The course deals with the design of urban space considering the interaction with the built surroundings and environmental factors, the compatibility and incompatibility at different scales, in order to identify innovative technological solutions, which meet the requirements of users, enhance places and pursue the objectives of environmental sustainability. Key methodologies in performance, parameters, indicators and evaluation criteria guide the various stages of the process.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The Laboratory aims to investigate the transformations that, in the building process, affect the buildings and the contexts within which they are located, in order to identify solutions to operate, at the micro-urban and building scale, adopting a climate mitigation and adaptation approach.
The course addresses the relationship between the built environment, climate and new technologies by exploring the synergy between environmental factors, energy aspects, optimization of the form, use of green, soil treatment and choice of materials.
In particular, the course is configured as an opportunity to deepen the environmental issues, with a bioclimatic approach and content related to the field of sustainability, aimed at the acquisition of knowledge of sustainability certification protocols and methods of detection of environmental and energy issues oriented to the management of indoor and outdoor comfort.
The course includes lectures and project exercises, supported by the use of simulation software and calculation tools, aimed at investigating, with measurable results, the effects of the building on the environment, with reference to the phenomenon of Urban Heat Island, and the effects of the environment on buildings in terms of reduction of energy consumption.
Finally, in a vision of energy transition, and according with the Sustainable Development Goals, the European Green Deal and the NRRP, the course proposes to investigate, on a Roman district, chosen as a case study, the possibility of adopting strategies for energy transition and decarbonization.

Core Documentation

•Benedetti, C. (2013), Comfort urbano, Bolzano University Press.
•Butera, F. M., [2014]. Dalla caverna alla casa ecologica. Storia del comfort e dell’energia (nuova edizione), A Ed. Edizioni Ambiente, Milano.
•Casini, M. (2009). Costruire l'ambiente. Gli strumenti e i metodi della progettazione ambientale, Collana Manuali di Progettazione sostenibile, Edizioni Ambiente.
•Dierna, S., Orlandi, F. (2009) Ecoefficienza per la «Citta' Diffusa», Alinea Editore.
•Maretto, M. (2020), Il progetto urbano sostenibile. Morfologia, architettura, information technology, FrancoAngeli Editore.
•Martincigh, L. (2012) Strumenti di intervento per la riqualificazione urbana. La complessità dell'ambiente stradale, Gangemi Editore.
•Musco, F., Zanchini, E. (2014), Il clima cambia le città. Strategie di adattamento e mitigazione nella pianificazione urbanistica, FrancoAngeli Editore.
•Olgyay, V. [2013]. Progettare con il clima. Un approccio bioclimatico al regionalismo architettonico (nuova edizione), Franco Muzzio Editore, Roma.
•Rogora, A., [2012]. Progettazione bioclimatica per l'architettura mediterranea - Metodi Esempi, Wolters Kluwer Italia.

Other texts and teaching contributions will be indicated by the teacher in the course of the lectures.

Reference Bibliography

•Arieti, F. (2021). Progettare edifici a energia zero. Con espansioni online, Maggioli Editore •Grosso, M. (2017) Il raffrescamento passivo degli edifici in zone a clima temperato, Maggioli Editore. •Kabisch, N., Korn, H., Stadler, J., Bonn, A. (2017) Nature‐based Solutions to Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas, Springer Editore. •Lantschner, N. (2008), Casaclima. Il piacere Di abitare 2008, Athesia Editore. •Mainoli, A. (2020), Building Green Futures. Mario Cucinella Architects, Forma Edizioni. •Mehrotra, R., Vera, F., Mayoral, J. (2017) Ephemeral urbanism. Does permanence matter?, List Editore. •Pearson, L., Newton, P., Roberts, P. (2014) Resilient Sustainable Cities. A Future, Routledge Editore •Rogora, A., Dessì, V. (2005) Il comfort ambientale negli spazi aperti, EdicomEdizioni.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be held in person, with compulsory attendance. In the event of a new health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will be applied: teaching will be managed remotely, through the use of the Teams platform, and will provide for the sharing of the material remotely with tools such as OneDrive, Google Drive, Teams. In addition, the compulsory teaching activity will include both group lessons and collective and individual reviews. In addition, mandatory coursework will include: group lectures, classroom exercises, mid-term deliverables, seminar activities (with experts, industry professionals, manufacturers, designers), and group or individual review meetings.


The course will be held in person, with compulsory attendance.

Type of evaluation

The evaluation will be carried out on the graphic material elaborated for the exam, focused on the application of the acquired methods on a Roman district, and on the oral discussion starting from the project elaborations. The elaborates will have to represent, for the state of facts, the analysis of the context and of the relationship between built environment and climatic aspects, expressing the evaluation of the identified environmental problems. For the project, the drawings will have to represent the energy interventions on the buildings, investigating the optimization of the shape with reference to the solar contributions, the use of green areas, the treatment of soils and the choice of materials. In addition, the design choices will be supported by simulations carried out with software and tools indicated by the professor, in order to verify the possibility of introducing decentralized energy systems, the effects of the building on the environment, and the effects of environment on buildings, in a scenario of climate mitigation and adaptation. In the event of a new health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will be applied: the evaluation will be carried out starting from the progress found during the reviews, on the evaluations related to mid-term deliverables, on the digital delivery (two days before the exam) of the requested documents, and on the oral discussion starting from the documents.