The design of new projects in relation to the context of historical and environmental interest, with emphasis on the environmental, technical, and physical plant systems.
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The Architectural Design Laboratory aims to study the city as a complex system of built environments, green spaces, infrastructural connections, historical-archaeological remains. In the case of Rome, this complexity takes on a particular value, given by the singularity and identity of its topographical, environmental and historical-architectural condition. This aspect is perceived with great clarity in the eastern quadrant of the city, where the quality and visual value of the open spaces is continually confronted with the persistence of signs of history, ancient paths, fragments of a monumental past, elements of the post-industrial landscape and compact city neighborhoods.
The Laboratory will be mainly applied on the routes of the Appia, Tuscolana, Casilina Vecchia, Mandrione, bearing in mind the imposing endowment of parks and historical-archaeological and environmental survivals, the Parco dell’Appia Antica, Tor Fiscale and Caffarella. With this approach, the collective project of the Laboratory can be configured as a unitary “Linear Project”, in which the design experiments will be applied from the small scale of the service spaces up to the urban dimension; the projects should outline a unitary scenario, keeping at the center the idea of public space and a strong contextual anchoring.

Core Documentation

_L. Zevi (coordinatore scientifico), Il nuovissimo manuale dell’architetto. 2 Voll., Mancosu Editore, Roma 2003.
_L. Benevolo, Storia dell’Architettura Moderna, Laterza, Bari 2010
_P. O. Rossi, Roma, Guida all’architettura moderna 1909-2011, Laterza Bari 2012
_M. Guccione (a cura di), Guida ai quartieri romani INA Casa, Roma 2002
_K. Frampton, Tettonica e architettura. Poetica della forma architettonica nel XIX e XX secolo, Skira, Milano 2005
_M. Biraghi, Storia dell'architettura contemporanea, I (1750-1945) - II (1945-2008), Einaudi, Torino 2008
_Le Corbusier, Vers une architecture, (a cura di P. Cerri e P. Nicolin), Milano, Longanesi 1984
_A. Loos, Parole nel vuoto (Ins Leere Gesprochen, 1921), ed. it. Adelphi, Milano 1972.
_A. Rossi, L'architettura della città, Marsilio, Padova 1966; n. ed. Quodlibet, Macerata 2011.

Reference Bibliography

_R. Moneo, Inquietudine teorica e strategia progettuale nell’opera di otto architetti contemporanei, Electa, Milano 2005 _F. Venezia, Francesco Venezia: le idee e le occasioni, Electa Mondadori, Milano 2006 _F. Dal Co (a cura di), Documenti di Architettura. Francesco Cellini. Electa, Milano 2016 _D. Costi (a cura di), C. Conforti, ABDR, Opere, Temi, Progetti. Elemond Mondadori, 2016

Type of delivery of the course

The development of the Laboratory foresees a close integration with the discipline of Environmental technical physics; teaching will be structured as follows: A) Investigation of the case study urban space, analysis of: buildings, road layouts and built/green contexts. B) Ex-cathedra lectures on the themes of small-scale urban design, public space and collective services with particular reference to the european debate; Lessons on: "building in the built" with functional and technological integration of historicized structures; service integration of green and archaeological areas, the “urban gateway” as a place of spatial interconnection and mobility. C) Practical exercises related to the lessons and focused on the knowledge of natural and built contexts, production of studio models. Design seminars and collective reviews. In the final phase of the Laboratory there will be an intensive training on the year project, aimed at concluding the work in view of the final exam. The Laboratory will be structured dividing the students in small working groups, both in the analysis phase and in the project proposal. Teaching will be in the presence, as well as all laboratory activities. However, the Laboratory will also use the methods of distance learning, through the MS Teams and Moodle platform, on dedicated channels.


Attendance at the Laboratory and all related activities is mandatory. The student should have participated in at least 75% of the lessons and related activities to be admitted to the exam.

Type of evaluation

The evaluation will take into account the attendance (minimum attendance 75%), the results of the exercises and the quality of the presentations; the architectural quality and completeness of the design test, as well as the originality of the presentation.