21002097-2 - ESTIMO

Study of the design process of the restoration of architecture, from the theoretical and analytical fields to the operational aspects. The application of this process has the objective of designing and defining appropriate interventions in architectural restoration of selected case studies. During the workshop technical insights are provided on the importance of historic buildings and the physical technique applied.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The aim of the teaching is to take the economic evaluation as a logical and methodological aid to design choices and as an active component in the construction of the restoration project. The aim is to provide the fundamental elements for the evaluation, seen as a contribution to the construction of the preferable solution with respect to the context and to prefigured feasibility requirements.

The lessons will deal with the following issues:

1. Estimation procedures and restoration costs analysis.
After some considerations on nature, classification and variability of restoration costs, the synthetic, analytical and intermediate estimation procedures are illustrated, highlighting some critical and problematic aspects existing in the different phases and design scales. In the context of the analytical cost estimate, a specific study concerns the formation of new prices even in cases of traditional building techniques.

2. Evaluation methods and techniques for projects, plans and programs.
The following topics are addressed:
* investment analysis, aimed at controlling the cost-revenue ratio that the project is able to develop over time;
* economic evaluation, aimed at examining utility and disutility that the project is able to provide to the community as a whole;
* multidimensional social evaluations, to extend the economic-financial evaluation of the project to other dimensions (historical, aesthetic-cultural, environmental, technical, social, procedural, etc.) in order to support design choices with a wider spectrum of information broad and above all, more suited to the complexity of current phenomena.

The teaching is structured through theoretical lessons and exercises, concerning the valuation of the costs of the restoration.

Core Documentation

Miccoli S., “La valutazione nel progetto di restauro”, in G. Carbonara (diretto da), “Trattato di restauro architettonico”, UTET, Torino, 1996.
Lecture notes provided by the teacher

Reference Bibliography

Miccoli S., “La valutazione nel progetto di restauro”, in G. Carbonara (diretto da), “Trattato di restauro architettonico”, UTET, Torino, 1996.

Type of delivery of the course

The module alternates theoretical contributions, aimed at illustrating the principles of estimation, with operational applications carried out in the classroom, aimed at learning the practical aspects of estimative procedures. Furthermore, there will be frontal communications relating to the methods of carrying out the examination papers. During the phase of developing the final examination paper, specific revision are planned.


Attendance is mandatory for at least 75% of classrooms.

Type of evaluation

Oral and exercises