Critical ordering and operational testing on issues related to the culture of the historical and artistic heritage, led by a philological and constructive reading of arguments submitted during the course. Integration between theoretical research of architectural design and the themes of restoration, conservation and reconstruction in archaeology, monumental and contexts of regionalist architecture.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course proposes the study of an historical building or landscape, urban or extra urban.
Through ex-cathedra lectures, seminars and weekly reviews, the students will be led during the different phases of critical interpretation and philological analysis (knowledge and study of the literature, research in the relevant archives, exegesis of the textual and iconographic sources, direct observation and survey, drawings of the transformation phases, reading of permanence and transformation, interpretative sketches etc.).
Individual or group research is suited to being used as a project tool, useful to build guide lines or specific restoration and enhancement projects.
Lectures and design exercises are carried out with the support of specialized external collaborations (officials of public institutions, businesses and restorers).

Core Documentation

- P. Marconi, F. Giovanetti, E. Pallottino (eds.), "Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Roma", DEI, Roma 1989.
- Francesco Giovanetti (ed.), "Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Roma", II edizione ampliata, DEI, Roma 1997.
- S. Poretti (ed.), “Il restauro delle Poste di Libera”, Gangemi, Roma 2005.
- P. Marconi, "Materia e significato. La questione del restauro architettonico", Laterza, Bari 1999.
- E. Pallottino (eds.), "Architetti e archeologi costruttori d’identità", «Ricerche di storia dell'arte», 95, 2008.
- D. Manacorda, R. Santangeli Valenzani, L. Franciosini, E. Pallottino, R. Volpe, S. Picciola, A. Carlini, P. Porretta (eds.), "arch.it.arch - dialoghi di Archeologia e Architettura" - seminari 2005-2006, Quasar, Roma 2009.
- F.R. Stabile, "La Garbatella a Roma. Architettura e regionalismo", Editrice Librerie Dedalo, Roma 2012.
- E. Pallottino (ed.), “Roma, Torre dei Conti. Ricerca, formazione, progetto”, «Ricerche di storia dell'arte», 3, 2012.
- «Territorio», 62, 2012.
- E. Pallottino (ed.), “Sicurezza e identità. Architetti del patrimonio”, «Ricerche di storia dell'arte», 122, 2017
- P. Porretta, “L'invenzione moderna del paesaggio antico della Banditaccia: Raniero Mengarelli a Cerveteri”, Quasar, Roma 2019.

Further bibliographical references related to the main research topics will be suggested during the course.

Reference Bibliography

- P. Marconi, F. Giovanetti, E. Pallottino (eds.), "Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Roma", DEI, Roma 1989. - Francesco Giovanetti (ed.), "Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Roma", II edizione ampliata, DEI, Roma 1997. - S. Poretti (ed.), “Il restauro delle Poste di Libera”, Gangemi, Roma 2005. - P. Marconi, "Il recupero della bellezza", Skira, Milano 2005. - P. Marconi, "Materia e significato. La questione del restauro architettonico", Laterza, Bari 1999. - E. Pallottino (ed.), "Architetti e archeologi costruttori d’identità", «Ricerche di storia dell'arte», 95, 2008. - D. Manacorda, R. Santangeli Valenzani, L. Franciosini, E. Pallottino, R. Volpe, S. Picciola, A. Carlini, P. Porretta (eds.), "arch.it.arch - dialoghi di Archeologia e Architettura" - seminari 2005-2006, Quasar, Roma 2009. - F.R. Stabile, "La Garbatella a Roma. Architettura e regionalismo", Editrice Librerie Dedalo, Roma 2012. - E. Pallottino (ed.), “Roma, Torre dei Conti. Ricerca, formazione, progetto”, «Ricerche di storia dell'arte», 3, 2012. - «Territorio», 62, 2012. - P. Marconi, "Restauro dei monumenti – Cultura, progetti e cantieri 1967-2010", Gangemi, Roma 2012. - E. Pallottino (ed.), “Sicurezza e identità. Architetti del patrimonio”, «Ricerche di storia dell'arte», 122, 2017 - P. Porretta, “L'invenzione moderna del paesaggio antico della Banditaccia: Raniero Mengarelli a Cerveteri”, Quasar, Roma 2019.

Type of delivery of the course

To achieve the expected learning outcomes, it will be planned lectures, conferences, seminars and guided tours. The research activities and the design exercise will be subject to weekly reviews by the teacher and will be discussed and evaluated during the exam. In case of an extension of COVID-19 health emergency, it will be provided the methods for delivering the teaching activities and student assessment. In particular, the following support tools will be used for distance learning (if COVID-19 emergency measures will be extended): MS Teams (lectures); Moodle (communications and news); MS OneDrive and Google Drive (teaching materials).


The course attendance is mandatory at 75% of teaching hours (see the didactic regulation).

Type of evaluation

The learning test consists of an individual oral exam. It is composed by a presentation of research activities and design exercises and by the discussion of the topics carried out during the lectures, conferences and guide tours. In case of an extension of COVID-19 health emergency, it will be provided the methods for delivering the teaching activities and student assessment. Specifically, the exam will be held in remote mode, via audio-video conference, using the MS Teams platform.