The course include the 20th century architecture in Europe and in the United States of America, highlighting the different modern tendencies: the one linked to the avant-gardes but also the one established from the intersection of relationships between regional traditions and new languages. Besides, dwelling and urban reforming policies and the importance of the reinforced concrete establishing will be analysed. The course also deals with the Modern Movement crisis and outlines the themes of the beginning of the last century decade.


teacher profile | teaching materials


This course covers a temporal space between the last decade of XIX century and the end of XX century and gets through the complexity of historical tangles, which carried out to the birth of the modern forms and its rise. It is considered as a wide-ranging space which comprises not only the works of the innovative architects, bound up with the avant-garde or with the great ideals (like the design of machinery or the organicism), but also the works sometimes revolutionary that refers to the vernacular tradition.
This course is divided into four lines: a) the great, general themes (the historical contest, the programmes, the ideas, Modern and Tradition); b) the great figures of architects; b)the philology and constructive analysis of works (both realized and only planned) and the historiographical interpretations.

Core Documentation

Sigfried Giedion, Space,Time and Architecture, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,1954.
William J. R. Curtis, Modern Architecture Since 1900, London: Phaidon Press,1996.
Elie G. Haddad, David Rifkind (ed.), A Critical History of Contemporary Architecture:1960-2010,Oxford: Routledge, 2014.

Reference Bibliography

Reyner Banham, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,1960. Giorgio Ciucci, Gli architetti e il fascismo. Architettura e città 1922-1944, Torino: Einaudi, 1989. Alan Colquhoun, Essays in architectural criticism: modern architecture and historical change, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,1981. Marco Biraghi, Alberto Ferlenga (a cura di), Architettura del Novecento. Teorie, scuole, eventi, vol I,Torino: Einaudi, 2012. Marco Biraghi, Alberto Ferlenga (a cura di), Architettura del Novecento. Opere, progetti e luoghi, voll. II-III, Torino: Einaudi, 2013. Marco De Benedetti, Attilio Pracchi, Antologia dell’architettura moderna. Testi, manifesti, utopie, Bologna: Zanichelli, 1992. Joan Ockman, Architecture Culture 1943-1968, New York: Rizzoli, 1993. Michael K. Hays, Architecture. Theory since 1968, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000. Manfredo Tafuri, Storia dell’architettura italiana 1944-1985, Torino: Einaudi,1986.

Type of delivery of the course

Currently, the course is held in distance learning through Microsoft Teams hub. In the same hub, students can find learning materials and notices about the course activity. Students can register for the course through the Moodle website https://architettura.el.uniroma3.it/course/index.php?categoryid=18.


The attendance of at least 75% of the lessons is compulsory. Signatures of attendance will be taken.

Type of evaluation

The evaluation is based on an oral examination on-line. The student will have to answer some questions related to the course program and will have to demonstrate a good knowledge of the topic addressed.The student must also prove to be able to describe plans and elevations of the buildings discussed.

teacher profile | teaching materials


This course aims at providing a critical approach towards the “changing ideals” of contemporary architecture, starting from the opposing forces of the notions of classical and modern during the Age of Enlightenment. Through descriptions of different historical and geographical contexts, a selected series of masterworks from XIX to XX Century will be discussed in terms of form, structure, functions, specifically considering how they have contributed to past and contemporary architectural debate.

Core Documentation

R. Middleton, D. Watkin, Neoclassical and Nineteenth Century Architecture, New York 1987 (chapters 3, 5, 6.3, 6.8, 7, 8)
W. Curtis, Modern Architecture since 1900, London 1996 (chapters 1-16, 18-20, 22-26, 28-29)
N. Pevsner, J. Fleming, H. Honour, A Dictionary of Architecture, London 1975
R. McCarter, Frank Lloyd Wright, London 1997. chapters 5-9 (pdf provided)
J.-L. Cohen, Mies van der Rohe, Paris 1994 (pdf provided)
L. Moholy-Nagy, Malerei, Photographie, Film, BAUHAUS BÜCHER 8, München 1925 (pdf provided)
H. Sedlmayr, Verlust der Mitte, Roma 1948 (pdf provided)

