 Introduction to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for sustainable development in its unity and in its general articulation
 Analysis of the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
 Critical discussion of the agenda and the links between its different objectives, both in terms of synergies and possible trade offs
 Insights on some Agenda objectives, in connection with the specific interests and / or study plans of the individual students of the Department of Architecture
teacher profile | teaching materials


The Course is divided in two part.
The former consists of 18 lessons (a general one and 17 on the 17 goals of the UN Agenda 2030).
The latter consists of a guided exercise agreed with the Teacher tutor for the Department of Architecture, concerning topics related to architecture, building technologies, urban developmet, cities, smart cities, energy efficiency, NZEB...

Core Documentation

Agenda 2030
ASVIS online module, uploaded on MOODLE

Reference Bibliography

At the end of every lesson, the teacher will suggests books and documents relating with the concerned Agenda 2030 goal and targets.

Type of delivery of the course

Lessons could be followed both online or in the classrooms selected in the University and communicated within the calendar. The final exercise will be reviewed In the Architecture Department classroom. The Course is articulated in two parts: 1. a common part, belonging to all the University students, based on 18 lessons of 2 hours, on the 17 goals of the Agenda 2030; 2. a specific exercise, agreed with the teacher guide for the Architecture Department, aimed at develop topics such as smart city, urban density, NZEB, outdoor design, materials and technologies to reduce climate change.


Compulsory attendance.

Type of evaluation

The final examination consists of an oral discussion around the Agenda 203 topics, goals and targets and of an evaluation of the final exercise agreed with the professor at the end of the Course.