appeal of the 2022/2023 autumn session. - For those who have not taken the intermediate tests, the final assessment of the course will be determined entirely by the outcome of the oral examination. Students with disabilities or students with DSA Students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD), accredited by the Service Centre for Disabled Students and Students with SLD, can contact the teacher and the departmental contact person for disabilities and SLD directly to agree on the methods for taking intermediate tests and examinations and the use of compensatory tools as provided for by current legislation and the University's guidelines.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Course topics:
Origins of Ancient Greek architecture: materials, technology and the development of the Doric order; The Ionic order and the relationship with the Middle East; The Panhellenic sanctuaries: Olympia and Delphi; Classical Athens and Attica; Roman architecture at the end of the Republican era in the sanctuaries of Latium and in the City; Augustus and the transformation of the Republic; The Roman Empire and its image: The Imperial Fora; The search for consensus: Theatres, amphitheatres and the thermal structures; The imperial residences; Dome of the Heaven: from Pantheon to Hagia Sophia; From Early Christian architecture to Romanesque architecture in France and Italy; Gothic architecture: tradition and innovation between East and West; Frederick II and Arnolfo di Cambio: Origins of the Renaissance; F. Brunelleschi and L. B. Alberti; Donato Bramante in Milan and Rome; Antonio da Sangallo the Younger and the development of the Roman palace; Mannerism and Michelangelo; The rebuilding of St. Peter's basilica; The church architecture and the Catholic Reformation; The rebirth of the villa in Rome; Andrea Palladio and the Venetian villas.


Core Documentation

C. L. FROMMEL, L’Architettura del Rinascimento Italiano, MILANO 2009 (SKIRA).

File Transfer Protocol:

It's strongly suggested to search for further images and texts in websites, such as Academia.edu:
.... selecting the pages related to the study program

Reference Bibliography

It's strongly suggested to search for further images and texts in websites, such as Academia.edu: https://uniroma3.academia.edu/GiorgioOrtolani https://www.academia.edu/403458/Ortolani_Lavorazione_di_Pietre_e_Marmi_nel_Mondo_Antico_in_Marmi_antichi https://www.academia.edu/10108262/Origini_dell_architettura_greca_in_Architettura_del_mondo_antico https://ohio.academia.edu/LynneLancaster https://www.academia.edu/440373/Il_cantiere_del_Colosseo https://bath.academia.edu/MarkWilsonJones https://www.academia.edu/14759478/_Who_Built_the_Pantheon_Agrippa_Hadrian_Trajan_and_Apollodorus_in_Hadrian_Art_Politics_and_Economy_ed._Thorsten_Opper_British_Museum_Research_Publication_175_London_2013_31-49 https://www.academia.edu/9641342/Affreschi_Romani_Verona_Arsenale_Editore_2009_pp._240_ISBN_978-88-7743-351-0_ https://www.academia.edu/3590155/_SCAENOGRAPHIA_E_AEDIFICATIO_NELL_ARCHITETTURA_DELLE_CITT%C3%80_VESUVIANE https://roma3.academia.edu/paolovitti https://www.academia.edu/16267236/2014._Il_Mausoleo_di_Adriano_costruzione_e_architettura https://bham.academia.edu/ManthaZarmakoupi https://www.academia.edu/1213966/Light_design_concepts_in_Roman_luxury_villa_architecture https://stanford.academia.edu/FabioBarry https://www.academia.edu/16339032/Walking_on_Water_Cosmic_Floors_in_Antiquity_and_the_Middle_Ages https://uni-goettingen.academia.edu/ManfredLuchterhandt https://www.academia.edu/5353212/Rinascit%C3%A0_a_Roma_nell_Italia_Carolingia_e_meridionale_in_S._de_Blaauw_ed._Storia_dellArchitettura_Italiana_Da_Costantino_a_Carlo_Magno_Electa_Milano_2010_pp._322-373 https://polito.academia.edu/DiTeodoroFrancescoP https://www.academia.edu/9827610/Vitruvio_Piero_della_Francesca_Raffaello_note_sulla_teoria_del_disegno_di_architettura_nel_Rinascimento_Annali_di_architettura_14_2002_pp._35-54 https://palladiomuseum.academia.edu/guidobeltramini https://www.academia.edu/3126385/Palladio https://univaq.academia.edu/AndrewHopkins https://www.academia.edu/25458244/Italian_Architecture_from_Michelangelo_to_Borromini_London_T_and_H_2002

Type of delivery of the course

Teaching Activities In case of emergency for Covid 19 the lessons will be held on line in Microsoft Teams. https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a8e10f051a83f4fdeadc4303f47c1e01e%40thread.tacv2/Generale?groupId=6bfa62eb-441a-4835-bf42-cc22cb7cf058&tenantId=ffb4df68-f464-458c-a546-00fb3af66f6a The course includes 100 hours of lessons (8 credits) and takes place at the 1th year. Classes will be balanced between general discussion on History of Architecture in the class and (if it will be possible) visits to museums, archaeological sites, and monuments. Graphic activities will be strongly encouraged.


Attendance to lessons is mandatory.

Type of evaluation

THE TEST IS ORAL AND INDIVIDUAL. The exam will be held in the classroom or (in case of Covid-19 emergency) on the Microsoft Teams platform. The candidate will be tested about 3 questions on the topics of the lectures, for example Architecture of Panellenic Sanctuaries; Theaters and amphitheaters in Rome; Gothic architecture in Italy; Leon Battista Alberti; Roman palaces in the sixteenth century; etc. Instead, the buildings of the ACROPOLIS OF ATHENS and the IMPERIAL FORES, as well as the lecture theme buildings, such as the Pantheon or St. Peter's Basilica, are specifically requested. There are no intermediate tests / mid-term exams. THE STUDENT’S KNOWLEDGE AND CRITICAL SKILLS WILL BE EVALUATED, ALSO BASED ON THEIR CAPACITY TO REFER TO A HISTORIC FRAME, AND ANALYSE THE MAIN FEATURES OF THE MOST RELEVANT MONUMENTS OF EACH HISTORIC PERIOD THROUGH SCHEMATIC DRAWINGS. FOR THE EXAMINATION, THE STUDENT MAY USE HIS NOTES, DRAWINGS OR COLLECTION OF IMAGES. IT IS RECOMMENDED TO ATTEND THE LESSON, AND THE WALKING LECTURES, TO FACILITATE THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE DIFFERENT TOPICS.