The course is directed to training for the directorate of works, directorate for construction and for the role of safety coordinator at run time, especially with regard to the production stage in the construction site.
The course covers the following topics teaching, developed a theoretical part and an application part: the workers and procedures of the construction process. is identified with a representation of the building process that describes the various figures present (client, designer, manufacturer, etc.) and their nature, the skills that each of them should possess, relationships and procedures identified in both legislative or regulatory and technical that customary. finally, are presented the different steps that characterize the construction of public works.
The course covers the following topics teaching, developed a theoretical part and an application part: the workers and procedures of the construction process. is identified with a representation of the building process that describes the various figures present (client, designer, manufacturer, etc.) and their nature, the skills that each of them should possess, relationships and procedures identified in both legislative or regulatory and technical that customary. finally, are presented the different steps that characterize the construction of public works.
teacher profile teaching materials
To this end the course addresses the themes, developed with a theoretical and applicative character, relating to the figures and procedures of the building process. It is then possible to find a complete representation of the building process describing the various figures involved (client, designer, builder, etc.) and their nature, the competences each of them must have, the relationships and procedures identified at the regulatory level regulatory and technical standards that are customary. Finally, the various phases that characterize the realization of a public work are presented.
The course is divided into two modules: the first one dedicated to organization and security at construction sites and a second dedicated to safety management during design and construction.
Both modules will focus on the concept of risk analysis and assessment, thus enabling a virtuous path in the acquisition by students of the ability to plan the security project at all stages.
Module A. Construction, organization and security process at site
The module is divided into two parts:
A1. Site construction, use of machinery and safety devices.
With particular reference to the issue of occupational safety, they are studied and exemplified with respect to the construction site concerned, the problems associated with the layout and logistics of the yard, the operation of machinery and production equipment, scaffolding and provisional works, construction sites, toilets, safety signs, personal and collective protection devices. Exercise activities are related to the design of the yard in its evolutionary phases;
A2. Analytical techniques for managing the production process.
The decision-making situations typical of the management of building production are studied, largely referring to the formalization of Operational Research and ISO 9000 standards. In particular work scheduling techniques and optimization techniques for the use of resources.
Module B. Security management during design and construction
The teaching is integrated with that of the previous module and aims to provide knowledge and techniques for designing and managing safety on site. The subjects covered and the strong application connotation make it functional to enable students to achieve one of the requirements required to play the role of security coordinator both in the design phase and in the execution phase of the works.
Testo Unico per la salute e sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro (2013) D.lgs. 9 aprile 2008 n. 81 e s.m.i., aggiornato con il D.lgs. 3 agosto 2009 n. 106, e Decreto-Legge 28 giugno 2013.
Mutuazione: 21002132 PROGETTARE E COSTRUIRE IN SICUREZZA in Scienze dell'architettura L-17 SIMONETTI ALFREDO
The course is geared towards the role of Security Coordinator during the design and execution phase.To this end the course addresses the themes, developed with a theoretical and applicative character, relating to the figures and procedures of the building process. It is then possible to find a complete representation of the building process describing the various figures involved (client, designer, builder, etc.) and their nature, the competences each of them must have, the relationships and procedures identified at the regulatory level regulatory and technical standards that are customary. Finally, the various phases that characterize the realization of a public work are presented.
The course is divided into two modules: the first one dedicated to organization and security at construction sites and a second dedicated to safety management during design and construction.
Both modules will focus on the concept of risk analysis and assessment, thus enabling a virtuous path in the acquisition by students of the ability to plan the security project at all stages.
Module A. Construction, organization and security process at site
The module is divided into two parts:
A1. Site construction, use of machinery and safety devices.
With particular reference to the issue of occupational safety, they are studied and exemplified with respect to the construction site concerned, the problems associated with the layout and logistics of the yard, the operation of machinery and production equipment, scaffolding and provisional works, construction sites, toilets, safety signs, personal and collective protection devices. Exercise activities are related to the design of the yard in its evolutionary phases;
A2. Analytical techniques for managing the production process.
The decision-making situations typical of the management of building production are studied, largely referring to the formalization of Operational Research and ISO 9000 standards. In particular work scheduling techniques and optimization techniques for the use of resources.
Module B. Security management during design and construction
The teaching is integrated with that of the previous module and aims to provide knowledge and techniques for designing and managing safety on site. The subjects covered and the strong application connotation make it functional to enable students to achieve one of the requirements required to play the role of security coordinator both in the design phase and in the execution phase of the works.
Core Documentation
A. Simonetti, A. Di Muro (2010) Repertorio di piani di sicurezza e coordinamento, Editore EPC libri, Roma.Testo Unico per la salute e sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro (2013) D.lgs. 9 aprile 2008 n. 81 e s.m.i., aggiornato con il D.lgs. 3 agosto 2009 n. 106, e Decreto-Legge 28 giugno 2013.
Type of delivery of the course
The teaching methods used include classroom lessons based on blended learning methodology, alternating theoretical lessons with practical exercises. Educational trips are planned at important building sites and technical seminars at other institutes or associations of reference. In detail, in order to achieve the necessary knowledge and skills, the following teaching methods will be applied: lectures, exercises, seminars, simulations, laboratories, field work, group work, analysis of specific cases.Attendance
Attendance is mandatory for 90% of the scheduled course hours.Type of evaluation
The evaluation of the preparation of the students will take place through the passing of a written test and an oral test. The written test, to be carried out in 60 minutes, is divided into a test of 30 multiple choice questions. Candidates who have responded positively to at least 21 applications will be admitted to the oral examination. The candidate who does not respond positively to at least 21 questions, or does not positively pass the oral exam, can repeat the exam in the following session. Furthermore, students attending at least 90% of training hours, the CEFMECTP Organization for Training and Building Safety of Rome and the Province (, and who will take the exam within the Academic Year in which the course was attended, will recognize the certificate of "Coordinator for Safety in planning and execution". The certificate will be delivered in the session after the exam passed. NOTE WELL: The course exam for the summer session will take place, in the ordinary way, only in the form of the oral interview held remotely, via audio-video conference with the use of the Microsoft Teams software, as indicated in the Decree rectoral 703 of 05 May 2020.