The class introduces students to complexity in Architectural Design. The class proposes and explains the digital means, the procedures, the uses and the organization of contemporary Design Offices mroe oriented toward innovation and integration of different instances in the design. The class is oriented as a small Laboratory, even is its results are evaluated in the understanding of the theory and the new concepts introduced. Students produce a series of small designs, based on the direct experimentation of digital procedures in BIM software, conceived in its parametric core identity. So there is a strict relationship between technology introduced and design topics, thanks to a careful selection and filter of the proposed functions. The basic assumption of the class is that there is a strict need of facing new technologies, deeply understanding them and their power, but in a day to day effort to engage them in a design based thinking. The aim is to prepare students to a mindset that is fruitful in the contemporary professional and cultural context.
Mutuazione: 21002135 BIM - TECNICHE PARAMETRICHE DI PROGETTAZIONE in Architettura - Progettazione architettonica LM-4 (docente da definire)