21010176 - Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for land use and environmental planning

The objective of the course is to present GIS tools for managing the complexity of geographic data and information describing land and landscape components. The course aims to provide the basic techniques and tools, which can be used in an open-source GIS environment, for the analysis and processing of spatial, social and environmental data to support urban and regional planning processes.
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Geographic information systems (GIS) today are an indispensable tool for organizing and managing the complexity of data and information describing territorial and landscape components. The course will include a theoretical introductory part on the GIS and the regulatory framework at the national and regional levels for processing and sharing geographic data for land governance. In this phase, the potential of GISs as supporting tools in the construction of the knowledge framework and in the evaluation of planning choices will also be highlighted showing how they were implemented within some municipal urban plans.
A second group of communications will include the presentation of Italian and international case studies of GIS applications having an innovative approach, in the field of urban regeneration, landscape planning and assessment, environmental and climate planning, strategic environmental assessment, and mapping and assessment of ecosystem services.
A part of the course will be devoted to acquiring the basic technical skills to build and manage a spatial database using QGIS, which is currently the most popular free and open-source GIS desktop software. This part of the course will include practical applications in the context of the Metropolitan City of Rome with in-depth examination of the following GIS functionalities: management of geographic reference systems; import of geospatial data from national and regional geoportals including through web services (WMS, WFS and WCS); georeferencing and digitization of thematic datasets; complex analysis (geoprocessing) of geographic databases, vector and raster data; and processing of maps and statistical reports.

Core Documentation

a. Noti V., GIS open source per geologia e ambiente. Analisi e gestione di dati territoriali e ambientali con QGIS, Flaccovio Dario, 2021.
b. Van Maarseveen M., Martinez J., Flacke J., GIS in Sustainable Urban Planning and Management. A Global Perspective, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
c. Migliaccio F., Carrion D., Sistemi informativi territoriali. Principi e applicazioni, UTET Università 2019.

Type of delivery of the course

The course includes lectures prospecting the theoretical and methodological foundations of geographic information systems. The presentation of case studies will be carried out through seminar with the participation of experts. The part of the course dedicated to learning the QGIS software will be divided into a theoretical part and a practical and applicative part referred to the context of the Metropolitan City of Rome.


attendance is mandatory for75% of the course

Type of evaluation

The final evaluation will be based on the results achieved through the students’ active participation to the seminars, and on the results of the practical exercise, which will include the elaboration of a geographic database referred to an area in the Metropolitan City of Rome.