The course aims to introduce students to the knowledge of Italian architecture in the first decades after the Second World War, read in relation to the international context and the crisis of the Modern.
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Lessons will focus on Italian architecture during the second half of the Twentieth century and, particularly, on the architectural production between the end of World War II and the First International Architecture Exhibition of “La Biennale di Venezia” (1980). Main topics – such as post-war reconstruction, the crisis of Modern Architecture, the relationship between Architecture, History and Tradition, new avant-garde proposals, the debate on Art, Architecture and Urban development, the identity of architectural discipline, the development of new building technologies – will be discussed through an in-depth analysis of the most important architectures of the period.

Core Documentation

M. Tafuri, Storia dell’architettura italiana 1944-1985, Einaudi, Torino 1982.
F. Dal Co (a cura di), Storia dell’architettura italiana. Il secondo Novecento, Electa, Milano 1997.
M. Biraghi, Storia dell’architettura contemporanea 1945-2008, vol. II, Einaudi, Torino 2008.
E. G. Haddad, D. Rifkind (a cura di), A critical history of Contemporary Architecture: 1960-2010, Routledge, Oxford 2014.

Reference Bibliography

S. Giedion, Space,Time and Architecture, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.1954. G. E. Kidder Smith, Italy builds. Its Modern architecture and native inheritance, The Architectural Press, London 1956. J. Ockman, Architecture Culture 1943-1968, Rizzoli, New York 1993. W. J. R. Curtis, Modern Architecture Since 1900, Phaidon Press, London 1996. M. K. Hays, Architecture. Theory since 1968, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass 2000. P. Di Biagi (a cura di), La grande ricostruzione. Il piano INA-Casa e l’Italia degli anni Cinquanta, Donzelli, Roma 2001. S. Poretti, Italian Modernisms. Architecture and Construction in the Twentieth century, Gangemi, Roma 2013. J. L. Cohen, The future of architecture since 1889, Phaidon, London 2012. M. Biraghi, A. Ferlenga, Architettura del Novecento. Teorie, scuole, eventi, vol. I, Einaudi, Torino 2012. M. Biragi, A. Ferlenga, Architettura del Novecento. Opere, progetti e luoghi, voll. II-II, Einaudi, Torino 2013.

Type of delivery of the course

Currently, the course is held in distance learning through Microsoft Teams hub. In the same hub, students can find learning materials and notices about the course activity. Students can register for the course through the Moodle website https://architettura.el.uniroma3.it/course/index.php?categoryid=18.


The attendance of at least 75% of the lessons is compulsory. Lessons attendance will be checked.

Type of evaluation

The evaluation is based on an oral examination. The student will have to answer some questions related to the course program and will have to demonstrate a good knowledge of the topic addressed. The student must also prove to be able to draw plans and elevations of the buildings discussed.