21002139 - Planning of the Urban Recovery

The course aims at providing the elements of the discipline, methodology and technique to intervene in those urban areas, historical and not, identified since 1978 by the law 457, which introduced the instrument of the recovery plan. This also and especially in the light of the evolution that the instrument had over the years and the current urban dynamics, ever more interested in the recovery of the existing urban areas.
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Mutuazione: 21002139 PROGETTO DEL RECUPERO URBANISTICO in Architettura - Progettazione urbana LM-4 CERASOLI MARIO


Talking about urban renewal is an opportunity to learn and enhance the wealth of households, quarters and cities that form the majority of urban contexts in which we live.
An historical centre, in particular, is a territorial context extremely delicate, with a distinct urban identity and a high historical value referable both to the urban structure and to the individual buildings, including those of significant value. Any planning action concerning an historical centre is therefore complex because "it is about, in the first place, to know it and recognize it, so as to understand its characteristics - spatial, documentary, functional - that identify it" (G.Piccinato, 2008).
Understand, in essence, the territorial role.
But also, and above all, it is important to understand the vision that the inhabitants and users have of the historical centre ("who owns the centre?").
The course aims at providing the elements of the discipline, methodology and technique to intervene in those urban areas, historical and not, identified since 1978 by the law 457, which introduced the instrument of the recovery plan. This also and especially in the light of the evolution that the instrument had over the years and the current urban dynamics, ever more interested in the recovery of the existing urban areas.
The course will be divided in the following four parts, strictly related:
1. recovery planning: the scientific background and evolution of the disciplinary debate
In this part the scientific context of urban renewal ("what we talk about?") in the field of the urban planning regulations will be defined and will run the history of the disciplinary debate that, since the Fifties, addressed urban contexts, and later even those degraded both in terms physical and social, will be studied.
2. legislation and planning instruments
This part will analyze the texts of laws affecting the intervention on historical contexts, and in general on the existing building and urban structures, and related planning instruments, from the Recovery Plan (Art. 27 of Law 457 of 1978), up to the integrated programs of the nineties.
3. techniques
The study of the techniques of interventions in historical contexts will make use of the analyses of recovery plans and detailed plans of town centres, checking out the objectives, contents, technical procedures, the procedural issues and, finally, the story of implementation.
4. a practical exercise
Simultaneously with the theoretical disciplinary component, the study of a portion of a historical urban context will be addressed to set up an integrated strategy of recovery and valorization, which will include the Recovery Plan, the Mobility Plan, the Public Works Program, the socio-economic feasibility study, and identify related urban policies and participatory planning mechanisms.

Core Documentation

Mario Cerasoli, Gianluca Mattarocci (a cura di), Rigenerazione urbana e mercato immobiliare. RomaTrE-Press, Roma 2018

Type of delivery of the course

The course will consist of lectures, seminars, guided tours and design workshops. During the course, an intensive six-day design workshop will take place. The course, optional, is open to a maximum number of 30 (thirty) students enrolled in the three master's degrees and will last 100 hours (8 credits).


Students must attend at the least the 75% of lessons to be admitted to the final exam

Type of evaluation

In order to take the exam students will have to give individual proof of having acquired the elements of the discipline provided during the course and illustrate the product of their exercise.