21002000-2 - URBAN PLANNING

The initial part of the course aims to introduce the study of the urban phenomenon and the functioning mechanisms of cities and territories in time, between "history" and "historical geography".


teacher profile | teaching materials


The SEL course, lasting one year, will develop jointly three components - Settlement, Environment and Landscape - considering their inseparable complementarity for the management of the reality around us. It will be a unitary course, led by lecturers who will perform the different parts along a common path.

The urban planning component – in the first semester - will introduce students to the social, environmental and urban issues characterizing Italy since 1945 until today, explaining the mutations occurred in the settlements and infrastructural networks, in the administrative systems, in the matrixes and objectives of the urban planning tools, with particular reference to the seeking of sustainability. In the second semester, the urban planning component will deal with the European contemporary issues of the urban management, offering as a practical assignment a detailed reading and interpretation applied to an area of Rome.

Core Documentation

Filpa, A., Talia, M., Fondamenti di governo del territorio, Carocci Editore, Roma (2009)

Reference Bibliography

Filpa, A., Talia, M., Fondamenti di governo del territorio, Carocci Editore, Roma (2009)

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be developed in a series of lectures, supported by the distribution of teaching materials, including exercises of urban interpretation A brief series of introductory exercises on the use of GIS will be carried out. In the case of an extension of the health emergency COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will apply: lessons using the Teams platform, interviews via e-mail, remote exams "


Attendance at the course is mandatory for 75%

Type of evaluation

examination procedures: oral, through the Microsoft Teams platform the graphics will be uploaded to the course googledrive within three days before the date of the exam

teacher profile | teaching materials


The Studio deepens and experiments some methodological theses on the construction of the urban project with particular attention to the formative reasoning of the design qualities and to the contents, holding counted of its economic-operational feasibility and of the attended spatial results.

The objective is to teach to produce a deduced interpretative reasoning and a scheme of territorial organization that allows, using the tools of plan, to direct the transformations, to choose and to put in coherence the different proposals, in reference to the character-value of the places and local demand.

In the preparation of the plan, particular attention is turned to territorial demand, to the evaluation of the objectives and the strategies of the change, to the configuration of the programmatic organizational model and the actions of plan.
Integrative lessons in the studio are:
A) the formative reasoning of the plan ( problems, values and local demand)
B) urban structure reading and evaluation methods, the plan construction and his technical and normative expression
C) typologies of intervention reference to: the form-structure, the graphics and normative expression …

The formulation of the problem, beginning from the survey of the local demand, to find the general objectives to assume for the plan: interpretation of the context and the place reading using the structural paradigm of the characters and the component systems (systems of environmental and historical values, green discontinuity and residual rural landscapes; urban typologies; uses;infrastructure); synthesis of the existing structure and selection of the trasformation dynamics; Plan operations of construction / transformation of the structure; formal and spatial results of the proposed solutions; evaluation of the compatibility and the effectiveness of the plan in comparison to the objectives and feasibility of some proposed operations.

Organization of the studio and examination
The work is developed in group. The studio is offering specific contributions and readings. The final examination is based on the discussion of the plan.

Core Documentation

Catizzone, A. (2007), fondamenti di Cartografia, Gangemi ed. Roma.
- Gabellini, P., (2001), Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci ed.
- Gabellini, P., (1998), La rappresentazione nel piano urbanistico, Nis ed.
- Nucci, L., (2012), Verde di prossimità e disegno urbano, Gangemi Editore, Roma.
- Nucci, L., (2004), Reti verdi e disegno della città contemporanea: la costruzione del nuovo piano di Londra, Gangemi Editore, Roma.
- Secchi, B., (2008), La città del Ventesimo Secolo, Laterza Ed., Bari.
- Campos Venuti G., Oliva F (a cura di), (2010), Città senza cultura. Intervista sull'urbanistica, Laterza Ed., Bari.
- AA.VV. (2018), Governo del territorio e pianificazione spaziale, città studi edizioni, Milano.

Reference Bibliography

Catizzone, A. (2007), fondamenti di Cartografia, Gangemi ed. Roma. - Gabellini, P., (2001), Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci ed. - Gabellini, P., (1998), La rappresentazione nel piano urbanistico, Nis ed. - Nucci, L., (2012), Verde di prossimità e disegno urbano, Gangemi Editore, Roma. - Nucci, L., (2004), Reti verdi e disegno della città contemporanea: la costruzione del nuovo piano di Londra, Gangemi Editore, Roma. - Secchi, B., (2008), La città del Ventesimo Secolo, Laterza Ed., Bari. - Campos Venuti G., Oliva F (a cura di), (2010), Città senza cultura. Intervista sull'urbanistica, Laterza Ed., Bari. - AA.VV. (2018), Governo del territorio e pianificazione spaziale, città studi edizioni, Milano.

Type of delivery of the course

Organization of the studio and examination The work is developed in group. The studio is offering specific contributions and readings. The final examination is based on the discussion of the plan.


Attendance is compulsory for 75% of the lesson hours

Type of evaluation

The final examination is based on the discussion of the plan.