The class introduces students to complexity in Architectural Design. The class proposes and explains the digital means, the procedures, the uses and the organization of contemporary Design Offices mroe oriented toward innovation and integration of different instances in the design. The class is oriented as a small Laboratory, even is its results are evaluated in the understanding of the theory and the new concepts introduced. Students produce a series of small designs, based on the direct experimentation of digital procedures in BIM software, conceived in its parametric core identity. So there is a strict relationship between technology introduced and design topics, thanks to a careful selection and filter of the proposed functions. The basic assumption of the class is that there is a strict need of facing new technologies, deeply understanding them and their power, but in a day to day effort to engage them in a design based thinking. The aim is to prepare students to a mindset that is fruitful in the contemporary professional and cultural context.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The class aims at building awareness on the relationship between object oriented modeling and a tectonic approach to design. Students are exposed to te full range of digital innovation applied to architectural design, from simulation, to numeric fabrication, to operation, through the presentation of several examples of contemporary design, including a historical perspective on its evolution in the past 30 years. But all along the class students will also be constantly using BIM software directly, since the class thinks direct experience on software a crucial aspect of a full and sincere awareness on the real meaning of digital culture.

Core Documentation

Stefano Converso, SHoP Architects. Collaborazioni costruttive in digitale,
Collana IT Revolution in Architettura, Edilstampa, Roma, 2008

Maurizio Gargano, Forma e materia. Ratiocinatio e Fabrica nell’architettura dell’età moderna,
Officina edizioni, Roma, 2007

Reference Bibliography

André Chaszar, (a cura), Blurring the lines, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, England Hoboken, New Jersey, 2006 (Il libro è una raccolta degli articoli pubblicati dal curatore negli anni su AD/Architectural Design) Shane Williamson, Philip Beesley, and Nancy Cheng, (a cura), Fabrication: Examining the Digital Practice of Architecture, Proceedings del 23mo congresso AIA/ACADIA (Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture), Cambridge, Toronto, Ontario. Waterloo School of Architecture Press, 2004 (esaurito e reperibile solo in DVD)

Type of delivery of the course

The class presents exercises of design that are linked to functions of BIM software, introduced one by one, by asking at every steps students to find design ideas to explore them, and therefore establish a critical and design-focused approach to the digital medium. Projects, asked to be made out of parts, are initially abstract, and increasingly tectonic over time, with parts becoming physically defined and finally prepared for direct CNC fabrication in the School Lab. Maquettes are therefore produced with the "Press and Fit" Technique, ready for possible 1:1 prototyping, as happened in classes 2017 and 2018, when prototypes have been fabricated and exhibited at the European Maker Faire of Rome.


The class presents exercises of design that are linked to functions of BIM software, introduced one by one, by asking at every steps students to find design ideas to explore them, and therefore establish a critical and design-focused approach to the digital medium. Projects, asked to be made out of parts, are initially abstract, and increasingly tectonic over time, with parts becoming physically defined and finally prepared for direct CNC fabrication in the School Lab. Maquettes are therefore produced with the "Press and Fit" Technique, ready for possible 1:1 prototyping, as happened in classes 2017 and 2018, when prototypes have been fabricated and exhibited at the European Maker Faire of Rome.

Type of evaluation

The exam is a discussion to establish the awareness gained by the students on the topics introduced in the class, using the design outcomes developed along the semester only as a basis for critical discussion.