21002063-1 - URBAN PLANNING

The development of a project on an urban scale (masterplan) with particular attention to the themes of the resilience to the climate change and to the relationship between physical and social form. Among the topics discussed: use of space; temporality of movement of the inhabitants; open and built spaces; design of soil and infrastructure; places of social life, of living and working. In addition, they analyze the models of urban development and demographic, land use, traffic, food sustainability, social interactions and urban spaces, the economy and the metabolism of the city.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Aim of the course is to deepen the knowledges about theories and techniques of urban design and planning, starting from a concrete approach to current territorial instances and urban trends, with particular attention to infrastructure and mobility issues.

To achieve this aim, the course, by means a "role-playing game", will reconstruct the scenario of relationships between the various actors - citizens, technicians, operators, real estate owners, public administrators - participate in the life of the city and the territory, simulating a process of co-planning and participatory planning, on the background of urban and regional policies and planning. In this way, students can be introduced to the reality in which they will surely be involved in the future.

The "ideological" aim is to avoid disciplinary preconceptions, giving space to the ability to "listen" to the territory and those who live there, and to intervene through strategies and actions that determine the quality of urban and regional policies, not forgetting any of the aspects involved.

Context of study and experimentation of the Laboratory will be the territory located along the disused railway Civitavecchia-Caparanica-Orte. The course will evaluate the reactivation of the railway line and the effects on urban contexts and on the territories crossed, in terms of potential for urban regeneration, territorial reactivation, redefinition of mobility models.

As part of the Laboratory, a complex urban planning program will be defined, in the logic of the Contrat d'Axe (Axis Contract, according to the French legislation which is also being adopted in Italy) and within the framework of the state and regional planning and programming instruments and regulations. The program will involve the various institutional and non-institutional roles in expressing feasible and sustainable proposals and confront each other in a "planning conference".

Core Documentation

M. Cerasoli, Politiche ferroviarie, modelli di mobilità e territorio. Le ferrovie italiane nell'epoca della pseudo liberalizzazione. Aracne, Roma, 2012.

Reference Bibliography

su Roma, i suoi piani e l’evoluzione urbana / about Rome, plans and urban development: I. Insolera, Roma moderna. Torino, Einaudi, 1993. P.O. Rossi, Roma, Guida all'architettura moderna, 1909-1984. Laterza, Roma-Bari, 1993 sull’urbanistica e l’evoluzione disciplinare / about urbanism and discipline evolution : G. Astengo, Voce “Urbanistica” dell’Enciclopedia Universale dell'Arte, Ist. Geograf. De Agostini, Novara 1984 (vol. XIV, pp. 541-642) Ivan Blecic , Arnaldo Cecchini, Verso una pianificazione antifragile. Franco Angeli. Milano, 2016 L. Benevolo, Le origini dell’urbanistica moderna, Laterza, 1967 M. Cerasoli, Politiche ferroviarie, modelli di mobilità e territorio. Le ferrovie italiane nell'epoca della pseudo liberalizzazione. Aracne, Roma, 2012. L. Mazza, Trasformazioni del piano, Franco Angeli, 1997 G. Piccinato, Un mondo di città, Edizioni di Comunità, Torino, 2002 G. Piccinato, La costruzione dell’urbanistica 1871-1914, Officina, 1978 R. Pavia, Le paure dell’urbanistica. Meltemi edizioni, Genova, 2005 C. Ravagnan, Rigenerare le città e i territori contemporanei. Prospettive e nuovi riferimenti operativi per la sperimentazione. Aracne editrice, 2019 D. Wieczorek, Camillo Sitte e gli inizi dell’urbanistica moderna. Jaka Book, 1994 sulle tecniche / about techniques: M. Cerasoli, “Qualità urbana, mobilità, qualità della vita: una “grammatica” per il Rinascimento della città”. In: «URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI», n° 263 S.I., sessione speciale n° 7 del 2015, pag. 16-19. C. Chiodi, La città moderna. Tecnica urbanistica, a cura di G. Sartorio, Roma 2006 P. Gabellini, Tecniche urbanistiche, Roma, NIS, 2001

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be followed a bidirectional and interlocutor iter between teachers and students, during which the theoretical themes of urban planning and those closely related to urban planning will be addressed. The core course of the course will consist of a series of meetings of verification and comparison, to allow a continuous exchange between the experiences progressively matured.


Students must attend at the least the 75% of lessons to be admitted to the final exam

Type of evaluation

To attend the exam, students must provide individually evidence of discipline elements acquired and, as a group, illustrate the product of their training during a collective exposure. In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented.