Acquisition, through design experience, of the technical knowledge useful for understanding and documenting the peculiarities of architectural bodies and environmental contexts of historical and artistic interest.
teacher profile teaching materials
In order to increase the knowledge of historical heritage, the students will therefore be asked to analyse structural and morfological systems. Lectures with the course of "Design and Restoration A" are planned.
Topics of the lectures:
- The practice of architecture and the art of construction. Handbooks and technical literature between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries by way of comparing construction practices with materials. Handbooks of “Architettura Pratica” and preservation handbooks.
- Building elements: walls and vaults, roofs and floors, doors and windows, façades.
- P. Marconi, F. Giovanetti, E. Pallottino [a cura], "Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Roma", DEI, Roma 1989
- F. Giovanetti [a cura], "Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Roma", II edizione ampliata, DEI, Roma 1997
- P. Marconi, "Materia e significato. La questione del restauro architettonico", Laterza, Bari 1999
- F.R. Stabile, M. Zampilli, C. Cortesi [a cura], "Centri storici minori. Progetti per il recupero della bellezza", Gangemi editore, Roma 2009
- P. Marconi, "Restauro dei monumenti – Cultura, progetti e cantieri 1967-2010", Gangemi, Roma 2012
The major aim of the course is to confront the students with a critical assessment of structural systems of historical buildings, comparing design projects with historic preservation handbooks.In order to increase the knowledge of historical heritage, the students will therefore be asked to analyse structural and morfological systems. Lectures with the course of "Design and Restoration A" are planned.
Topics of the lectures:
- The practice of architecture and the art of construction. Handbooks and technical literature between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries by way of comparing construction practices with materials. Handbooks of “Architettura Pratica” and preservation handbooks.
- Building elements: walls and vaults, roofs and floors, doors and windows, façades.
Core Documentation
- P. Marconi, F. Giovanetti, E. Pallottino [a cura], "Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Roma", DEI, Roma 1989
- F. Giovanetti [a cura], "Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Roma", II edizione ampliata, DEI, Roma 1997
- P. Marconi, "Materia e significato. La questione del restauro architettonico", Laterza, Bari 1999
- F.R. Stabile, M. Zampilli, C. Cortesi [a cura], "Centri storici minori. Progetti per il recupero della bellezza", Gangemi editore, Roma 2009
- P. Marconi, "Restauro dei monumenti – Cultura, progetti e cantieri 1967-2010", Gangemi, Roma 2012
Reference Bibliography
- UFFICIO V - EDILITÀ E LAVORI PUBBLICI, Capitolato generale che regola tutti gli appalti di opere e forniture di materiali da costruzione e stradali per conto del comune di Roma, 1909, Roma 1909. - E. BENVENUTO, La scienza delle costruzioni e suo sviluppo storico, Sansoni, Firenze 1981 (riedizione Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2006). - M. CAMPISI, E. PALLOTTINO, I tipi strutturali e gli elementi di fabbrica nell’edilizia pre-industriale, “Bollettino di Dipartimento Disegno industriale e produzione edilizia”, 2, giugno 1987. - A. GIUFFRÉ, Letture sulla meccanica delle murature storiche, Kappa, Roma 1990. - F. GIOVANETTI [a cura di], Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Città di Castello, DEI, Roma 1992. - C. GUENZI [a cura di], L’arte di fabbricare. Manuali in Italia 1750-1950, Milano 1993. - F. DE CESARIS, Gli elementi costruttivi tradizionali, in Trattato di Restauro architettonico, a cura di G. CARBONARA, volume II, Utet, Torino 1996. - S. DI PASQUALE, L’arte del costruire tra conoscenza e scienza, Marsilio, Venezia 1996. - G. CARBONARA [a cura di], Atlante del Restauro, in Trattato di Restauro architettonico, volume VIII, tomo primo e secondo, Utet, Torino 2004. - C. F. GIULIANI, L’edilizia nell’antichità, Carocci editore, Roma 2007. - N. CAVALIERI SAN BERTOLO, Istituzioni di architettura statica e idraulica, a cura di F.R. STABILE, Editrice Librerie Dedalo, Roma 2008. - A. PUGLIANO, Il riconoscimento, la documentazione, il catalogo dei beni architettonici: elementi di un costituendo thesaurus utile alla conoscenza, alla tutela, alla conservazione dell'architettura, Voll. I-II, Prospettive, Roma 2009. - F.R. STABILE, M. ZAMPILLI, C. CORTESI [a cura di], Centri storici minori. Progetti per il recupero della bellezza, Gangemi editore, Roma 2009. - S. FRANCESCHI, L. GERMANI, Manuale operativo per il restauro architettonico: metodologie di intervento per il restauro e la conservazione del patrimonio storico, DEI, Roma 2010 Rivestimenti e colori dell’edilizia storica romana; le facciate graffite - M. ERRICO, S. FINOZZI, I. GIGLIO, Ricognizione e schedatura delle facciate affrescate e graffite a Roma nei secoli XV e XVI, «Bollettino d’arte», 33-34, 1985, pp. 53-134. - A. FORCELLINO, E. PALLOTTINO, La materia e il colore nell’architettura romana tra Cinquecento e Neocinquecento. Storia e progetto, «Ricerche di Storia dell’Arte», 41- 42, 1991. - M. BARRESE, Facciate graffite e dipinte nella Roma post-unitaria, in «Ricerche di storia dell’arte», 116-117, 2015, pp. 109-117. - F.R. Stabile, G. Spadafora, "Rivestimenti graffiti a Roma nel XVI sec.: l’esempio della casa in vicolo del Governo Vecchio", 52, on “Disegnarecon”, VIII, n. 14, 2015, pp. 1-16.Type of delivery of the course
In order to achieve the expected learning outcomes, lectures, conferences and guided tours are provided. In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will apply: distance lessons on the Microsoft Teams platformAttendance
Attendance is mandatory at 75% of the hours (see the didactic regulation)Type of evaluation
The verification of the learning takes place through an oral test, aimed at verifying the level of understanding of the topics covered during the lessons, conferences and guided tours. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods for carrying out the student assessment will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will apply: remote examination on the Microsoft Teams platform. teacher profile teaching materials
C. Feiffer, "Il progetto di conservazione", Milano, Angeli, 1989
C. Feiffer,, “pensieriparoleopereomissioni”, Milano, De Lettera wp, 2012
During the year, for each theme, you will be provided detailed bibliography.
The project of conservation requires diverse phases which are correlated to each other, such as: the metric and geometrical surveys made through photo maps, historical analyses, stratigraphies of materials, structures and the diagnosis of the conservation project. The course aims to give the student the basic tools to realise the entire project. This will be undertaken through theoretical classes and practical exercises. At the end of the course the student will be expected to be able to recognise the diverse materials needed both to define the correct architectural interventions and the most compatible ones. The course aims to sensitise the students to the maintenance and protection of the old materials of the buildings, limiting invasive changes until they become absolutely necessary. For that reason the lessons will go deeper into some of the essential concepts of the culture of restoration: authenticity, stratification, limits, compatibility and the wrong use of materials.Core Documentation
C. Feiffer, “La conservazione delle superfici intonacate; il metodo e le tecniche”, Milano, Skira, 1997.C. Feiffer, "Il progetto di conservazione", Milano, Angeli, 1989
C. Feiffer,, “pensieriparoleopereomissioni”, Milano, De Lettera wp, 2012
During the year, for each theme, you will be provided detailed bibliography.
Reference Bibliography
C. Feiffer, “La conservazione delle superfici intonacate; il metodo e le tecniche”, Milano, Skira, 1997. C. Feiffer, "Il progetto di conservazione", Milano, Angeli, 1989 C. Feiffer,, “pensieriparoleopereomissioni”, Milano, De Lettera wp, 2012 During the year, for each theme, you will be provided detailed bibliography.Type of delivery of the course
Attendance on the course is mandatory and failure to attend at least 90% of classes means that you will not be allowed to complete the final exam. In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. The course takes place with lessons on the topics of knowledge and design and practical design exercise on a specific caseAttendance
Attendance at the course is mandatory for 75%Type of evaluation
Those students that choose the first option of exam (the group project) need to have the topic approved by October, so that by February they can conclude the whole project of conservation. The reviews of the project will be part of the exam and so marked as such. Moreover, during the reviews the student will also be examined about the program discussed during the course since those are the cultural bases to understand the basic project of conservation. Those students that choose the exam based on the bibliography and the course will be individually examined. During November there will be the first written exam on the given bibliography, on the course and on the practical exercises of the project. Those who fail to pass this first part will not be allowed to complete the final exam. teacher profile teaching materials
In order to increase the knowledge of historical heritage, the students will therefore be asked to analyse structural and morfological systems. Lectures with the course of "Design and Restoration A" are planned.
Topics of the lectures:
- The practice of architecture and the art of construction. Handbooks and technical literature between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries by way of comparing construction practices with materials. Handbooks of “Architettura Pratica” and preservation handbooks.
- Building elements: walls and vaults, roofs and floors, doors and windows, façades.
- P. Marconi, F. Giovanetti, E. Pallottino [a cura], "Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Roma", DEI, Roma 1989
- F. Giovanetti [a cura], "Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Roma", II edizione ampliata, DEI, Roma 1997
- P. Marconi, "Materia e significato. La questione del restauro architettonico", Laterza, Bari 1999
- F.R. Stabile, M. Zampilli, C. Cortesi [a cura], "Centri storici minori. Progetti per il recupero della bellezza", Gangemi editore, Roma 2009
- P. Marconi, "Restauro dei monumenti – Cultura, progetti e cantieri 1967-2010", Gangemi, Roma 2012
Mutuazione: 21002004-2 STRUMENTI E METODI DEL RESTAURO in Scienze dell'architettura L-17 CANALE I STABILE FRANCESCA ROMANA
The major aim of the course is to confront the students with a critical assessment of structural systems of historical buildings, comparing design projects with historic preservation handbooks.In order to increase the knowledge of historical heritage, the students will therefore be asked to analyse structural and morfological systems. Lectures with the course of "Design and Restoration A" are planned.
Topics of the lectures:
- The practice of architecture and the art of construction. Handbooks and technical literature between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries by way of comparing construction practices with materials. Handbooks of “Architettura Pratica” and preservation handbooks.
- Building elements: walls and vaults, roofs and floors, doors and windows, façades.
Core Documentation
- P. Marconi, F. Giovanetti, E. Pallottino [a cura], "Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Roma", DEI, Roma 1989
- F. Giovanetti [a cura], "Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Roma", II edizione ampliata, DEI, Roma 1997
- P. Marconi, "Materia e significato. La questione del restauro architettonico", Laterza, Bari 1999
- F.R. Stabile, M. Zampilli, C. Cortesi [a cura], "Centri storici minori. Progetti per il recupero della bellezza", Gangemi editore, Roma 2009
- P. Marconi, "Restauro dei monumenti – Cultura, progetti e cantieri 1967-2010", Gangemi, Roma 2012
Reference Bibliography
C. Feiffer, “La conservazione delle superfici intonacate; il metodo e le tecniche”, Milano, Skira, 1997. C. Feiffer, "Il progetto di conservazione", Milano, Angeli, 1989 C. Feiffer,, “pensieriparoleopereomissioni”, Milano, De Lettera wp, 2012 During the year, for each theme, you will be provided detailed bibliography.Type of delivery of the course
In order to achieve the expected learning outcomes, lectures, conferences and guided tours are provided. In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will apply: distance lessons on the Microsoft Teams platformAttendance
Attendance is mandatory at 75% of the hours (see the didactic regulation)Type of evaluation
The verification of the learning takes place through an oral test, aimed at verifying the level of understanding of the topics covered during the lessons, conferences and guided tours. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods for carrying out the student assessment will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will apply: remote examination on the Microsoft Teams platform.