21002097-1 - RESTAURO

Study of the design process of the restoration of architecture, from the theoretical and analytical fields to the operational aspects. The application of this process has the objective of designing and defining appropriate interventions in architectural restoration of selected case studies. During the workshop technical insights are provided on the importance of historic buildings and the physical technique applied.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The teaching of the architectural restoration laboratory is part of the training activities of the restoration discipline that are taught in the Master's Degree in Architecture. The course is aimed at providing critical understanding of the main themes and problems of the restoration of ancient, medieval and modern architecture and at combining the theoretical dimension with the design experience on specially selected examples studies case. These examples will be taken into account in their historical development and they will be connected with other disciplines and fields of research (art, history, documentation and representation, anthropology and geography).
As part of this study path, the laboratory is aimed at achieving the following learning outcomes:
1) In-depth and experimented knowledge of the most up-to-date tools and methods for restoration and enhancement of the heritage and landscape
2) Understanding of formation and transformation processes of the historical architecture by means of the ability to retrieve, contextualize, analyse and critically interpret both direct (observations critical and measurement targeted to the monument knowledge) and indirect historical sources (bibliographic, iconographic and archival documents knowledge).
3) The ability to produce design syntheses about technical and constructive details of the considered architectures.

The Course takes place during the first semester of the second year of the Master's Degree in Architecture - Restoration.
The didactic activity consists of three thematic groups: introductory lessons that illustrate the theoretical and methodological themes related to the general concepts of Protection, Conservation, Restoration and Enhancement; lectures and seminars of critical and analytical study of general themes are following, with the presentation of models of design and executive behaviour, demonstrated by real examples. The third thematic core is the most extensive in terms of time: it occupies at least 70 percent of the course hours and consists of seminar activities aimed to the restoration project. Therefore, the workshop has an eminently applicative character and it is carried out through the drafting of the project on a study case suitably selected for its typological eloquence.
The project consists of a historical investigation, to be associated with the material and geometric reading of the artefacts and their state of preservation and it ends with the formulation of proposals suitable for intervention. The three thematic nucleuses contribute to the definition of the preliminary analyses useful for choosing the project and for defining the restoration technical initiatives. The training path develops starting from the general investigations on an urban scale and from the reading of the architectural and material characteristics of the architecture; so, it proceeds with the historical and typological knowledge of the study case (historical analysis, material documentation and architectural interpretation) and it ends with the technical drawings of the choices of executive project.

Core Documentation

Giovanetti F. (edited by) Manual of Recovery of the Municipality of Rome, II extended edition. Rome: Dei; 1997
Marconi P. The restoration and the architect. Venice: Marsilio; 2001
Zevi L. (edited), Manual of Architectural Restoration. Rome: Mancosu; 2001.
Pugliano A. The Recognition, the Documentation, the Catalog of Architectural Heritage. Elements of a constituting Thesaurus useful for Knowledge, Protection, Conservation of Architecture, 2 vols. Rome: Prospective editions; 2009.

Reference Bibliography

Carbonara G. Treaty of architectural restoration. Ediz. Illustrated. Turin: UTET; 1996. Marconi P. (edited) Manual of Recovery of the historic center of Palermo. Palermo: Flaccovio; 1997 Pugliano A. (edited), Architectural Restoration and Archaeological Restoration. vols. 74-75, History of Art Research. Rome: Carocci; 2001 Marconi P, Pugliano A. (edited) Designing Architectural Restoration. Vol. 93, Art History Research. Rome: Carocci; 2007. Marconi P, Pugliano A. (edited) Architecture, Archeology, Restoration. vols. 103-104, History of Art Research. Rome: Carocci; 2011. Marconi P. Restoration of monuments. Culture, projects and construction sites 1967-2010. Rome: Gangemi; 2012

Type of delivery of the course

Teaching will provide each student with the operational elements (cognitive, critical, and technical) useful in understanding the architectural restoration design process. This process is tested by the students who will be called to draw up, under the teachers guidance, projects for restoration of important architectural artefact of historical, artistic and anthropological interest. The teaching of the Course benefits from the Estimo module for the purpose of carrying out a project based on concreteness, complete with the estimative aspects relating to the charges connected with the execution of technical interventions and the feasibility of the valorization initiatives. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. In particular, the following new methods will apply. The new methods will be carried out connecting the Student and the Teacher by means of the Microsoft Teams platform. This modality can take advantage of sharing the screen (i.e. the desktop) in order to support the dialogue with graphical and/or textual materials.


The design exercise applies to Roman monuments and their urban surroundings in a double perspective: a) To develop a repertoire of design indications for the philological restoration of the monument and its relevant urban surroundings; b) To develop a program to enhance the system of material and immaterial attractors that qualify the "historical urban landscape" of the part of the city considered. The restoration project will be draw by each student with the necessary historical data and analytical highlights, and it will be aimed to prefigure the construction details. The course attendance is mandatory

Type of evaluation

The learning test takes place through an individual oral exam and consists in the discussion of the design exercises and the general themes highlighted during the course. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. In particular, the following new methods will apply: the exam tests by the new methods will be carried out connecting the Student and the Teacher by means of the Microsoft Teams platform. This modality can take advantage of sharing the screen (i.e. the desktop) in order to support the dialogue with graphical and/or textual materials. In order to allow analyzing such materials in view of the exam discussion, the files of concern have to be sent to the Teacher’s mail address at most three days in advance, by also using file transfer service available for free online, such as “wetransfer”.