21002095-1 - RESTAURO

The issues of urban development especially related to recent transformations.
teacher profile | teaching materials


In this course students gain familiarity with techniques and methods for understanding and documenting the historic-formative character of historic centres, including the various phases that have formed and transformed the urban fabric; construction types; their mutation over time; identification of “coherent” modification and distinction from incoherent or damaging changes that should be removed. Particular attention is devoted to recognising and understanding pre-modern construction techniques, architectural elements and finishes, with the intention of reusing these in contemporary architectural and urban restoration.

Core Documentation

General texts
P. Marconi, Il recupero della bellezza, Skirà Editore, Milan 2005
F.R. Stabile, M. Zampilli, C. Cortesi (a cura di), Centri storici minori. Progetti per il recupero della bellezza, Gangemi Editore, Rome, 2009.

Reference Bibliography

Method and technique G. Caniggia, G.L. Maffei, Composizione architettonica e tipologia edilizia. 1. Lettura dell’edilizia di base, Marsilio editore, Venice 1979 A. Giuffrè (a cura di), Sicurezza e conservazione dei centri storici. Il caso Ortigia, Laterza Editore, Bari 1993 F. Giovanetti (a cura di), Manuale del Recupero del Comune di Roma, Edizioni DEI, Rome 1997. F. Doglioni, Stratigrafia e restauro, Tra conoscenza e conservazione dell'architettura, ed. LINT, Trieste, 1997

Type of delivery of the course

The conduct of the laboratory in remote mode has the same characteristics as that in presence. The lectures of the teachers on the various disciplinary themes will alternate with collective reviews and discussions on the work done by the students both individually and in groups. Inspections are planned in the historical center chosen for the laboratory.


Attendance is compulsory for 75% of the lesson hours

Type of evaluation

Students organized in groups will show and discuss the work done during the laboratory with the teaching staff.