Reference Bibliography

Selected Bibliography (specific/ excerpts): Please check on the course website on Moodle, folder LETTURE in "Materiali didattici" with pdf provided (https://architettura.el.uniroma3.it/mod/folder/view.php?id=355) • Quatremère de Quincy, Dizionario storico di architettura, a cura di V. Farinati, G. Teyssot, Venezia 1985 (ad vocem in pdf) • A. Vidler, Claude-Nicolas Ledoux 1736-1806, Milano 1994 (estratto in pdf.) • John Soane architetto, a cura di M. Richardson, M. Stevens, H. Burns, Milano 2000 (varie pp. in pdf) • T. Hubka, H. H. Richardson’s Glessner House. A Garden in the Machine, in Winterthur Portfolio, XXIV, 4 (Winter, 1989), pp. 209-229. • J. Rykwert, “Morfologia” di Semper, in Rassegna 41, XII, 1990, pp. 40-47. • E. Carr, Eastern Design in a Western Landscape: Olmsted, Richardson, and the Ames Monument, in Sitelines: A Journal of Place , X, 2 (Spring 2015), pp. 19-21 • Francis R. Kowsky, H. H. Richardson's Ames Gate Lodge and the Romantic Landscape Tradition, in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, L, 1991 (June), 2, pp. 181-188 • R. Lawrence The internal environment of the Glasgow School of Art by Charles Rennie Mackintosh, in Construction History, XXIX, 2014, 1, pp. 99-127 • H. Muthesius, A. Watt, A. Fisher, New Ornament and New Art, in West 86th: A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture, XXII, 2015, 1, pp. 70-84 • L. Topp, An Architecture for Modern Nerves: Josef Hoffmann's Purkersdorf Sanatorium, in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians LVI, 1997 (dec.), n.4, pp. 414-437 • M. De Michelis, Modernity and Reform, Heinrich Tessenow and the Institut Dalcroze at Hellerau, in Perspecta XXVI Theater, Theatricality, and Architecture, 1990, pp. 143-170. • M. Scimemi, Profilo biografico, in Adolf Loos 1870-1933. Architettura utilità e decoro, a c.d. R. Bösel, V. Zanchettin, Roma 2006, pp. 131-143 • Bauhaus-Bauhaus 1919-1933 da Klee a Kandinsky da Gropius a Mies van der Rohe, a c.d.M. De Michelis, A. Kohlmeyer, Milano 1996, pp. 13-35 • S. von Moos, Le Corbusier and Loos, in Assemblage 4, 1987 (Oct.), pp. 24-37 • M. Dalai Emiliani, Musei della Ricostruzione in Italia, tra disfatta e rivincita della storia, in Carlo Scarpa a Castelvecchio, a c.d. L. Magagnato, Milano 1982, pp. 149-170 • R. McCarter, Frank Lloyd Wright, London 1997. cap. 5-9 (ed. inglese in pdf) • J.-L. Cohen, Mies van der Rohe, Paris 1994 (ed. spagnola in pdf) • L. Moholy-Nagy, Malerei, Photographie, Film, BAUHAUS BÜCHER 8, München 1925 • H. Sedlmayr, Perdita del centro: le arti figurative del diciannovesimo e ventesimo secolo come sintomo e simbolo di un'epoca, Roma 1948

Type of delivery of the course

The course is conceived as a series of lessons in chronological sequence. Each week, objects, ideas, and events will move in and out of the European and North American frame, with a strong emphasis on relational thinking and contextualization. An excursion (optional) is organized to experience selected topic and architectural works discussed during the semester. Students enrolled have at their disposal a dedicated web site providing all the materials necessary to prepare the final exam.


Attendance is required for at least 75% of the lessons

Type of evaluation

The final exam is individual and oral (Microsoft Teams) and testifies to the attendance of the student, her/his knowledge of the Bibliography (general and specific) provided in Moodle (link https://architettura.el.uniroma3.it/mod/folder/view.php?id=355) and the outcome of the following elaborates: 1. Lexicon 20XX, related to a specific "lemma" previously agreed with the professor (see instruction in Moodle, folder Forum didattico); 2. Digital Taccuino”, an individual sketchbook made by sketches and freehand diagrams - best in plan - inspired by the architectures discussed during the course. Please note that the drawings and the Lexicon 20XX must be collected as .pdf files and uploaded to the personal folder assigned to every student (name+surname), in the shared space One Drive "Raccolta documenti / student work /submitted files" (link https://uniroma3.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/STORIADELLARCHITETTURACONTEMPORANEAB/EsXfkO1Wg0hDjYROtZtbbLcBDiO3th0HlyJE1Brf1nyPog?e=sMO0FC). Please make sure that all materials are uploaded 10 days before the beginning of the exam session you are planning to attend.