Deepening the skills in planning and design of urban and territorial space, urban sustainability and climate adaptation of settlements on different scales.
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The course “Innovations in planning” is made up of two modules: Urban Regeneration and Sustainability and climate adaptation.
The module Urban Regeneration will deal with the issues and with the most useful tools of urban and regional management, with particular reference to the integrated approaches considering jointly physical aspects (brownfields recovery, public spaces redevelopment , urban expansions), social issues and environmental aspects of urban settlements.
A particular attention will be given to cooperative tools amongst various public administrations and to collaborative tools between public and private subjects ( the so called Complex Plans and Urban Regeneration Programs) that nowadays represent the most innovative forms of city management in Italy.
The Sustainability and climate adaptation module of the course will explain the various urban issues caused by climate change, exploring the experiences of climate adaptation carried out by European cities (Copenhagen, Rotterdam, London, Stockholm) and Italian cities (Bologna) to increase urban resilience, with particular reference to those seeking to reduce flood risks, to reduce heat island effects, to ensure the efficiency of public transport, to protect green areas and biodiversity.
The course “Innovations in planning” will activate forms of coordination with the Degree Laboratory “Resilient City, Resilient Society”

Core Documentation

Avarello P, Ricci M eds. (2000) Politiche urbane, INU Edizioni
Avarello P (2010), Il Progetto Urbano. INU – Gruppo di Studio La città contemporanea
Bobbio R. ed alii (2008), Urbanistica Creativa, progettare l'innovazione nella città. Maggioli
Calthorpe P. “New Urbanism” http://www.newurbanism.org/
Carfree Cities - http://www.carfree.com/
Cecchini D, Castelli G (2012), Città Sostenibili. Gangemi
Climate Booklet for Urban Development Online - Indications for Urban Land-Use Planning http://www.staedtebauliche-klimafibel.de/Climate_Booklet/index-1.htm
De Pascali P. (2008 ) “Città ed energia”, Angeli, Milano
Dovey K, Woodcock I eds (2014), “Intensifying Melbourne. Transit-Oriented Urban Design for Resilient Urban Futures” http://msd.unimelb.edu.au/sites/default/files/docs/Intensifying%20Melbourne%202014_180dpi.pdf
Elmqvist T. and others (eds.) 2018 “Urban Planet. Knowledge towards sustainable cities”, Cambridge University Press https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/urban-planet/05E1CEDF6B9DF4E4B95AB8B4474C3C71
Gabellini P. (2010) “Fare urbanistica. Esperienze, comunicazione, memoria.” Carocci, Roma
Filpa A, Talia M (2009), Fondamenti di governo del territorio, Carocci
Leal Filho W ed. (2015) Handbook of climate change adaptation, Springer
Ombuen S., Ricci M., Segnalini O. (2000) “I programmi complessi”, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano
Swilling, M and others eds. (2018) “The Weight of Cities: Resource Requirements of Future Urbanization” Report by the International Resource Panel. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya https://europa.eu/capacity4dev/file/68477/download?token=Ac6C4ZVK
Tocci W. (2008) “La città del tram”, in Tocci W., Insolera I., Morandi D., “Avanti c’è posto”, Donzelli, Roma


Students must attend at the least the 75% of lessons to be admitted to the final exam

Type of evaluation

examination procedures: oral, through the Microsoft Teams platform the products will be uploaded to the course googledrive within three days before the date of the exam