The structure of the city is the focus of the laboratory; it is understood as a complex system of relations within which the design of public space takes shape. The program has the objective to compare students with a complex design theme and multi scale, divided into three main stages:
1_The study of the territory and planning instruments.
2_The project for the regeneration of a neighbourhood.
3_The architectural project.


teacher profile | teaching materials


The Open Space Design Studio intends to provide reading and interpretation tools of the urban landscape, i.e. to develop the right sensitivity to recognize its the material and immaterial values as well as developing creativity and technical skills to translate them into an architecture design that is both "device" and "detonator" of landscape quality.
The course aims at developing a specific critical / interpretative / theoretical background and contributing, together with the other modules of the Studio, to drawing up a complex and articulated design, a coherent set of architecture and open spaces, which is able to define or re-define the structure and image of a urban context.

Core Documentation

- Clément G.: Manifesto del terzo paesaggio, Quodlibet 2006
- Koolhaas R.: Junkspace. Per un ripensamento radicale dello spazio urbano, Quodlibet 2006

Reference Bibliography

- Clément G.: Il giardino in movimento, Quodlibet 2011 - Colafranceschi, D., Landscape+100 words to inhabit it. Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.A. 2007 - Gehl J.: Vita in città, Maggioli Editore 2012 - Gehl J.: Città per le persone, Maggioli Editore 2017 - Grimal, P.: L’arte dei giardini. Una breve storia, Roma, Donzelli Editore, 2000 - McHarg, I., L.:Design With Nature, The Natural History Press 1969 - Moore, C.W.; Mitchell, W.J.;Turnbull, W.: La Poetica dei Giardini, F.Muzzio&C. 1989 - Van Zuylen G.: Il giardino. Paradiso del mondo, Universale Electa/Gallimard 1994 - Zagari, F.: Questo è Paesaggio, 48 definizioni, Mancosu Editore 2006

Type of delivery of the course

Teaching takes place as a design studio with progressive state-of-the-art reviews and frontal lessons that support the work-in-progress of the design. The disciplinary contributions of the lectures are directed to those aspects that address the difficulties of the subject: - Analysis, Representation, Mapping; - Landscape Strategies and Facilities, Masterplan; - Contemporary trends, approaches and languages.


Attendance is mandatory at 75% of the hours.

Type of evaluation

The exam is carried out with a discussion on the overall project drawings of the design studio. Specific design drawings are required on the components of the public space (vegetation, furnishing systems, lighting, in the scale and of the definition that the design requires) which are added to the elaborates of the other modules of the Studio. The the evaluation will take into account the level of knowledge gained regarding the theoretical contents of the course and the design drawings of that will emphasize: - Ability to analyse urban contexts; - Ability to formulate the project; - Creativity; - Skill in Representation and Communication.

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In the Studio 3M coordinated by prof. Palmieri, the module Design of Open Spaces focuses on landscape knowledge in the scales of architectural and urban design.
The course will illustrate both theoretical and applied techniques of contemporary analysis and design, with regards to the identity of urban and peri-urban landscape, urban requalification, enhancement of architectural and environmental heritage, sustainability in Mediterranean regions, management of green areas, the dialectic between public-private stakeholders.
The course aims to develop a landscape project for the new construction and/or redevelopment of green areas and open spaces, in collaboration with the other modules of the Studio. Through lectures, design sessions, visits, researches, reviews, it will encourage active participation of the students and their interaction. The elaboration of the Studio project will define its architectural consistency, up to the identification of the characterizing choices and related details, in the following phases:
- thematic analysis of the system of open spaces;
- synthesis of the weaknesses and strengths;
- design at urban and architectural scales, and definition of techniques, materials, and plants.

