The course deals with the design of urban space considering the interaction with the built surroundings and environmental factors, the compatibility and incompatibility at different scales, in order to identify innovative technological solutions, which meet the requirements of users, enhance places and pursue the objectives of environmental sustainability. Key methodologies in performance, parameters, indicators and evaluation criteria guide the various stages of the process.
teacher profile teaching materials
The Urbe is a complex system, product of dynamic actions, result of the continuous transformation of the two fundamental systems, natural and anthropic, and of multiple subsystems that characterize in detail the single but interconnected complexity (resources, neighborhoods, services, infrastructures) . The territory to which it belongs is never corresponding to mere urban administrative boundaries, but to the sphere of influence of intersectoral dynamism.
The improvement of the living conditions of a place, an absolute goal, derives from the need to preserve the habitat where human activities take place, respecting the substantial right of the individual subject to freely enjoy the natural resources necessary for its survival, and the the interest of the established community to actively safeguard the environment in which life is expressed through a balanced activity, in a productive sense (a person capable of producing income), of social solidarity: the individual natural functions affecting the subject in the whose life is expressed with economic, biological, social, cultural and aesthetic value, adequately planning the environment of life itself in order to enhance the individual's subjective right to health and life and therefore the interest of the community to which it belongs .
In order to reach the absolute objective it is necessary to understand with extreme competence and applicative capacity, the state and the tendency of the urban and territorial transformations underway, in order to understand the indications and the directives to be given to these dynamics, ie the tools to be used to intervene economically, environmentally and socially with targeted actions and managed by a crosssectoral and interdisciplinary action, really competent and adequate. The interventions are therefore not solitary and isolated actions in the various sectors, but belonging to a broad planning, also aware of the actual and / or potential consequences.
A first session of lectures will provide the appropriate theoretical bases addressed in the various confluent interdisciplinary (legal, technical, political, ...) that will be applied in case studies
The necessary support can be found in the slides of the lessons made available by the teacher.
The lecture notes provided are made available to students of the laboratory by providing a link to the remote archive.
The Master of Science in Architecture ‐ Urban Planning aims to give students the tools to acquire the methodology of an integrated sustainable urban planning.The Urbe is a complex system, product of dynamic actions, result of the continuous transformation of the two fundamental systems, natural and anthropic, and of multiple subsystems that characterize in detail the single but interconnected complexity (resources, neighborhoods, services, infrastructures) . The territory to which it belongs is never corresponding to mere urban administrative boundaries, but to the sphere of influence of intersectoral dynamism.
The improvement of the living conditions of a place, an absolute goal, derives from the need to preserve the habitat where human activities take place, respecting the substantial right of the individual subject to freely enjoy the natural resources necessary for its survival, and the the interest of the established community to actively safeguard the environment in which life is expressed through a balanced activity, in a productive sense (a person capable of producing income), of social solidarity: the individual natural functions affecting the subject in the whose life is expressed with economic, biological, social, cultural and aesthetic value, adequately planning the environment of life itself in order to enhance the individual's subjective right to health and life and therefore the interest of the community to which it belongs .
In order to reach the absolute objective it is necessary to understand with extreme competence and applicative capacity, the state and the tendency of the urban and territorial transformations underway, in order to understand the indications and the directives to be given to these dynamics, ie the tools to be used to intervene economically, environmentally and socially with targeted actions and managed by a crosssectoral and interdisciplinary action, really competent and adequate. The interventions are therefore not solitary and isolated actions in the various sectors, but belonging to a broad planning, also aware of the actual and / or potential consequences.
A first session of lectures will provide the appropriate theoretical bases addressed in the various confluent interdisciplinary (legal, technical, political, ...) that will be applied in case studies
Core Documentation
The reference bibliography and the main in-depth bibliographical indications will be provided during the lessons.The necessary support can be found in the slides of the lessons made available by the teacher.
The lecture notes provided are made available to students of the laboratory by providing a link to the remote archive.
Reference Bibliography
Sistemi impiantistici nell'architettura. Fondamenti di Fisica Tecnica - prof. Carlo Platone. Fondamenti di fotometria e tecnica di illuminazione. M. Serra, V. Calderaro. La progettazione del verde per il controllo microclimatico. A. Chiuppani, T. PrestType of delivery of the course
the lessons are held with frontal teaching by the teacher with exercises aimed at ascertaining the understanding of the topics covered. During the course seminars will be held on the various topics of the laboratory. Problems on individual projects will be addressed with individual reviews In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented.Attendance
attendance at the laboratory is mandatory and it is necessary, in order to obtain the certificate of attendance, to have achieved 75% of the hours of attendance compared to the total hours of teaching. The teacher will detect the presence of students during each lesson.Type of evaluation
The exam takes place with a discussion on the papers presented and on the theoretical contents of the laboratory. In particular, the topics dealt with in the design theme of the assignee during the workshop and reported on the design documents will be studied in depth. The issues can be traced back to the transmission of heat (in particular solar radiation and the thermophysical characteristics of materials), noise pollution and lighting technology concepts. The design documents, in graphic and textual format, can be accompanied by specific insights in a specific area of environmental technical physics on an A4 book. In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented.