21010038-2 - URBAN PLANNING

Analysis and design of architectural ensembles with particular regard to social components and relationships of the urban context. Introduction on examination behavior in public spaces and relations between practices of use and design.
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RE-MOVE-ROME-ROADS, as an integral part of the Laboratory of Urban Space Design, provides a series of critical elements to reinterpret the space of the road, and in particular that of the roads in the Roman territory, on a design level.

The Roman territory that falls within the administrative limits of Roma Capitale has a road network extension of about 8000 km (Roma Capitale, 2022). This network is difficult to maintain, not only because of its linear extension, which is coupled with a large surface area of asphalt, but also because of the nature of the subsoil and the microclimate, which is characterised by significant temperature variations.

If the pandemic emptiness of the roads has made possible unprecedented forms of temporary appropriation of the space of the car by humans and non-humans, the performative capacity of the road tends to remain limited to mobility, mainly automotive.

RE-MOVE-ROME-ROADS investigates design tools and processes instrumental in subverting the still monofunctional understanding of the space of the street, exploring actions and processes that allow to multiply the horizontal and vertical relationships that this urban device can entertain with the context.

The course is part of RE-MOVE-ROME, an action-research project of the Department of Architecture of Roma Tre, which explores the possibilities of removing the impermeable surface layer that pervades the metropolitan area of Rome in order to give more space to water and its infiltration and thus strengthen the regional water cycle and at the same time facilitate reforestation processes, contribute to the absorption of heat waves and droughts, and encourage processes of re-appropriation by the inhabitants.

Core Documentation

Jacobs, Jane (1961) Death and Life of Great American Cities. New York: Random House.

Viganò P. (2010), I territori dell'urbanistica, Officina Edizioni, Roma.

Reference Bibliography

Appleyard, D., Lynch, K. and Myer, J. (1964) The View from the Road. Cambridge: MIT Press. Becciu, G., Lanzani, A. e Zanfi, F., (2021) Negli ambiti fluviali: laminazione del rischio idraulico e riequilibrio ambientale e insediativo. In: Coppola A., Lanzani A., Pessina G., Zanfi F. (2021) Ricomporre i divari, Il Mulino, pp. 154-189. Ispra, Roma Capitale (2021) Il consumo di suolo di Roma Capitale. Analisi della copertura di suolo nel territorio del Comune di Roma, ISPRA. Jacobs, Jane (1961) Death and Life of Great American Cities. New York: Random House. Latour, Bruno (2000). Politiche della natura. Per una democrazia delle scienze, Raffaello Cortina Editore. Ontharding (2021) https://omgeving.vlaanderen.be Kaijima, M., Stalder, L. and Iseki, Y. (eds.) (2018). Architectural Ethnography. Tokyo: TOTO Publishing. Viganò P. (2010), I territori dell'urbanistica, Officina Edizioni, Roma.

Type of delivery of the course

A group of lectures based on selected readings deals with the right to the city of humans and non-humans. Another group will be dedicated to the narration of some recent projects of rehabilitation of the open space and the street that integrate an intelligence on the level of co-creation and/or co-production, and/or management of materials, and/or performativity both in terms of possible human and non-human practices and adaptability to climatic perturbations. One of the lessons takes the form of a workshop. In an open-air collegial moment, tools for the removal of road sealing surfaces and those for soil investigation will be tested, thanks also to the technical and knowledge support of Geologica s.r.l., operational partner of the RE-MOVE-ROME research.


Compulsory attendance (at least 75% of hours) Attendance is compulsory in accordance with the regulations.

Type of evaluation

The evaluation is carried out in agreement with the professors of the Laboratory of Urban Space Design and on the basis of the results of the project exploration. During the examination, argumentation skills and coherence of the analyses and projects produced will be considered (also in consideration of the proposed frontal lessons).  In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all provisions regulating the way in which teaching activities and student assessment are carried out will be implemented. In particular, the following modalities will be applied: distance teaching and examination while, as far as possible, several key moments of the course (e.g. introduction and workshops) will take place in presence ensuring, however, that safety distances are respected.