Core Documentation

- AGOSTONI, F. & C.M. MARINONI (1987), Manuale di progettazione di spazi verdi, Zanichelli
- BIANCO, G. [a cura di] (2008), Marmi e Pietre, Mancosu
- BRUSCHI, S. & M. DI GIOVINE (1998), Il verde pubblico, NIS
- ZAGARI, F. [a cura di] (2009), Manuale di progettazione Giardini, Mancosu

Reference Bibliography

- CANIGGIA, G. e G.L. MAFFEI (1979), Lettura dell’edilizia di base, Venezia, Marsilio - GILDEMEISTER, H. (2000), Giardinaggio Mediterraneo, Calderini Edagricole - LITTLEWOOD, M. (1986), Landscape Detailing, The Architectural Press - McHARG, I.L. (1989), Progettare con la natura, Franco Muzzio Editore - NORBERG-SCHULZ, C. (1979), Genius Loci, Electa - PANZINI, F. (1993), Per i piaceri del popolo, Zanichelli - PANZINI, F. (2005), Progettare la natura, Zanichelli - PELLEGRINI, P.C. (2005), Piazze e spazi pubblici, Motta - PICCAROLO, P. & G. SALA (1995), Spazi verdi pubblici e privati, Hoepli - SAUNDERS, W.S. [ed. by] (2008), Nature, Landscape, and Building for Sustainability, University of Minnesota Press - ZOPPI, M. et al. (1989), Progettare con il verde 2. Vuoti urbani, Alinea

Type of delivery of the course

The workshop will take place with lectures on the theme of the year and on issues related to the contemporary architectural debate. A seminar activity is planned to support the development of the project. Periodic deliveries are also planned to mark the development of the project . Expected processing scales: 1:20.000; 1:10000; 1:5000; 1:1000; 1:500; 1: 200.


Mandatory attendance.

Type of evaluation

Evaluation project and oral exam

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course “Design of Open Spaces” deals with themes strictly related to those developed from other modules of the Laboratory of Architectural Design 3M C, headed by Prof.Carlo Prati. The teaching activities, carried out during the first semester, are organized in lectures and in project experiences.
The system of urban and peri-urban open spaces, characterized by human and natural features, represents the main theme of the course which involves different aspects of landscape. Particular importance is given to analysis, assessment and planning/design, with attention to physiographic, vegetational, historical, and visual elements of sites as well as anthropic and ecological dynamics. These represent the local identity and are capable of stimulating innovative strategies of planning and design in synergy with the characteristics of the territorial context, on both a large or a small scale.
In this way, the lectures and project experiences can help the students to develop cognitive, assessment and design skills. These are based on the understanding and construction of relationships between architectures and open spaces, between identifying features and contemporary transformations, between spatial articulation and its evolutionary dynamics.

Core Documentation

On the Landscape
- Cinti D. (2008), Questioni di metodo, in Cinti D., Progetto di paesaggio. Il bacino di Montedoglio e la golena del Tevere, Firenze, pp. 17-71
- Giacomini V., Romani V. (1982), Uomini e parchi, Milano.
- McHarg I.L., Progettare con la natura, 1989.
- Lingiardi V. (2017), Mindscapes. Psiche nel paesaggio, Varese.
- Lynch K. (1964), L’immagine della città, Venezia, 1964.
- Nogué J. (2017), Paesaggio, Territorio, Società civile. Il senso del luogo nel contemporaneo, Melfi.
- Pandakovic D., Dal Sasso A. (2009), Saper vedere il paesaggio, Milano.
- Romani V. (2008), Il paesaggio. Percorsi di studio, Milano.
On the Urban Parks
- Cortesi I. (2004), Il progetto del vuoto. Public Space in Motion, Firenze.
- Ippolito A.M. (2006), Il parco urbano contemporaneo, notomia e riflessioni, Firenze.
- Panzini F. (1993), Per i piaceri del popolo. L’evoluzione del giardino pubblico in Europa dalle origini al XX secolo, Bologna.

Reference Bibliography

Landscape - Giacomini V., Romani V. (1982), Uomini e parchi, Milano. - Lingiardi V. (2017), Mindscapes. Psiche nel paesaggio, Varese. McHarg I.L., Progettare con la natura, 1989. - Nogué J. (2017), Paesaggio, Territorio, Società civile. Il senso del luogo nel contemporaneo, Melfi. - Romani V. (2008), Il paesaggio. Percorsi di studio, Milano. Urban Parks - Cortesi I. (2004), Il progetto del vuoto. Public Space in Motion, Firenze.

Type of delivery of the course

The teaching activity includes lectures, thematic seminars, visits, revisions and moments of sharing of the various phases of work of the students.


Attendance is required for at least 75% of the lessons

Type of evaluation

evaluation of the analysis-interpretation exercises of the urban landscape and of the project of open spaces