The adaptive reuse of the existing heritage is one of the main dynamics for the transformation of the contemporary city. The course aims to focus on the reuse of existing heritage through projects of case studies implemented or in progress. There are three proposed focuses: the roles of the different actors involved, the mechanisms for identifying and making available economic resources, the availability of public spaces and services, and the contribution to the modernization of essential services (health, education, culture, etc ...).
The impacts evaluation of adaptive reuse in the territorial dimension will constitute a further area of interest of the course as well as the interrelationships with the aspects of mobility and in general the improvement of urban quality.
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Mutuazione: 21010049 PROCESSI DI RIUSO E RIUSO ADATTIVO DEL PATRIMONIO in Architettura - Progettazione urbana LM-4 Manfra Margherita


Reuse processes represent an opportunity to rethink the city through regeneration strategies that act as drivers for new urban visions.
The course will focus on the general issues of adaptive reuse, presenting project and best practice to outline cases and opportunities for this kind of intervention. Special consideration will be given to temporary reuse processes, seen as moments of experimentation and prologue for longer-term interventions.
The course aims to provide students with a critical approach of the issues related to adaptive reuse, stimulating the student’s capacity to envision incremental processes that consider economic and social factors in development perspectives.
Students will be required to work in different urban contexts to enhance their ability to interpret the existing heritage and to develop strategies aimed at hosting new temporary and permanent functions that can reactivate the architectural asset and its context.

Core Documentation

The texts are those that will be the subject of the lectures conducted in the classroom and will be indicated from time to time. The reference bibliography is given as an example

Type of delivery of the course

The course consist of lectures, seminars, guided tours and project workshops. The first part of the course present implemented and ongoing reuse projects through lectures, dialogues and external contributions. This will be followed by research and project exercises on different topics to be carried out in groups, which will be evaluated and will contribute to the material for the final exam. Students must attend at least 75 % of the classes to be admitted to the exam.

Type of evaluation

To succeed in the exam, students will need to demonstrate they have acquired the elements of the discipline provided in the course and illustrate the product of the design exercises.