Integration between the theoretical research of architectural design and the themes of restoration, conservation and reconstruction in the archaeological, monumental context and in the contexts of regionalist architecture. Critical ordering and operational testing on issues related to the culture of historical architectural heritage; philological and constructive reading of the topics submitted during the course; architectural restoration project
teacher profile teaching materials
Particular attention will be placed on the issues of the built, archaeological and artistic heritage that cannot be conserved, maintained or innovated without a strong theoretical and critical awareness, as can be seen in the tradition of Italian and European architectural culture.
With the Course of ‘Theories of Architectural Research’ we intend to supply architecture students with a contribution in this direction, that is with the knowledge that Theory is a fundamental and autonomous part of the Architectural Discipline, through a set of specifically chosen Theories, individual reflections, books, manuals, constructed and paper projects. The Theory of Architecture is neither a “how to” guide nor a justification that follows the establishment of an architecture, but rather a stand-alone instance of architectural thought.
- Franco la Cecla, Perdersi, l'uomo senza ambiente, Laterza, Bari, 1988
- Francesco Careri, Walkscapes. Camminare come pratica estetica, Einaudi, Torino 2006.
- Emanuele Coccia, La vita delle piante. Metafisica della mescolanza, il Mulino, Bologna 2018
- Camillo Boano, Progetto Minore. Alla ricerca della minorità nel progetto urbanistico ed architettonico, LetteraVentidue, Siracusa 2020
The course entitled ‘Theories of Architectural Research’ intends to place itself within the teaching lines and research of the Architecture Department and its educational offer, and in direct connection with the cultural setting and the ideal inspirations of the Research Doctorate “Architecture: Heritage and Innovation”.Particular attention will be placed on the issues of the built, archaeological and artistic heritage that cannot be conserved, maintained or innovated without a strong theoretical and critical awareness, as can be seen in the tradition of Italian and European architectural culture.
With the Course of ‘Theories of Architectural Research’ we intend to supply architecture students with a contribution in this direction, that is with the knowledge that Theory is a fundamental and autonomous part of the Architectural Discipline, through a set of specifically chosen Theories, individual reflections, books, manuals, constructed and paper projects. The Theory of Architecture is neither a “how to” guide nor a justification that follows the establishment of an architecture, but rather a stand-alone instance of architectural thought.
Core Documentation
a lot of information about the contents and results of course can be found in the blog: Franco la Cecla, Perdersi, l'uomo senza ambiente, Laterza, Bari, 1988
- Francesco Careri, Walkscapes. Camminare come pratica estetica, Einaudi, Torino 2006.
- Emanuele Coccia, La vita delle piante. Metafisica della mescolanza, il Mulino, Bologna 2018
- Camillo Boano, Progetto Minore. Alla ricerca della minorità nel progetto urbanistico ed architettonico, LetteraVentidue, Siracusa 2020
Reference Bibliography
- anna detheridge, scultori della speranza. l'arte nel contesto della globalizzazione, einaudi 2012 - francesco careri, constant / new babylon, una città nomade, testo & immagine, torino, 2001 - Angelucci Daniela, Contro la metafora. Deleuze e Guattari su Kafka, in Adriano Bertollini, Roberto Finelli (a cura di), Soglie del Linguaggio, Corpi, Mondi, Società, Tre e-press, Roma, 2017, pp. 7-17. - Amirante Roberta, Introduzione. Insegnare Teorie della ricerca Architettonica contemporanea, in Capuano Alessandra, di Donato Benedetta, Lanzetta Alessandro (a cura di), Cinque temi del modernocontemporaneo. Memoria, Natura, Energia, Comunicazione, Catastrofe, Quodlibet, Macerata, 2020. - Awan Nishat, Schneider Tatiana, Till Jeremy, Spatial Agency: Other Ways of Doing Architecture, Routledge, London, 2011. - Bianchetti Cristina, Il Novecento è Davvero Finito. Considerazioni sull’Urbanistica, Donzelli, Roma, 2011. - Bianchetti Cristina, Spazi che contano. Il progetto urbanistico in epoca neo-liberale, Donzelli, Roma, 2016. - Boano Camillo, “Decoloniare” L’urbanistica. Commento al libro di Antonio di Campli, Città Bene Comune, Casa della Cultura Milano, 2020, disponibile presso - Gentili Dario, Italian Theory: Dall’operaismo alla Biopolitica, Il Mulino, Milano, 2012. - Doucet Isabelle, Frichot Hélène, Resist, Reclaim Speculate, Situated perspectives on architecture and the city, in “Architectural Theory Review”, 22:1, 2018, pp. 1-8. - Meschiari Matteo, Disabitare. Antropologie dello spazio domestico, Meltemi, Milano. - Meschiari Matteo, Neogeografia. Per un Nuovo Immaginario Terrestre, Milieu Edizioni, Milano, 2019. - Nebuloni Attilio, Il Progetto Imperfetto. Lo studio della forma dei modelli di organizzazione generale dello spazio, Maggioli, Santarcangelo di Romagna, 2015.Type of delivery of the course
The course considers the need for an inseparable relationship between architecture and theory; the establishment of a mutual need between architectural design, its concrete exercising, and the advancement of theoretical reflection; and the systemization of disciplinary knowledge that brings the iridescent variety of technological, spatial, material, and applicable innovation within a framework of critical awareness, disciplinary systemization and advancement of knowledge. The course will be divided into four parts: A. Theoretical, monographic lectures on the general topics. B. Exemplary readings, texts from the History or Theory of Architecture or short exemplary essays, of a few pages, provided in pdf by the lecturer, read and discussed collectively in the classroom or outdoors. C. Thematic in-depth studies: conferences with external guests, seminars by young scholars with contributions of recent studies and research, didactic interactions with other courses of the Department, in particular with the Master Environmental Humanities and the Master Performing Arts and Community Spaces, lectures in collaboration with the Museo delle Periferie. D. Inspections and explorations in specific places in the city where to discuss in situ and share topics and experiences related to the current transformation of the city. Possible interactions with the Civic Arts Course.Attendance
attendance at face-to-face courses and excursions is compulsoryType of evaluation
The evaluation of the student will take into account the attendance to lectures, the knowledge of the topics and the reference texts, and the drafting of a paper to deepen the themes of the Course which will consist of a written text, discussed later in the Final Exam