The course aims to introduce students to the knowledge of Italian architecture in the first decades after the Second World War, read in relation to the international context and the crisis of the Modern.
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Mutuazione: 21010205 STORIA DELL’ARCHITETTURA ITALIANA DEL ‘900 in Architettura - Progettazione architettonica LM-4 TALAMONA MARIA IDA, CAUSARANO FEDERICA


Course 2023-24 traces the history of 20th century Italian architecture, from the Unification of Italy to the end of the century, focusing on the protagonists, works and themes of the architectural and urban planning debate. The course is divided into classroom lessons and outdoor visits. In A.Y. 2023-24 the course is dedicated to architecture in Rome, with particular attention to completed and unbuilt works, to the various movements read in relation to the international debate, to competitions and exhibitions, and to moments of continuity and discontinuity of theoretical discourse.
There will be talks by specialist scholars and a seminar dedicated to the work and figure of Marcello Piacentini, held by Prof. Paolo Nicoloso.

Core Documentation

Marco Biraghi, Storia dell’architettura contemporanea 1945-2008, vol. II, Einaudi, Torino 2008.
Marco Biraghi, Storia dell’architettura italiana 1985-2015, Einaudi, Torino 2013.
Giorgio Ciucci, Gli architetti e il fascismo. Architettura e città 1922-1944, Einaudi, Torino 1989.
Giorgio Ciucci, Giorgio Muratore (a cura di), Storia dell’architettura contemporanea. Il primo Novecento, Electa, Milano 2004.
Francesco Dal Co (a cura di), Storia dell’architettura italiana. Il secondo Novecento, Electa, Milano 1997.
Manfredo Tafuri, Storia dell’architettura italiana 1944-1985, Einaudi, Torino 1986.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be held through in-class lectures. The lectures will be given by the course holders and, in some cases, by visiting professors.


The course requires compulsory attendance of at least 75% of the lessons.

Type of evaluation

The evaluation is based on an oral examination. The student will have to answer some questions related to the course program and will have to demonstrate a good knowledge of the topic addressed. The student must also prove to be able to describe plans and elevations of the buildings discussed.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21010205 STORIA DELL’ARCHITETTURA ITALIANA DEL ‘900 in Architettura - Progettazione architettonica LM-4 TALAMONA MARIA IDA, CAUSARANO FEDERICA


The course explores the history of Italian 20th-century architecture, from the unification of Italy to the end of the century. Emphasizing key figures, works, and themes, the course includes both classroom lectures and external visits. Focused on Rome in the 2023-24 academic year, it examines realized and unrealized works, various movements in the international discourse, competitions, exhibitions, and moments of continuity and discontinuity in theoretical discussions. Specialized scholars will contribute, and a seminar on Marcello Piacentini will be led by Professor Paolo Nicoloso.
The second part of the course delves into Roman experiences from the post-war period to Jubilee 2000. It addresses key themes such as post-war reconstruction, the crisis of the Modern Movement, the relationship with history and tradition, the debate on art, architecture, and the city, disciplinary identity, and the development of new technologies. This involves studying key figures' activities and analyzing significant works of the period.

Core Documentation

M. Tafuri, Storia dell’architettura italiana 1944-1985, Einaudi, Torino 1982.
F. Dal Co (a cura di), Storia dell’architettura italiana. Il secondo Novecento, Electa, Milano 1997.
M. Biraghi, Storia dell’architettura contemporanea 1945-2008, vol. II, Einaudi, Torino 2008.
E. G. Haddad, D. Rifkind (a cura di), A critical history of Contemporary Architecture: 1960-2010, Routledge, Oxford 2014.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will consist of classroom lectures. In case of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, we will implement all the provisions governing teaching modalities and student assessment. In particular, the lessons may be given either in mixed mode, alternating face-to-face lessons and distance lessons, via the Microsoft Teams platform, or exclusively by remotely on the same platform. The course requires compulsory attendance of at least 75% of the lessons.


The course requires compulsory attendance of at least 75% of the lessons.

Type of evaluation

The assessment consists of an oral examination. The student must answer some questions related to the course content and demonstrate a good knowledge of the subject matter. The student must also demonstrate the ability to draw plans, sections and elevations of the buildings covered.