21010031-1 - HISTORY OF TECHNIQUES - part 1

The course of History of Architecture and Methods of Analysis is conceived in two integrated parts (Part 1 and Part 2) and aims at critically retracing the composition process - either ideological, methodical or procedural - at the basis of every architecture, in the period of time between the Fifteen century and the Contemporary Age, in order to help the students improve their capacity of understanding the buildings and their design and technical features. Part 1, structured in a chronological sequence of lessons, considers above all the historical evolution of the design method, and deals closely with the language, together with the programmatic criteria and the motivations -even ideological- found in masterworks of architecture.
Part Two aims at enhancing graphic means and cultural strategies underlying different historiographic approaches suggested in Part 1, with a particular interest in the diagrammatic architectural representation across centuries.
Thanks to the comparison between primary and secondary sources, as well as between miscellaneous texts and images related to particular topics, students acquire a new awareness in reading and interpreting different forms of architectural representation (built or virtual), and through collegial discussions– in form of open seminars in class – they acquire skills in oral and visual expressions, essential for a critical experience of the space as well as for any further historic investigation.
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Mutuazione: 21010031-1 STORIA DELLE TECNICHE - parte 1 in Scienze dell'architettura L-17 PAGLIARA PIER NICOLA


The course aims to introduce students to the knowledge of structures, materials and construction techniques used in Italian architecture of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. We want to refine the ability of students to "read" directly in the artifacts all the material and constructive aspects of architecture, a precious ability to capture the interweaving with other aspects of the same, reaching a rich, broad and deep understanding.

Most of the hours of teaching will be used for the direct examination of the main ancient sources (Forums of Augustus and Trajan, Colosseum, so-called Crypta Balbi, Pantheon) and of many Renaissance architectures, some of which are treated beforehand in class, in a set which presents the generality of the material solutions (among the most important palaces of Venice, S. Marco, pal Riario, Farnesina, pal Farnese, pal of Pietro Massimo, pal of the Tribunals, pal of the Bishop of Cervia, pal. Alberini, Pal. Baldassini and Pal. Stati, together with various facades decorated with graffito plaster.

Core Documentation

J.P. Adam, L’arte di costruire presso i romani, Milano 1989
R. Gargiani, Principi e costruzione nell’architettura italiana del Quattrocento, Bari 2003
R. Goldthwaite, The Building of Renaissance Florence. An Economic and Social History, Baltimore 1980, trad. it.: La costruzione della Firenze rinascimentale, Bologna 1984
J.Guillaume, a cura di, Les chantier de la Renaissance, Paris 1991
P. Marconi, Arte e cultura della manutenzione dei monumenti, Bari 1984
G. Martines, La struttura del Pantheon/velut regionem fornicatam, in “Quaderni dell’Istituto di Storia dell’Architettura”, n.s., fascicolo 41, 2003 [2005]
M. Montelli, Tecniche costruttive murarie medievali / Mattoni e laterizi in Roma e del Lazio tra X e XV secolo, Roma 2011
M. Piana e P.N. Pagliara, a cura di, sezione su Palladio costruttore: tecniche, materiali, cantieri, XXXIX corso sull’architettura palladiana, Vicenza 8-20 settembre 1997, in “Annali di Architettura” 10-11, 1998-99,pp. 231-334
M. Ricci, a cura di, Storia dell’architettura come storia delle tecniche costruttive. Esperienze rinascimentali a confronto, Venezia 2007.
G. Zander, Storia della scienza e della tecnica edilizia, Roma 1991.
Una bibliografia molto più ricca sarà distribuita agli studenti interessati.

Type of evaluation

oral exam