The course provides the tools for understanding the formative, typological and construction characters of the city, the purpose of a conscious action of recovery, transformation or restoration, through the structural and architectural survey and the subsequent critical and philological analysis of the urban fabric.
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The course draws on the contribution of three different but complementary disciplines: restoration, survey, and mechanics of solids and structures that work together on a common theme. The three specific approaches are integrated aiming at the same objective: the study and interpretation of the existing city.
The course is carried out through three fundamental moments of knowledge, corresponding to three scales of investigation.
The first part is focused on the knowledge of the territorial system on a large scale, understanding the natural and environmental systems and putting them in relation with the historical formative phenomena of the city structure. The identification of different topographic levels and their decomposition and analysis through the study of geomorphology, historical and actual cartography, main phases of evolution of Rome, allows the understanding of the current urban consistency as a result of a layered anthropic process, intimately conditioned by the natural substrate.
In the second part we change scale: the work of analysis, verify and study of the city focuses on a portion of well-defined territory corresponding to one of the historical districts. The history and the reading of transformation of the district, the recognition of the building types that compose the urban fabric, the comparison with the present configuration, will lead to thematic syntheses addressed to the understanding of the examined urban area. At the same time, a block or a portion of it, is surveyed in order to make a closer observation, useful to experiment the graphic tools of survey and representation and learn the architectural and structural characters of the historical building.
For the purposes of this understanding, the typological study will be important, starting from historical bibliographic, archival and cartographic data, as well as comparison by analogy with types and fabrics recognizable in the surrounding context. This study is a prerequisite for the elaboration of the philological recompositions that are the subject of the third phase of the course. This involves the identification of a part of the city deeply transformed as a result of the post-unification interventions and, through archival, historical-bibliographical and iconographic research, its redesign. The operation is aimed not only to document the historical consistency of the urban fabric and its architectural configuration but also, through this, to apply the techniques of representation acquired and experiment through the use of a given commercial calculation code, a structural analysis of the historical building finalized to the restoration design.

Core Documentation

S. Muratori, R. Bollati, S. Bollati, G. Marinucci, Studi per una operante storia urbana di Roma, Roma, Centro Studi di Storia Urbanistica, 1963
G.Caniggia, G.L.Maffei: Lettura dell’edilizia di base, Venezia 1979
M. G. Corsini: Tipi e tessuti del centro storico di Roma. Lettura del costruito per il progetto, Edizioni Kappa, Roma, 1998.
Guide Rionali di Roma,fratelli palombi editori, Roma.
AA.VV. Architettura e urbanistica-uso e trasformazione della città storica, collana Roma Capitale 1870-1911, Marsilio ed. 1984
F.Giovanetti (a cura di): Manuale del recupero del comune di Roma, edizioni dei, Roma 1997.

Analisi e rappresentazione urbana:
R. Arnheim. Arte e percezione visiva. Milano 1965.
M. De Simone. Disegno, rilievo, progetto. Il disegno delle idee, il progetto delle cose. Roma 1990.
E. E. Viollet le Duc. Storia di un disegnatore. Cavallino. Venezia 1992.
M.Docci e D. Maestri. Scienza del disegno. Torino 2000.

Scienza delle costruzioni:
G.Cangi: “Manuale del recupero strutturale antisismico”, edizioni dei, Roma 2005.
A.Giuffré: Letture sulla Meccanica delle Murature Storiche, Edizioni Kappa, Roma 1991.
A.Giuffré: La meccanica nell’architettura, La Nuova Italia Scientifica, Roma 1986.

Reference Bibliography

Specific bibliography and cartography will be provided during the course

Type of delivery of the course

The course is given by lectures and work in class with activities of revision of the case-study.


75% compulsory

Type of evaluation

The exam will be carried out evaluating the theoretical preparation reguarding the topics discussed during the lessons and the design of the case study, taking into account also the outcome of the ongoing evaluations.