Study of materials, the construction process and the traditional executive techniques and innovations: analysis of their possible use in the restoration project of architectural artefacts of historical and artistic interest.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Building techniques and theories on Refurbishment, Conservation and Protection of heritage and archaeological sites from the ancient times to Renaissance and Baroque, Viollet-le-Duc, Morris, Ruskin, Fiorelli, Boito.
The Conservation Charters.
The Refurbishment Manuals.
The colour’s and texture’s culture in the historical architecture.
The Italian Cultural Heritage and Landscape’s Code.
The international mind about Conservation and Refurbishment.
The Conservation and Refurbishment of Modern and Contemporary Architecture.
The architecture as resource: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
The nZEBs and the Sustainability in building industry.
The Design Rules and Refurbishment Technologies.
Materials and Building Systems for Refurbishment in their historical evolution: performances, correct use, durability.
Building Configuration and Seismic Vulnerability.
Mery method for static assessment of archs and vaults.
Under-foundations, micro-piles, injections, reinforced renders, CAM.
Interventions on pushing structures: supportings, abutments, barbicans, chains, ropes, calottes, fibers, complex systems.
Interventions in presence of excessive burdens: plated structures, hoopings, strings.
To avoid twisting moments: to design deformable floors, which can restrain walls in their plane.
The recovering of spalled reinforced concrete.
The expeditious and analytical energetic diagnosis.
Energy Certification within the Environmental Certification. Rules.
The configuration and exposition role.
Passive and active solar systems for naturally heating, cooling and ventilating.
Methods for upgrading performances in winter or summer time and their incidence on the refurbishment design.
Isolation systems: exterior, in the cavity, interior. Materials and components, rules of art, pathologies.
Controlled Mechanical Ventilation: her incidence and her function in refurbishment design.
The defence from the rising damp: phisical, chemical, elettro-phisical methods.
Basement and ground floor refurbishment.
Historical and contemporary, flat and sloping coverings refurbishment and upgrade.
Waterproofings and their pathologies.
Recurrent mistakes.
Design of Silence: prevision and correction of systems and components acoustical behaviour.
Isolation and acoustical conditioning of the spaces.
Conservation and Refurbishing of the fixings and of exterior / interior finishings.

Core Documentation

MARCONI, PAOLO, Arte e cultura della manutenzione dei monumenti, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1984;
MARCONI, PAOLO, Il restauro e l’architetto. Teoria e pratica in due secoli di dibattito, Venezia, Marsilio, 1993;
MARCONI, PAOLO, Materia e significato – la questione del restauro architettonico, Roma-Bari, Gius. Laterza & Figli, 1999;
MARINO, LUIGI et alii, Il restauro archeologico. Materiali per un atlante delle patologie presenti nelle aree archeologiche e negli edifici ridotti allo stato di rudere. Il rischio nelle aree
archeologiche, Firenze, AltrAlinea Edizioni, “I Quaderni di Pristina Servare”, 2016;
GIEBELER, GEORG et alii, Refurbishment Manual. Maintenance, Conversions, Extensions, Münich, Edition DETAIL, 2009;
BRINKMANN VINZENZ, BURANELLI FRANCESCO et alii, I colori del bianco. Policromia nella scultura antica, Musei Vaticani, Collana di studi e documentazione, Roma, De Luca Editori d’Arte, 2004;
PETZET MUCK, HEILMEYER FLORIAN, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Architecture as Resource, German Pavillion, 13th International Architecture Exibition, La Biennale di Venezia 2012, Ostfildern, Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2012;
LEMBO FILIBERTO, STO ITALIA, Prestazioni caratteristiche dei più ricorrenti materiali edili da costruzione e da isolamento, sheets out of sale by Sto Italia;
ARNOLD CHRISTOPHER, REITHERMAN ROBERT, Morfologia edilizia e progetto sismico, italian edition made by Corrado Latina, Bologna, Edizioni Luigi Parma, 1985;
LEMBO FILIBERTO, MARINO FRANCESCO P.R., Il comportamento nel tempo degli edifici – cause di degrado e soluzioni progettuali dei sistemi “tradizionali” ed “industrializzati” – Casi di studio, Roma, EPC Libri, 2002; LEMBO FILIBERTO (editor), Isolare dall’esterno, 2 voll., Faenza, Faenza Editrice SpA, 1990;
MARINO FRANCESCO P.R., GRIECO MARIA TERESA, La certificazione energetica degli edifici ed il D.lgs. 192 del 19/8/2005 – Algoritmi di calcolo ed esperienze internazionali, IV^ Ed., Roma, EPS Libri, 2006.
Many other textes will be supplyed directly from the Teacher during lectures and laboratories.

Reference Bibliography

MARCONI, PAOLO, Arte e cultura della manutenzione dei monumenti, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1984; MARCONI, PAOLO, Il restauro e l’architetto. Teoria e pratica in due secoli di dibattito, Venezia, Marsilio, 1993; MARCONI, PAOLO, Materia e significato – la questione del restauro architettonico, Roma-Bari, Gius. Laterza & Figli, 1999; MARINO, LUIGI et alii, Il restauro archeologico. Materiali per un atlante delle patologie presenti nelle aree archeologiche e negli edifici ridotti allo stato di rudere. Il rischio nelle aree archeologiche, Firenze, AltrAlinea Edizioni, “I Quaderni di Pristina Servare”, 2016; GIEBELER, GEORG et alii, Refurbishment Manual. Maintenance, Conversions, Extensions, Münich, Edition DETAIL, 2009; BRINKMANN VINZENZ, BURANELLI FRANCESCO et alii, I colori del bianco. Policromia nella scultura antica, Musei Vaticani, Collana di studi e documentazione, Roma, De Luca Editori d’Arte, 2004; PETZET MUCK, HEILMEYER FLORIAN, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Architecture as Resource, German Pavillion, 13th International Architecture Exibition, La Biennale di Venezia 2012, Ostfildern, Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2012; LEMBO FILIBERTO, STO ITALIA, Prestazioni caratteristiche dei più ricorrenti materiali edili da costruzione e da isolamento, sheets out of sale by Sto Italia; ARNOLD CHRISTOPHER, REITHERMAN ROBERT, Morfologia edilizia e progetto sismico, italian edition made by Corrado Latina, Bologna, Edizioni Luigi Parma, 1985; LEMBO FILIBERTO, MARINO FRANCESCO P.R., Il comportamento nel tempo degli edifici – cause di degrado e soluzioni progettuali dei sistemi “tradizionali” ed “industrializzati” – Casi di studio, Roma, EPC Libri, 2002; LEMBO FILIBERTO (editor), Isolare dall’esterno, 2 voll., Faenza, Faenza Editrice SpA, 1990; MARINO FRANCESCO P.R., GRIECO MARIA TERESA, La certificazione energetica degli edifici ed il D.lgs. 192 del 19/8/2005 – Algoritmi di calcolo ed esperienze internazionali, IV^ Ed., Roma, EPS Libri, 2006. Many other textes will be supplyed directly from the Teacher during lectures and laboratories.

Type of delivery of the course

Lessons - Attendance is compulsory - Oral examination in presence, starting from evaluation of laboratories


Attendance is mandatory for at least 75% of lessons.

Type of evaluation

In-class test of laboratories, oral in presence or at distance examination