The course aims to address the issue of sizing and insertion of technological systems (thermal, electrical, lighting and special systems) in situations where the protection of cultural heritage is of primary importance. The theme of light is also addressed as a narrative element, to be used for the development and the correct interpretation of the architectural, from a morphological, typological and historical profile.
teacher profile teaching materials
1. Lighting Design Foundamentals
2. Case history
3. Project development according with conceptual aspects derivated by Restauration teaching
Technical Physics class is focused on lighting design concepts for highlight and conservation of historical buildings, monuments and archeological areas. Rules and project methods in indoor and outdoor environment will be improved, also considering needs for new activities. Lighting projects will be developed, respecting historical, architectural, constructive aspects of buildings. A particular attention will be dedicated to surrounding, energy saving and environment conservation. Class will be organized in 3 phases:1. Lighting Design Foundamentals
2. Case history
3. Project development according with conceptual aspects derivated by Restauration teaching
Core Documentation
AA.VV. Manuale di Progettazione Illuminotecnica – a cura di Marco Frascarolo. Mancosu Editore Architectural Book and Review. Roma 2010Reference Bibliography
Barducci, Italo. TRASMISSIONE DEL CALORE. Collana di fisica tecnica numero 1. E.S.A Edizioni Scientifiche Associate - s.r.l. Roma 1982. Barducci, Italo. TERMODINAMICA APPLICATA. Collana di fisica tecnica numero 2. E.S.A Edizioni Scientifiche Associate - s.r.l. Roma 1982. Barducci, Italo. FOTOMETRIA E COLORIMETRIA. Collana di fisica tecnica numero 3. E.S.A Edizioni Scientifiche Associate - s.r.l. Roma 1982. Barducci, Italo. ACUSTICA APPLICATA. Collana di fisica tecnica numero 4. Editoriale E.S.A, seconda edizione. Milano 1989. G. Moncada Lo Giudice, L. De Santoli. PROGETTAZIONE DI IMPIANTI TECNICI, Problemi ed applicazioni. Casa Editoriale Ambrosiana, seconda edizione. Roma 2000 J. Moran Michel, N. Shapiro Howard , R. Munson Bruce , P. De Witt David. ELEMENTI DI FISICA TECNICA PER L'INGEGNERIA. Edizione italiana a cura di Mauro A. Corticelli. McGraw-Hill EditorialeType of delivery of the course
Lectures In field of Protected building reuse and enhancement are provided. Lighting is studied as a mean for enhancement and story telling. International case studies are analyzed. A workshop is developed coupling with restauration classes. Lighting experimentations are developed in Technical Physics and Technology Lab.Attendance
mandatory attendance for 75%Type of evaluation
Oral exam and lighting project evaluation. The project is based on prof. Pugliano theme and is developed at executive level. The evaluation is based on the quality of the concept and on the documentation completeness. In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented.