The development of a project on an urban scale (masterplan) with particular attention to the themes of the resilience to the climate change and to the relationship between physical and social form. Among the topics discussed: use of space; temporality of movement of the inhabitants; open and built spaces; design of soil and infrastructure; places of social life, of living and working. In addition, they analyze the models of urban development and demographic, land use, traffic, food sustainability, social interactions and urban spaces, the economy and the metabolism of the city.
teacher profile teaching materials
○ Data collection
○ Averages and standard deviation
○ Percentiles
○ Fit of curves
○ Variability and inequality of distributions
○ Lorenz curve
○ The Gini coefficient
● Probability and combinatorics
○ Random variables and discrete distributions
○ Conditional probability
○ Bayes' theorem
○ Gaussian distribution
○ Power and exponential distributions
○ Central limit theorem
● Statistical inference
○ Null models, z-scores, p-values
○ Chi-square test
Statistica – Metodologie per le Scienze economiche e sociali, Simone Borra e Agostino Di Ciaccio. Mc Graw Hill
Teoria dei Grafi:
Network Science. Albert-Laszlo Barabasi
Scale-free networks: complex webs in nature and technology. Guido Caldarelli
Sample data○ Data collection
○ Averages and standard deviation
○ Percentiles
○ Fit of curves
○ Variability and inequality of distributions
○ Lorenz curve
○ The Gini coefficient
● Probability and combinatorics
○ Random variables and discrete distributions
○ Conditional probability
○ Bayes' theorem
○ Gaussian distribution
○ Power and exponential distributions
○ Central limit theorem
● Statistical inference
○ Null models, z-scores, p-values
○ Chi-square test
Core Documentation
Dati, probabilità, statistica:Statistica – Metodologie per le Scienze economiche e sociali, Simone Borra e Agostino Di Ciaccio. Mc Graw Hill
Teoria dei Grafi:
Network Science. Albert-Laszlo Barabasi
Scale-free networks: complex webs in nature and technology. Guido Caldarelli
Reference Bibliography
Urban data science: Introduction to Space Syntax in Urban Studies. Akkelies van Nes, Claudia Yamu The Statistical Physics of Cities. Marc Barthelemy (Review)Type of delivery of the course
The course will be part didactic lecture for basic statistics and mathematics, part laboratory with exercises conducted in class, computer modeling and data analysis, seminars and discussions on current topics and research.Attendance
Attendance is mandatory for 75% of the courseType of evaluation
General understanding of even complex graphs and statistics. Ability to process data using basic and intermediate statistical techniques. Ability to produce map visualizations of georeferenced data. Knowledge of the state of the art of urban modeling.