21002066-2 - ESTIMO

To explore issues raised by the Laboratory of Urban Planning with the tools of architectural design at the urban scale, with particular attention to the structural components. The laboratory offers a new architectural and urban design for the study area and the actions of modification of the spaces that could lead to an overall project, acquiring the basis for an economic evaluation of projects.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21002066-2 ESTIMO in Architettura - Progettazione urbana LM-4 N0 FINUCCI FABRIZIO


The module aims to integrate the issues of the evaluation examining some specific subject, according with the recent developments of the discipline. The assessment becomes a part of the design process, providing logical and methodological support and becoming an active component in the construction of the design. The evaluation, therefore, becomes a contribution to the implementation of the preferred solution in relation to context, to the actors involved in the process, and to feasibility, taking into account the numerous variables (socio-economic, environmental, financial, aesthetic, cultural, etc.). The module deals with the methods and techniques of project evaluation according to different approaches (financial, economic, multidimensional); finally, the module introduces methodologies that enable the assessment of the effects and impacts perceived by the community.
Specifically, the module deals with:
A brief summary of appraisal basics: appraisals principles and methods. Basics of international appraisal procedures. Total Economic Value, definitions and techniques. Shared evaluation and deliberative Value.
Methods and techniques of projects evaluation: financial methods (Investment Analysis), cash flows and measures of investment performance, project financing, economic methods (Cost-Benefit Analysis), multidimensional methods, Multicriteria Analysis (among which Electre methods, Dominant Regime Methods, Analytic Hierarchy Process, etc.). Community Impact Evaluation, Deliberative methods to evaluate impact and effect perceived by community.

Core Documentation

A. Realfonzo "Teoria e metodo dell'estimo urbano", Carocci, Roma, 1994.
M. Polelli, "Nuovo trattato di estimo'', Maggior, Rimini, 2008.
Bateman I.J.et al, “Economic valuation with Stated Preference Techniques: A Manual”, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002.

Methods and techniques of projects evaluation
Miccoli S., "La valutazione nel progetto di restauro", in Carbonara G. (diretto da), "Trattato di Restauro architettonico", UTET, Torino, 1996.
Nijkamp P., Rietveld P., Voogd H., "Multicriteria evaluation in physical planning", North Holland Pubi. Amsterdam/New York.
Handsout provided during the module.

Type of delivery of the course

The module is carried out through a frontal teaching (for the most part) in close correlation with the other project activities of the laboratory. Specific topics are deepened in the review activities (group and / or collective) in relation to the various specific issues raised by the project. The final work that follows requires the synthesis of the different theoretical and methodological aspects dealt with in the lectures. In the event of a new COVID-19 health emergency, teaching will be carried out remotely in the following way: lessons will take place on Microsoft Teams; for communications and educational materials the Moodle platform will be used in addition to the contextual sending of e-mails; the one-drive platform will be used to exchange project documents.


Students must attend at the least the 75% of lessons to be admitted to the finaal exam

Type of evaluation

The module requires to develop a paper (completing the project), that deals with project evaluation (financial or economic or multidimensional). The evaluation of the students will be carried during the reviews which are necessary to draw up the paper and to check the progress. In addition, a judgment based on the quality of the final paper will be issued. In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented.