The course aims to introduce students to the knowledge of structures, materials and construction techniques used in Italian architecture of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. We want to refine the ability of students to "read" directly in the artifacts all the material and constructive aspects of architecture, a precious ability to capture the interweaving with other aspects of the same, reaching a rich, broad and deep understanding.
teacher profile teaching materials
Main topics are the history of architectural construction in early modern Rome and in other Italian cities, as well as in Renaissance Europe.
- R. Gargiani, Principi e costruzione nell’architettura italiana del Quattrocento, Bari 2003
- Les chantiers de la Renaissance, actes des colloques tenues à Tours en 1983, a cura di J. Guillaume, Paris 1991
Mutuazione: 21010031-1 STORIA DELLE TECNICHE - parte 1 in Scienze dell'architettura L-17 MATTEI FRANCESCA
The course focuses on the history of construction in the XVI Century, by starting from the recovery of the ancient techniques and the architectural treatises.Main topics are the history of architectural construction in early modern Rome and in other Italian cities, as well as in Renaissance Europe.
Core Documentation
- J.P. Adam, L’arte di costruire presso i romani, Milano 1989- R. Gargiani, Principi e costruzione nell’architettura italiana del Quattrocento, Bari 2003
- Les chantiers de la Renaissance, actes des colloques tenues à Tours en 1983, a cura di J. Guillaume, Paris 1991
Type of delivery of the course
Lecture, seminar and lecture on site.Attendance
It is warmly suggested to attend the lectures.Type of evaluation
*****May 2020 - COVID19 emergency**** Due to the Covid-19 emergency, the summer exam session will be online via Microsoft Teams. The final oral exam is dedicated to the contents of the course and to the bibliography. Students have to choose in advance a topic for the oral exam. The examination will begin with the discussion of the chosen topic and it will continue with questions on the course contents. To pass the exam, students are required to demonstrate that they have acquired a critical knowledge of the programme and that they are able to use a proper specific language. I will grade the knowledge of the general and specific bibliography and the capability to discuss the programme.